Title: The Prevalence and Impact of Rheumatoid Arthritis
1The Prevalence and Impact of Rheumatoid Arthritis
2Prevalence of RA
- Disease prevalence of 0.51.0
- Femalemale ratio of 2.51
- Most common incidence among those aged 4070
years - Disease incidence increases with age
3RA Has a Long-Term Medical Impact
- Radiographic progression
- gt50 of patients have evidence of radiographic
progression within 2 years of disease onset - Severe functional decline
- progression of functional decline appears
greatest in the early stages of disease - declines in functional status are associated with
increased costs - Physical joint deformity resulting in pain and
loss of mobility - Joint replacement surgery
- Premature mortality
- patients with more favourable clinical status are
at less risk than those with poor status
4RA Is a Substantial Pharmacoeconomic Burden
- Increased direct costs
- eg, costs of inpatient and outpatient care
- Increased indirect costs
- eg, loss of income
- Increased intangible costs
- eg, pain, fatigue, helplessness, psychological
5The Destructive Events of RA Occur Early
- Joint-space narrowing and erosion are seen
- in gt67 of patients within the first 2 years of
disease - in gt72 of patients within the first 5 years of
disease - Radiographic progression occurs early and
continues at a constant rate throughout the
patients life
6Importance of Early Aggressive Treatment of RA
50 of patients have evidence of radiographic
damage within the first 2 years
Disease onset
Premature death
End stage
Critical window of opportunity
7Radiographic Progression is Related to
Disability in RA
Inflammation Disability Radiographs
Severity (Arbitrary Units)
Duration of Disease (Years)
Kirwan J. J Rheumatol. 199926720-725.