Title: Welcome to District 100
1Welcome to District 100!!
This is a wonderful district to be a part of and
we are so glad that you will be with us for this
part of your journey into education. We are a
technology embracing district which is wonderful
because you will have access to some wonderful
teaching tools. In our attempt at conserving our
natural resources, almost all of the information
you will need for a successful experience can be
found online at either the district website, or
the specific school/teacher website.
2Central Middle School
Mr. Harold Gries- PrincipalMrs. Megan Johnson-
Assistant PrincipalMs. Stephanie Bye- Assistant
Principal 8787 Beloit RoadBelvidere, IL
61008Phone- 815.544.0190Fax- 815.544.1128
School Report Card Click on image to access link
3Central Middle School website http//www.district
4voyager (n.)
1. one who makes a journey to a distant
place. 2. one who makes a journey of discovery
or exploration.
5Voyager Vision Statement
The primary goal of the Voyager team is to foster
responsibility and organization in students
during this transitional year. Academic success
will be ensured when such responsibility is
achieved. Additionally, we will support parents
in assisting their children to develop these
important life skills.
6th Grade Voyagers Mrs. Tosi Language Arts ext
3243 PTosi_at_district100.com Mrs. Spears Math ext
3240PSpears_at_district100.com Mrs. Reisen Social
Studies ext 3241 JGoldsmith_at_district100.com Mrs.
Drouare (team leader) Science ext 3234
JDrouare_at_district100.com Mrs. Proffit Language
Arts ext 3154 TProffit_at_district100.com
Many of us have created websites which can be
accessed directly from the Central Middle School
website. All of the information that I have in
the black binder behind my desk can also be
accessed directly from either the district
website http//www.district100.com/ or the
central website http//www.district100.com/cms/In
6Curriculum Belvidere Community Unit School
District 100 offers a comprehensive curriculum
with high expectations for all students. The
ultimate goal of the curriculum is to provide a
meaningful, challenging, and successful learning
experience for all students.The Illinois
Learning Standards serve as the base from which
District 100 Curriculum Guides have been
developed. Grade-level and subject area
curriculum guides were created to ensure that
students meet the standards set by the State of
Illinois. The curriculum guides provide
articulation between grades as well as alignment
with the Illinois Learning Standards. Curriculum
development and review is an on-going process.
As repetitions and gaps in the curriculum are
identified, curriculum guides are revised and
6th Grade Language Arts Standards Click on the
image to access the link
Each language arts class is 100 minutes in
length The class is divided into four main
sections Reading, Grammar, Writing,
Vocabulary. Our Reading component focuses on
non-fiction strategies and elements of
fiction Our Grammar component focuses on
expanding the basic parts of speech and using
them correctly Our Writing component focuses on
the 6 traits model and students work on both
writing and peer revision techniques. Our
Vocabulary component focuses on prefixes,
suffixes and roots which have high frequency in
our reading and writing.
- This year we are also piloting two programs to
help assist student learning. - Classroom Differentiation
- Students are provided with learning
opportunities that are targeted for their
ability. - 2) Technology
- We recognizing how quickly our students are able
to learn and adapt to new technology, so we are
implementing technology ideas and components into
our instructional delivery and assignment
8Reading Resources
Scholastic Storyworks
EdHelper (subscription only-ask to see if team
Click above to access link
Click above to access link
Brain Pop (subscription only-ask to see if team
Click above to access link
Click above to access link
United Streaming (subscription only-ask to see if
team subscribes)
Rebecca Caudill
Click above to access link
Click above to access link
9Grammar Resources
English Page
Click above to access link
Click above to access link
Grammar Practice
Click above to access link
Click above to access link
106-Traits Resources
Nevada Writing Project
OWL (Online Writing Lab)
Click above to access link
Click above to access link
Extended Responses
Corbett Harrison
Click above to access link
Click above to access link
11GRADING SYSTEM Student achievement is graded on
the following basis 90-100 A
(superior achievement) 80-89
B (above average achievement) 70-79
C (average achievement) 60-69 D
(below average achievement) below 60
F (failing work) HONOR ROLL The Honor Roll
is published at the end of each grading period.
The purpose of the Honor Roll is to recognize
those students who achieve excellence in their
classroom work. To be eligible for the Honor
Roll, you must earn a minimum grade point average
of 3.25 for all graded classes. To compute ones
grade point average, each grade is given points
as follows A
4 B 3 C
2 D 1 F 0 Total
your points and divide that figure by the number
of subjects. All subjects are to be used in the
computation. A grade of "F" automatically
eliminates one from the Honor Roll.To be eligible
for an award at the end of the year, one must
qualify for the Honor Roll each of the four
grading periods. Students who qualify for the
Honor Roll all four grading periods in one year
will receive an Honor Roll pin. Students who
qualify for the Honor Roll each grading period
for three years receive a Presidential Academic
Achievement Certificate. HOMEWORK Homework is a
necessary part of each students educational
program. Each student is expected to spend some
time on school assignments in addition to
scheduled class instruction time to achieve
satisfactory grades. It is important that each
student complete all homework assigned by the
due date. RENAISSANCE PROGRAM The Renaissance
program is a student incentive program that
recognizes and rewards positive behavior and
achievement. Folders, pencils, coupons,
certificates, and other awards will be presented
for good attendance, behavior, and grade
improvement. Mall discount cards will be issued
to honor roll students who also have good
attendance and behavior. REPORT CARDS Pupil
progress is reported to students and parents
formally four times per year. Report cards are
issued to students at the end of each nine-week
grading period.
Bell 838 Tardy Bell STUDENT
ABSENCES When a student is absent from school,
parents should call the school (544-0190) as soon
as possible after 815 a.m. If parents do not
call the school, we will attempt to call parents
at home or at work. Parents may find it more
convenient to call the school.If students miss
more than one instructional period a ½ day
absence will be marked per Illinois Code of
Attendance. If parental contact has not been
made, the school will accept a note from parents
explaining absences. The student should deliver
the note to the office when he/she returns to
school.All absences will be considered unexcused
until the school receives a phone call or note
explaining the absence.STUDENT APPOINTMENTS
Doctor, Dentist, etc. If at all possible, doctor,
dentist, etc. appointments should be made during
non-school hours. If appointments during school
hours are necessary, parents should notify the
school, by phone or note, stating the nature and
time of the appointment. The student will be
issued a pass to be excused from class for the
appointment. Students should report to the office
when they return to school. They will be issued
an admit to class. In the event that a vacation
is scheduled during the school year, the student
should contact the Belvidere Central Middle
School office and the teachers ahead of time so
that make-up work can be arranged. Assignments
are due upon the students return to school. We
have schoolwork up to the final day of student
attendance. Students who leave early are
required to complete all work, including tests,
prior to leaving school. Students who fail to do
so may expect to receive zeroes for any work
missed. MAKE-UP WORK Make-up work is the
responsibility of the student, not the teacher.
Students should consult teachers as to work
missed due to absence. Make-up procedures may
vary from class to class. In general, unless a
student has an extended illness, all make-up work
must be completed within two days for each day
absent. A maximum of five days is allowed for the
completion of make-up work. Students whose
make-up work is not completed within the required
time may be given a failing grade for that
work. Students absent for one day or less should
wait until they return to school, contact a
fellow classmate for make-up work, or utilize the
homework hotline for assistance. Parents may
request assignments for students who are absent
two or more days. We request twenty-four (24)
hours notice for teachers to prepare make-up
assignments. Assignments may not be available
from all classes. Some work cannot be completed
outside the classroom. In some cases, students
may be required to make up missed work before or
after school. When time is spent preparing
assignments and collecting books and materials,
it is expected that the students will complete
the work prior to returning to class. When
assignments are sent home, they must be completed
when the student returns to school. STUDENT AND
PROCEDURES Faculty School hours are from
800-345. The first bell rings at 832.
Students should not arrive at school before 825
unless they ride district buses or are involved
in a specific school related activity. All bussed
students will enter the south side entrance. All
students driven by their parents will enter the
north side entrance. These doors open at 815.
No students are allowed in the building before
815.After 815, students may go to their
designated waiting area or to the Learning Center
(LC). Students may only go to their classroom
teachers if they have a pass. The LC is to be
used only for studying. Once a student enters
the cafeteria (8th grade only) or LC, he/she is
expected to remain there until dismissal at
832. Students are dismissed by tables, after
chairs are straightened and the area is clean.
Students may not leave without permission of the
school day ends at 310. Unless involved in a
school related activity or with a teacher,
students should not remain in the building or on
the school grounds after 325 Faculty is required
to monitor the hallways until all students exit
the building. The remaining contractual time can
be used for teacher preparation.
13Observational Framework
The observational framework used in district 100
is, A Framework for Teaching by Charlotte
Danielson. This model is a simple concise way of
evaluating four areas or domains of teaching.
Many districts are moving to this style or a
similar style of teacher evaluation. If you would
like to incorporate this into your observations,
please let me know. The following four domains
and their components are (taken from A Framework
for Teaching, Danielson, 1996)
1) Planning and Preparation Content
knowledge Student knowledge Instructional
goals Resource knowledge Coherent
instruction Assessment of student learning 2)
The Classroom Environment Respect and
Rapport Learning culture Classroom
procedures Student behavior management Organizat
ion of physical space
3)Instruction Clear, accurate communication Ques
tioning discussion techniques Engagement Feedb
ack Flexibility 4) Professional
Responsibilities Reflection Record
Keeping Communication Professional
growth Professionalism