Title: TutorTrac
- Making an appointment with the Alice Rowe
Learning Assistance Center - (It is recommended that you use Internet Explorer
7.0 or newer or Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or newer.)
2Log on to https//tracweb.wku.edu444/tutortrac/d
3Enter your username and password. (This is the
same username and password you use to access your
WKU webmail.) Then click login or simply hit
your enter key.
4Upcoming appointments will be shown immediately
after you have logged in. If you wish to change
any of these appointments you may click on the
appointment and cancel the appointment if you
need to.
5Click on the Go To button. A drop down menu
will appear. Select Make Appointment
61st Select LAC from the drop down menu.
2nd Click on the Tutor button. A drop down menu
will appear. Select the appropriate type of
testing for which you are making the appointment.
7Then insert the dates you wish to search for an
available testing time.
Finally click on the SEARCH button.
8Click on the date and time you wish to schedule
your appointment.
9Verify the date and time is correct. Then click
on the Save Appointment button.
10Upcoming appointments will be shown immediately
after you have saved the appointment. If you wish
to change any of these appointments you may click
on the appointment and cancel the appointment if
you need to. Once you are finished click on the
Exit button.
11- If you have questions
- Contact the LAC at (270) 780-2536