Title: Match OBS Final Pass
1- Match OBS Final Pass
- Verification web page
- Fuel Moisture Grid
- FWF tables
- WFO Salt Lake City
2Match Obs All Final Pass
- Final pass on MaxT, MinT to match all available
STP, RAWS highs, lows - 90-100 stations each 12 hour cycle
- Automatic use of serp_file
- Coordinated with WR grid verification
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4 from STPALTA ,40.5905,-111.6369,
45BLANDING ,38.6167,-109.4833,73BRIGHAM
CITY ,41.5167,-112.0500,70BRYCE CANYON
,38.7800,-109.7500,74CEDAR CITY
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8Fuel moisture for NFDRS
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11FWF Formatter
8000 foot data
AFD elements
5000 foot data
3000 foot data
Ridge wind
12Fire Area 1 near 5000.TODAY...58-62
TREND... 511-17 TREND... 2.TONIGHT...32-38
TREND... No change37-53 TREND...
25.MONDAY...66-69 TREND... 812-18
TREND... 2Fire Area 1 near
8000.TODAY...51-57 TREND... 915-19
TREND... 6.TONIGHT...27-33 TREND... No
change33-43 TREND... 15.MONDAY...54-57
TREND... No change14-20 TREND... No