Title: Learning about David Young
1Learning about David Young
2Group Members
- Isaac Dickson Students
- Matty Roth
- Rob Fong
- UNCA Students
- April Franklin
3Analyzing/Summarizing Interview of David Young,
who is a member of Buncombe County Commissioners
- We experienced a lot of things from David Young.
He answered all of our questions and he treated
us with respect. We learned a lot about Buncombe
County from David Young
4Personal Information on Public Official
- He is smart.
- Funny
- Likes to spend money
- He is tall.
5Job other than public official
- He is the owner of Fugazy Travel.
- He is also a member of the Regional Airport
6Description of duties of County Commissioners
- Propose the Budget (Spend Money)
- Talk with the community
- Make good decisions for the county
- Help schools
- Establish property tax rate
- They make animal control laws
- They make new parks
- Make laws to protect the environment
- Help the county become a better place!!
7Top six important issues and where Public
Official stands
- Education He wants to give more to the schools.
- Flood and Hurricane Victims He wants to help
them. - Healthcare He wants to provide money for this.
- Environment Making the air cleaner.
- Parks and Recreation He wants to provide more.
- Tourism He wants to promote it
8Other interesting information about Public
- He won on November 2nd and he is going to be a
Buncombe County Commissioner again! - He is interested in planes and travel.
- Here he is
9How does this person represent the everyday
person in our community?
- He owns a business and he cares about the
community. - He talks like a normal person.
- He works hard everyday.
10What are important characteristics of a good
public servant?
- Honest
- Loyal
- Nice
- Caring
- Careful
- Smart
- Wise
- Have integrity
- Organized
- Good Listener
- Has courage
- Brave
- Perseverance
11What are the top three important issues in our
community, according to the Public Official?
- Improving Education
- Healthcare
- Environment
12If you could ask this Public Official one other
question, what would it be?
- Why do you enjoy spending money so much??
13In what ways has this project been of value to
- It helped us learn about county commissioners
- It helped us learn how to interview people.
- It helped us learn not to be nervous.
- We got to see UNCA!!
- We learned more about our community.
14How do public officials demonstrate moral courage?
- They make good decisions for the community.
- They listen to you and try their best to help
you. - They always try to do the right thing.
15How do public officials demonstrate civic
- They show up for meetings
- They run for office
- They visit schools and keep promises.
- They step up and try to make a difference.
16You hold the office of Citizen. What are your
responsibilities in holding this office?
- You need to vote.
- Respect the public officials.
- Be aware of the things that are going on in your
community. - Stand up for what is right.
- You have to take care of the environment.