Title: The Call Center Industry in Ireland'
1The Call Center Industry in Ireland.
Group Members
Eimear Hogan Micheal Nagle Richelle
Sherlock Victoria Talbot
2Why we choose the Call Center Industry in
The main reasons why we choose the Call Center
Industry in Ireland are
1) We realized that this industry is of utmost
importance in Ireland
today. 2) Some of Our group
members have contacts with
people who work in a Call Center.
3) We wanted to show people a different side
of of the Call Center
Industry in Ireland
3What our Web page consists of?
The following are the topics we cover in our Web
page with relation to The Call Center Industry
In Ireland
1) Definition of a Call center. 2) History of the
Call Center. 3) The goal of a Call Center. 4) An
Interview with a Call Center worker. 5) The
Pan-European Call Centers and Ireland
including the Technology and Systems options.
4Group Contribution?
Eimear wrote away to Dundrum Call Center and
organized an interview with Brian Darcy which is
featured in our Web page. Richelle wrote most of
the written transcript in our web page. She also
wrote the Definition and goal of a Call
Center. Vicki wrote about the history of a call
center, she inserted the background and pictures,
and co-wrote The Pan-European Call Centers. Miche
al researched and co-wrote The Pan-European Call
Centers. He also wrote and designed these slides.
5Problems we encountered.
- One of the major problems we encountered was
the - finding of information relating to IRISH Call
Center - Industries.
- We spent many frustrating hours in the library
- researching this topic but to no avail.
- Finding information on the Web was partially
successful - but again, most of the information was on
English and - American Call Centers
6Problems encountered.
- We found that the Call Center industries that we
- sought information from, were very unwilling
to - help us.
- We felt that if we could have found the
information - we were seeking, we could have produced a
higher - quality Web page.
7What is the Call Center Industry?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind
when you hear the words, Call Center Industry
or Telesales? ---A passage from our Web Page
describes what most people think when they
hear those words .those annoying
people ringing us up trying to sell us a
product or service in which we have no
intention of using
8What is the Call Center Industry?Cont
But, this is only a small part of what this
important industry is all about! In our Web
Page we cover many issues dealing with the
Call Center Industry, such as
gtgt The History of Call Centers
gtgt The Goal of a Call Center
gtgt Interviews with Call
Center workers gtgt The
Pan-European call Centers
gtgt And more!
9What is the Call Center Industry?Cont..
So, What is the Call Center Industry all
about? Firstly, it is a crucial part of some of
the top companies in Ireland, especially U.S.
companies setting up in Ireland. Call Centers win
and retain customers with applications such as
gtgt Centralized
reservations gtgt Order
processing gtgt Help
desk gtgt Technical
support gtgt Market
research gtgt Customer
Inquiry Handling
10 And Finally
So as you can see, theres a lot more to the Call
Center Industry in Ireland. WANNA KNOW MORE??
.Visit our Web Page!!!!!!!!