Title: Health Risk Assessment
1- Health Risk Assessment
- Tord Kjellstrom
- National Center for Epidemiology and Population
Health - Australian National University
2Three parts to the lecture
- Principles of health risk assessment (HRA)
- Case study of HRA for air pollution in New
Zealand - Link between HRA and guidelines/standards setting
at international level
3Ultimate aim of health risk assessment (HRA)
- To provide the best possible scientific, social
and practical information about the health risks,
so that these can be discussed more broadly and
the best decisions made as to what to do about
them - from Environmental Health Risk Assessment,
EnHealth Council report, June 2002. Canberra,
Commonwealth Depatment of Health and Aging - www. health.gov.au/pubhlth/strateg/envhlth/risk/
4Different settings for HRA
- Generic HRA for a particular pollutant
- What are the documented health hazards due to CO
exposure? - Location/time specific HRA for a particular
pollutant - What is the health risk(or impact) caused by this
pollutant in a particular geographic area during
a particular time? - Location/time specific HRA (or HIA) for a
combination of all pollutants from a particular
source. - What is the health impact of vehicle air
emissions, or what improvement in health could be
gained from a 25 reduction of driving?
5Air pollution exposure
Population health effects
Future health impacts
Does air quality pose a health risk here? Until
now? In the future?
6Four steps in risk assessment
- 1. Hazard identification
- 2. Dose-response assessment
- 3. Exposure assessment
- combine 1,2,3 into gtgtgt
- 4. Risk characterization
- What is the estimated attributable occurrence of
the adverse effect in a given population ?
- The answer leads to gtgt
- Risk evaluation
- Risk perception/communic.
- Exposure control
- risk monitoring
7EnHealth document, Environmental HRA
- Adds an initial step Issue identification
- What is the concern?
- Why is the concern an issue?
- How was the concern raised?
- Is the issue amenable to risk assessment?
- This is similar to scoping the issues in
Environmental impact assessment - Otherwise the same approach is promoted by
EnHealth as by WHO, USEPA, NSW EPA, as well as
authorities in the UK, Canada, NZ, etc.
8Hazard identification
- What types of adverse health effects may be
caused by the hazard? - How quickly may the effects be experienced and
how long would their duration be? - Toxicological and epidemiological data, review
reports, generic health risk conclusions - Information sources WHO Env Health Criteria,
Australian govt review documents, Internet
searches, handbooks on specific topics (e.g.
9Dose-response assessment
- Quantifying relationships between exposures and
health effects - Dose-response relationship
- Dose-effect relationship
- Public health impact
- Burden of disease and injury
10Dose-response curves for effects of lead in
11View over Christchurch, winter morning woodsmoke
12Residual of model without pollutants against the
level of PM10 (Christchurch, whole year model,
average daily temp)
Each point is an average of 20 adjacent points
sorted by PM10
13Poisson regression result (1988 - 1997)(for
summer only)
Health outcome Total deaths
- Maximum hourly temperature above 27.9 degree C
had a significant effect on same day total
mortality but no significant effect on total
mortality on subsequent days. - PM10 level had a significant effect on same day
total mortality and also on total mortality on
subsequent days. However, PM10 level of the same
day had the strongest association with total
daily mortality. - CO and NO2 levels were not significant when PM10
was in the model
14 Dose-Effect Relationship
15Effect of Ozone on Pulmonary Function
16 Dose-response curves, speed and car crash
17Interpretation issues in dose-response
- Short-term exposure and short-term effects Acute
effects - Longer term exposure Chronic effects
- Time-scale in air pollution epidemiology studies
- Daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, annual
- Latency period, Time-lag
- Effect modification by age, or longer exposure
and higher dose at higher age? - Effect modification by temperature, weather,
season - Short lag in summer, longer lag in winter
18Age-effect on weekly mortality/10,000 before and
during London Fog 1952
19Christchurch non-external mortality increase ()
per degree, Rh or 10 ug/m3 lag 0 (1 or 2
similar) Figures in red, plt0.05
20Christchurch mortality increase () per degree,
or 10 ug/m3 lag 0 (1 or 2 similar)figures in
red, plt0.05
21Climate temperature and humidity
- Cold damp climate
- frostbite
- respiratory disease
- mold, housemites allergies, asthma
- Increased mortality in people with chronic heart
and respiratory disease
- Hot humid climate
- Heat stroke, deaths
- Lower work ability
- Skin irritation from excessive sweating
22Seasonality of hospital admissions, Auckland
23Exposure assessment
- Air monitoring outdoors, representative levels of
the whole populations exposure - Personal monitoring or high density multiple
monitoring stations outdoor and indoor air, in
vehicle air - Atmospheric models based on emissions inventories
- Validation of model comparing monitoring and
model, sample surveys of individuals with
personal monitors - Personal time-location records exposure
contribution from each microenvironment - Seasonal variations in exposure sources
24When and where do people get the highest
25Motor vehicle air pollution in Auckland
26Overlaid grid cell NO2 concentrations and census
area boundaries in Auckland
27Circulatory Respiratory Mortality
No. Days NO2 gt 33 µg/m3
28Risk characterization
- Health risk exposure x dose-response coeff.
- Health impact (case number) risk x population
- Ideally age-specific differences in dose-response
coeff. Should be taken into account - Presenting impacts as numbers of cases, potential
years of life lost, DALYs, etc. - Calculating health risk with a metabolic model
- Risk evaluation comparing with acceptable
risk, often purely by comparing predicted
exposures with air quality standards - and then Preventive policies and actions
29Metabolic model for a chemical hazard
Assume intake Calculate level in critical
organ Use dose-response relationship at organ
level to estimate risk of damage Assess health
30Considering multiple health impacts
- A particular pollutant may cause different types
of health effects e.g. PM causes increased
acute mortality and also lung cancer - A pollutant may be considered as a proxy for a
combination of pollutants with different effects
e.g. PM, CO and NO2 almost always occur together
as pollutants from vehicle or combustion sources - A pollutant source may be associated with quite
different effects, that would be prevented if
certain action is taken to reduce pollution from
this source e.g. reducing vehicle use leads to
collateral health gains
31Estimating deaths from crashes and vehicle air
emissions in Auckland during commuting hours
- 80 deaths/year in car crashes 50 during weekday
commuting hours 40 deaths/year - recent study in Europe car air pollution
contributes to 400 deaths/million people/10 ug/m3
PM10 - if half of Aucklands million people are exposed
to 10 ug/m3 from vehicles, and half of the
pollution is created during weekday commuting
100 deaths/year
32Deaths from physical in-activity among car drivers
- - lack of natural daily physical exercise
one outcome of in the 300,000 car commuters of
Auckland - obesity prevalence in Auckland appr. 20 (60,000
of car commuters) - obesity increase among constant car users appr.
1.2 (appr. 10,000 car-obese among commuters) - at 0.8 background mortality per year and appr.
50 increased mortality among obese people, the
car commuter obesity would cause 0.4 x 10,000 -
40 deaths/year
33Potentially reduced health costs with increased
public transport commuting and reduced
unnecessary car driving in Auckland
- Total road toll from crashes, air pollution and
obesogenic environment 180 lives/year - Bringing Auckland to Melbourne level of public
transport use (10 reduced car commuting)
possibly saves 18 lives/year - Bringing Auckland to Stockholm level (25 reduced
car commuting) possibly saves 45 lives/year
34Comparing Collateral health gains with
Greenhouse gas gains
- 25 reduction of private car commuting would lead
to a 20 reduction of CO2 emissions 380,000
tons - at US 21/ton CO2 equ.gtgtgt NZ 20
million/yr - Value of reduced mortality at 2 million/death
NZ 90 million/yr - To this should be added other health costs
- Thus, CO2 value alone underestimates economic
value by at least a factor of 5 ! ( 20 instead
of 110 million)
35Case study
 Health effects due to motor vehicle air
pollution in New Zealand. Â Â Report to the
Ministry of Transport  20 March,
2002 Â Â Â Â G.W. Fisher1, K. A. Rolfe2, Prof. T.
Kjellstrom3, Prof. A. Woodward4, Dr S. Hales4,
Dr A. P. Sturman5, Dr S. Kingham5, J. Petersen1,
R. Shrestha3, D. King1.  1.  NIWA 2.  Kevin
Rolfe Associates Limited 3.  University of
Auckland 4.  Wellington Medical School 5. Â
University of Canterbury http//www.transport.gov
36Hazard identification and scoping section
4 The New Zealand Situation 4.1 Scope 4.2 Applicab
ility of overseas research 4.3 Validity of
comparisons between 'health effects' and 'road
toll effects' 4.4 Possible confounding
effects 4.5 Previous studies New Zealand studies
linking air quality and health effects
37Difference in mortality impact between
non-external deaths and traffic crash deaths
38Exposure assessment section
5 Air Pollution Exposure 5.1 Scope 5.2 Methodology
5.3 Data sources Measurement methods
Proportion due to vehicles 5.4 Concentration
results 5.5 Discussion Extreme days Natural
sources Seasonal variations Vehicle
proportion 5.6 Exposure results Total NZ
population Regional breakdown
39Input from emission inventories
40Summary of national exposuresNumber of people
(thousands) exposed to nine range categories of
annual PM10 exposure
Only people gt 30 years of age only vehicle
related pollution
41Dose-response and risk characterization section
6 Health Effects 6.1 Scope 6.2 Calculation
methods 6.3 Dose-response relationships The
Künzli study Studies providing the dose-response
relationship for the Künzli study 6.4 Results
42Basic calculation method Kunzli study
43Estimated current number of deaths due to PM10
air pollution in NZ
44Total mortality (all ages) due to road toll and
vehicle emissions
45Applying in HRA in standards setting and policy
- An international example the WHO Air Quality
Guidelines for Europe, 1999 - www. who.int/docstore/peh/air/guidelines
- Objectives
- to help countries derive their own national air
quality standards - technologically feasible consider social
constraints - eliminates, or reduces to a minimum, hazards to
46WHO Air quality guidelines
- Covers
- SPM (PM10, PM2.5) dose-response functions
- lead, gaseous pollutants (CO, NO2, SO2, ozone,
etc.) maximum exposure concentrations - Carcinogenic compunds estimates of carcinogenic
potency (additional lifetime risk from exposure
to 1 ug/m3) - Adapting these to national needs requires
- Considering vulnerable populations
- Applying uncertainty factors
- Taking socio-economic issues into account
47Dose-response functions for PM10 (WHO AQGs)
48With current modes of economic development comes
the air pollution from vehicles ! How will the
global community deal with this challenge to
Manila, 2001 (PM10 300 ug/m3)