Title: 36x48 vertical poster template
1 Muon Reconstruction in CMS A. Everett, C. Liu,
N. Neumeister, A. Svyatkovskiy, H. Yoo Purdue
The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector
Reconstruction Performance
- CMS uses three types of gaseous particle
detectors for muon identification - Drift Tubes (DT) in the central barrel region
(?lt1.2) - 4 layers per superlayer
- 2-3 superlayers per station
- 4 stations
- Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) in the endcaps
(0.8lt?lt2.4) - 1 wire plane and 1 cathode plane with strips per
gap - 6 gaps per chamber
- 4 stations
- Resistive Parallel Plate Chambers (RPC) in barrel
and endcap - 1-2 RPC per DT
- 1 RPC per CSC
Momentum resolution vs. psudorapidity and
momentum for Tracks from the silicon tracker,
Standalone Muons from the muon system, and Global
Muons from the silicon tracker and muon system.
- Resolution Measurement from Monte Carlo
- Calculate reconstruction momentum resolution as
the relative difference of reconstructed track
momentum to Monte Carlo generated track momentum - At low energies, the Silicon Tracker dominates
the momentum measurements - At higher energies, the increased lever arm of
the muon chambers causes the Standalone track
momentum to dominate the momentum resolution - Over all energies, the combination of Tracker and
Standalone tracks (Global tracks) gives the best
momentum resolution
Reconstruction Algorithms
- Muon Track Reconstruction
- Local Reconstruction of hits and segments in the
muon chambers - Reconstruction of the track in the muon system
(Standalone Muon) - Reconstruction of the track combining information
from the tracker and the muon system (Global Muon)
Efficiency vs. Pseudorapidity for Standalone
Muons (left) and Algorithmic Efficiency for
Global Muons (right) for five momentum samples of
single muons
- Global Muon Reconstruction
- Global Muon Tracks combine information from
whole tracking system of the CMS detector - Use standalone muon parameters to select a region
of interest in the silicon tracker - Select tracks from silicon tracker
- Offline assume all silicon tracker tracks
already reconstructed - Online create a trajectory seed and grow a
trajectory using standard Kalman algorithm - Track Matching match tracker tracks to
standalone tracks - Global fit of track parameters using hits from
tracker track and standalone muon track
- Standalone Muon Reconstruction
- Based on the Kalman Filter technique
- Seed state estimation
- Offline estimated from local segments
- Online estimated from L1 Trigger
- Inside-Out pattern recognition
- Middle point of segments avoids seed bias
- Outside-In track reconstruction
- Segments for pattern recognition and hits for
Kalman Filter trajectory update - Vertex Constraint extrapolate track to the point
of closest approach to the beam line beam spot
is constrained to be a point on the track
- Efficiency Measurement from Monte Carlo
- Calculate reconstruction efficiency as the ratio
of reconstructed events to Monte Carlo generated
events - Standalone and Global Muon efficiencies near 100
in entire detector - The efficiency valleys are due to well understood
boundaries between physical structures
Performance with Cosmic Muon Events
- Muon Identification
- Inside-Out strategy to complement offline
Standalone and Global Muon Collections - Look at all tracker tracks
- Check energy deposits in calorimeters and muon
chambers - Determine if deposits are consistent with a muon
- Cosmic Muon Reconstruction
- Special reconstruction algorithms developed for
cosmic ray muons - Useful for detector alignment and calibration
- Useful to distinguish between muons from
collisions, cosmic rays, beam-halo, etc.
Momentum resolution (Mean, left and Sigma, right)
vs. momentum for reconstructed muons from data
collected during CRAFT.
- Momentum Resolution Measurement from Cosmic Muon
Data - Calculate reconstructed muon momentum resolution
using data collected from the Cosmic Run at Four
Tesla (CRAFT) which ran with a magnetic field of
3.8 T - Compare the resolution from data with the
resolution calculated using Cosmic Muon Monte
Illustration of differences between muons from
(a) collisions, (e) beam halo, and (b)(c)(d)(f)
cosmic rays