Title: What is AOP?
1What is AOP?
Once More Around the Wheel
- Gregor Kiczales
- AspectMentor.com and
- University of British Columbia
2- Consider developinga simple drawing application
3objects are intuitive
- Intuitively thinking of objects?
- Points, Lines
- Drawing surfaces
- GUI Widgets
4objects are not intuitive
objects are intuitive
- In 1969 most programmers would have used
- this has poor design and code modularity!
2 4
22 12
65 93
43 29
86 65
6 7 5 8
5not intuitive
- OOP invented in 1961
- about same time as structured programming
- term object-oriented programming in 1967
- to make simulation code look like the model
6- What is OOP?
- a way of thinking
- objects, classification hierarchies
- supporting mechanisms
- classes, encapsulation, polymorphism
- allows us to
- make code look like the design
- improves design and code modularity
- many possible implementations
- style, library, ad-hoc PL extension, integrated
in PL
many other benefits build on these
Observer Pattern
fair design modularitybut poor code modularity
Observer Pattern
- Meanwhile back at the ranch
- starting in early 80s (perhaps earlier)
- others began work on
- crosscutting structure
- mechanisms
- behavioral reflection, metaobject
protocols,subject-oriented programming - aspect-oriented programming term in 1997
9aspect ObserverPattern private Display
Shape.display pointcut change()
call(void figures.Point.setX(int))
call(void Point.setY(int)) call(void
Line.setP1(Point)) call(void
Line.setP2(Point)) call(void
Shape.moveBy(int, int)) after(Shape s)
returning change()
target(s) s.display.refresh()
10aspect ObserverPattern private Display
Shape.display pointcut change()
call(void Shape.moveBy(int, int))
call(void Shape.set(..)) after(Shape s)
returning change()
target(s) s.display.refresh()
well-definedcrosscutting structure
11Ask yourselfcould you name asingle class
ObserverPattern ?
aspect ObserverPattern private Display
Shape.display pointcut change()
call(void Shape.moveBy(int, int))
call(void Shape.set(..)) after(Shape s)
returning change()
target(s) s.display.refresh()
well-definedcrosscutting structure
12- What is AOP?
- a way of thinking
- aspects, crosscutting structure
- supporting mechanisms
- join points, pointcuts, advice
- allows us to
- make code look like the design
- improve design and code modularity
- many possible implementations
- style, library, ad-hoc PL extension, integrated
in PL
13- Other Aspects
- design patterns Google AOP design pattern
- Swing thread safety AspectJ in Action
- policy enforcement
- authentication, synchronization, architecture
- transaction management
- debugging support
- logging (of course)
- and many application-specific aspects
14- IBM reports
- implementation of platform policies
- 15-30 quality improvements
- significant productivity gains
- improvements in modularity of complex software
- new business opportunities
15- Issues
- good vs. bad uses
- can overuse/misuse any mechanism
- we have learned a lot, we need to learn more
- over hype, bad pedagogy
- each new wave of adoption brings new zealots /
critics - some old lessons need to be rediscovered
- tools
- quality, support
- training, organization structure
- whats the business value?
16- Issue Proper Style
- mechanisms can be misused
- too many or wrong procedures
- too many or wrong classes
- too much or wrong overriding
- too many or wrong aspects, advice, introductions
- we already know a lot
- 15 rule, well-defined crosscutting, tool support
- we have a lot to learn
- interaction w/ JSR-175 more semantic pointcuts
- scaling
17- Issue Implementation Quality
- implementations vary gt 10x in performance!
- range of existing strategies
- VM-based implementation just now starting
- limited existing benchmarks
- but this is getting better fast
18- Issue Over-stated claims, bad pedagogy
- each wave of interest / adoption
- new proponents and critics
- have different priorities
- but must re-learn old lessons
- new generations of proponents
- can be too optimistic
- new generations of teachers
- can miss critical insights
- new generation of critics
- can miss previously discussed issues
19- Question for panelHow can Java Platform remain
1 for AOP? - what are the next steps?
- how does really new technology get in?
- what are the technical issues?
- how can AOP get proven enough
- what are market issues?
- is AOP disruptive technology for J2EE?
- where does it produce significant value?
- what will Redmond do?