Title: Millersville University
1Millersville University Parent and Family
Orientation July 25, 2009
Millersville Lingo SMC Student Memorial
Center MPR Multi Purpose Room The Ville
Short for Millersville University The Pond The
pond at the heart of Millersvilles campus The
Snapper The student-produced weekly newspaper
on campus PSECU On campus Credit Union.
Dining for July 25th Upper Deck Dining
Hall Gordinier Hall 1130 a.m. 200
p.m. (Located across the street from the SMC)
Your student will use his or her Max account to
register for classes, check grades or financial
aid, and to pay their semester bill.
Your student will use his or her myVille
account, to check Marauder Mail, meal plan, flex
and Marauder Gold balances, announcements,
briefcase (store files on a central server) and
much more.
2 - Break-Out Sessions
- Alcohol Awareness
- Housing Programs
- Student Programs
- Civic and Community Engagement and Research
Project (CCERP) - Technology Services
- Financial Aid
- Study Abroad
- Wellness Womens
- Programs
_________________ The University Store will be
open from 830am-330pm today. Located in the
Student Memorial Center, its your source for
books, supplies, cards, gifts, Millersville
apparel, and all of your MU needs. You can even
pick up a new shirt or sweatshirt for your MU
August 31 Fall Semester Begins September 7 No
Classes (Holiday) October 9 to 13 Fall Break -
No classes October 23 to 25 Homecoming
Weekend October 24 Homecoming Football Game
November 7 Family Day
November 25 to 29 Thanksgiving Break December
20 Fall semester Ends January 19 Spring
Semester Begins March 6 to 14 Spring
Break April 24 to 25 Alumni Weekend May 8
Spring Semester Ends/Commencement