Title: obs Letterland
1obs Letterland Almere The Netherlands Geschw
ister Scholl Grundschule Falkensee (Berlin) -
2Germany 82,5 million inhabitants Berlin 3,4
Netherlands 16, 3 million inhabitants Almere 175.
3English in Germanydepends on the federal
state English in Falkensee / Brandenburg-
Starts in first class (6 years old)- 10 min to
60 min each week- focus on communication, almost
no grammar or writing skills.- grades in their
reports based on class tests Some kindergartens
offer English, parents pay extra for these
lessons. One kindergarten in Falkensee is
bilingual. Learning a second language is becoming
more popular but still there are hardly any
opportunities to hear native speakers e.g. on TV
4490 pupils 26 teachers Grade 1-6 (group 3-8 in
the Dutch school system) 25-30 children in each
class Very intelligent children can go to the
gymnasium after class 4
5- Network possibilities
- Foreign language weekends for teachers of second
languages (www.lisum.brandenburg.de ) - contact with colleagues during training sessions
organized by the British Council
6Teachers and parents There are three English
(subject)teachers in the school. They follow
courses outside the school. Classes 1 and 2 are
taught by their own teachers Parents are involved
in school activities. Especially as board
members or sponsors. There is interest in taking
part in the Summer Camps 2006
7Great expectations From 30 examinations to
.??..... Teacher training courses
possible? International Summer Camps An exchange
of ideas and materials is always welcome