Title: Primary Foreign Language Assistants
1ICT Training
for PFLAs
Primary Foreign Language Assistants
- By the end of todays session, you be able to
- Use images effectively to create good quality
resources - Produce an effective worksheet
- Experiment with PowerPoint
Primary Foreign Language Assistants
3Using images
Q When do we use images in modern language
teaching ?
A When were introducing, practising and
revising new language.
Primary Foreign Language Assistants
4What form does this take ?
- Flashcards
- Overhead projector transparencies
- Worksheets
- PowerPoint presentations
- Displays
- Matching games / dominoes
- Game boards (snakes and ladders etc)
- Puzzles
Primary Foreign Language Assistants
5Why do we use images ?
- Dont have to use English
- Visual stimulus and focus for oral and aural work
- More visually appealing to the learner
- More appealing generally to the younger learner
- Materials often easier to understand
- One image can say a thousand words
Primary Foreign Language Assistants
6Where can we find images ?
- Online
- CD Roms of clip art
- School network
- Draw and scan !
Primary Foreign Language Assistants
7Creating worksheets
Why do we use worksheets ?
- To practise learning
- To reinforce learning
- To record learning
- To assess learning
- To supplement the text book
- To provide a stimulus for pupils
independent work
Primary Foreign Language Assistants
8What are the features of an effective worksheet ?
- Clear
- Appropriate to the pupils age, ability and
interests - Prepared on the computer
- Clear, reasonable size font
- Carefully used images
- No unnecessary graphics and borders
- Sensibly sized margins
Primary Foreign Language Assistants
9What are the features of an effective worksheet ?
- Not cluttered
- Title at the top, space for pupils to write their
name - Enough space to write/draw in answers
- Clear instructions
Primary Foreign Language Assistants
Sans Serif
Arial Arial Rounded MT Bold Century Gothic Comic
Sans MS Franklin Gothic Demi Gill Sans MT Lucida
Sans National First Font Tahoma Verdana
Bodoni MTBook AntiquaCalisto MTCourier
LinotypeRockwellTimes New Roman
Primary Foreign Language Assistants
Top1cm Bottom1cm Left2cm Right2cm
Primary Foreign Language Assistants
12PowerPoint presentations
Why do we use PowerPoints ?
- To present, practise and reinforce information
and learning - To provide a central focus for the class
- Pupils can produce their own to illustrate their
Primary Foreign Language Assistants
13What are the features of an effective PowerPoint ?
- It is clear
- It is appropriate to the age, ability and
interests of the pupil - The font is clear and a reasonable size
- Images are used with a specific purpose
- The space is used sensibly and it isnt too
cluttered - Colours and animations do not detract from the
aim of the presentation
Primary Foreign Language Assistants
Death by PowerPoint
Primary Foreign Language Assistants
15Les Vêtements
16un tee-shirt
17un pull
18un pantalon
19une chemise
20une jupe
21des chaussures
22des chaussettes
23Quest-ce que cest ?
24Quest-ce qui manque ?