Title: Chaos and Fractals
1Chaos and Fractals
2Chapter 6
- Family of functions Qc(x) x2 c (with c
constant) - It looks simple but..
- Complicated dynamics
- Behavior not understood for some c
- C is a parameter each c ? different system
- Understand how dynamics of
- Qc(x) x2 c change when c varies
- ?
- introduce 2 important bifurcations
4 Fixed points (FP) solve x2 c x
FP should be real (1-4c) 0 ? c ¼ 1) c gt
¼ no FP 2) c ¼ 1 FP (p p-) 3) c lt ¼ 2 FP
5 Case c gt ¼ (does not meet yx) Case c
¼ 1 FP (at x ½) x2
¼ is tangent to line yx Case c lt ¼ 2 FP p
and p- attracting/repelling/neutral ??
6- Look at Qc(x) in the FP p and p-
- Qc(x) 2x
Case for p
- If c ¼ Qc(p) 1 ? neutral FP
- If c lt ¼ Qc(p) gt 1 ? repelling FP
7Case for p- slightly more complicated
- If c ¼ Qc(p-) 1 ? one neutral FP
- If c lt ¼ Qc(p-) lt 1 ? attracting FP
- For which values of c is p- attracting
??Condition Qc(p-) lt 1, solving this yields
8- This phenomenon is called a bifurcation
- Saddle-node (or tangent bifurcation)
- Summarized in Proposition on page 54
- For the family Qc(x)x2c
- All orbits tend to infinity if c gt ¼.
- When c ¼, Qc has a single neutral FP at pp-
½. - For c lt ¼, Qc has 2 FP at p and p-. FP p is
always repelling,a. If -¾ lt c lt ¼, p- is
attracting,b. If c -¾, p- is neutral,c. If c
lt -¾ , p- is repelling.
9Second part 6.1
- For c ¼
- interesting dynamics occur in p x p
- Orbits for x lt -p and x gt p tend to infinity
- Qc(-p) p eventually FP !
10- For ¾ lt c lt ¼ orbits in (-p,p) tend to
attracting FP p-.
- Case c gt ¼, c ¼ and -¾ lt c lt ¼ known, but what
about c lt -¾ ??
11- When c lt -¾1) p- becomes repelling2) and a
cycle of period 2 occurs !!To see this solve
Qc2(x) x - (x2c)2 c x ? x4 2cx2 c2 c x
04th order difficult ! But we know 2 solutions
!(x-p) and (x-p-)
12Solving x2 x (c 1) gives
- FP q and q- of Qc2(x) are FP of
- Qc(x) of period 2 !
Note that (-4c-3) should be 0 c -¾. As
c decreases below ¾, p- changes from attracting
to repelling and a 2-cycle occurs at q and q-.
If c -¾, q q- p- -½.
13- Is this 2-cylce attracting/neutral/repelling
?Condition if (Qc2)(q) lt 1, then
attracting2 ways to solve this (Qc2)
4x34xc, substitute q 44c lt 1
(Qc2)(q) lt 1 ? Qc(q)Qc(q-) lt 1 ?
44c lt 1Both cases if -1¼ ltclt -¾, attracting
2-cycle !And if clt-1¼ repelling 2 cycle.
14- This phenomenon is also called a bifurcation
- Period doubling bifurcation.
- Summarized in Proposition on page 56
- For the family Qc(x)x2c
- For ¾ lt c lt ¼, Qc has attracting FP at p- and
no 2-cycles. - For c -¾, Qc has neutral FP at p-q and no
2-cycles. - For -1¼ lt c lt -¾, Qc has repelling FP at p and
an attracting 2 cycle at q.
15Section 6.2
- Look at more general family of functions F? to
study bifurcations. - For each ? F?(x) is function of x
- Examples ?x(1-x), ? sin(x), ex ?
- Bifurcations occur in F? when there is change in
fixed or period point structure as ? passes
through some particular value ?0.
16Saddle-Node bifurcation
- DefinitionA one parameter family of functions
F? undergoes a saddle-node (or tangent)
bifurcation at the parameter value ?0, if there
is open interval I and e gt 0 st1) For ?0-e lt ?
lt ?0, F? has no FP in I2) For ??0, F? has one
neutral FP in I.3) For ?0 lt ? lt ?0e, F? has 2
FP in I, one attracting, one repelling.
- Reversed direction also bifurcation possible
- Also saddle-node bifurcation of periodic points.
- Saddle-node bifurcation typically occurs
whenF?0(x0) 1 and F?0(x0) ? 0 (concave and
one FP x0).
18Typical saddle-node bifurcation
19Bifurcation diagram
- 2 dimensional plot
- X-axis value of ?
- Y-axis fixed points xExample Q?(x) x2 ?,
saddle-node bifur. at ?¼ ? gt ¼ 0
FP ? ¼ 1 FP ? lt ¼ 2 FP
20- Another example
- family E?(x)ex? saddle-node bifurcation when
?-1E-1 (0)0E-1 (0)1E-1(0)1
216.3 Period-Doubling bifurcation
- Definition A one-parameter family of functions
F? undergoes a period-doubling bifurcation at
??0 if there is open interval I and e gt 0
st1. For each ? in ?0- e, ?0 e, there is
unique FP p? for F? in I.2. For ?0- e lt ?
?0, F? has no 2-cycles in I and p is
attracting (resp. repelling).3. For ?0 lt ? lt
?0e, there is unique 2-cycle q1?, q2? in I
with F?(q1?) q2?.This 2-cycle is attracting
(resp. repelling). Meanwhile the FP p? is
repelling (resp. attracting).4. As ? ? ?0,
we have qi? ? p?0
- 2 cases for period-doubling when ? changesFP
changes attracting?repelling attracting 2-cycle
orFP changes repelling? attracting repelling
2-cycle - Direction of ? may be reversed.
- Cycle can period-double too n-cycle ? 2n-cycle
- Period-doubling occurs when F? - diagonal yx
F?(x) -1
23- Example Qc(x) x2 c, period-doubling at
c -¾. Look at p-
25Last example page 65
26- F?(x) ?x-x3
- FP F?(0)0 for all ?
- -1 lt ? lt 1 FP attracting ? -1 FP neutral ?
lt -1 FP repellingWhy ? F?(x) ? 3x2 and
F?(0) ? Obvious ! - Odd function F?(-x) -F?(x) for all x.F(x0)
-x0 after 1 applyF(-x0) -F(x0) F2(x0) x0,
so solve F?(x0) -x - ?x-x3x0, x0 or x1,2 Sqrt(?1)
- Repelling or attracting ?(F2?)(x1) (F?)(x1)
(F?)(x2) (?-3x2)(?-3x2) 4?2 12? 9For ?
-1 value 1 neutralFor ? -1/2 value 4