Title: The Future of Electronic Filing at the
1- The Future of Electronic Filing at the
- United States Patent and Trademark Office
- Presented by
- William Stryjewski
- eCommerce Division
- June, 2005
2Why eFiling?
- Problem
- The continued growth in USPTO workload cannot be
effectively managed in the current paper-based
environment. - Solution
- Implementation of an eGovernment strategy that
includes electronic - receipt,
- processing,
- reporting, and
- Publication
- 21st Century Strategic Plan
FY2006 Goal 10 of Patent Applications filed
via EFS
3History of eFiling
- EFS Pilot Program established in 1999
- ePave began receiving submissions in 1999
- Began receiving PASAT submissions in 2000
- EFS Production Release occurred in October 2000
- EFS gained two more submission types in 2001
- Supported ability to file eIDSs in May 2002
- Annex F Compliant in January 2003
- Pilot 11/02 ePhoenix (aka Image File Wrapper or
IFW) - IFW in Production in July 2003
- ePAVE interface updated May 2004
- PASAT replaced with EFS-ABX August 2004
4eFiling Today
- USPTO Supplied Software, EFS-ABX ePAVE allow
Applicants to eFile - New Utility Patent Applications
- Provisional Patent Applications
- Pre-Grant Publications
- Electronic Assignments
- Information Disclosure Statements
- CRF Bio-Sequence Listings
- Why Web? Why Now?
- USPTO Software and File Format unfamiliar and
difficult to work with - Low eFiling volume
- e-Filing Forum Feedback
- Make it Simple
- Make it Safe
- Make it Happen
- Other Successful USPTO Web Initiatives
- Align with USPTO Future Initiatives
6EFS-Web Timeline
- September 2004 First e-Filing Forum
- March 2005 e-Filing Forum Returns to Discuss
Scope, Focus, Direction - May 25, 2005 e-Filing Forum to new audience
- July 21, 2005 Docketing System Meeting
(tentative) - Winter 2005 Deploy Beta Version
- Spring 2006 Deploy Production Version
7EFS-Web e-Filer Experience
- EFS-Web Will Provide Choices and Options to the
e-Filer to Match Their Business Processes and
8EFS-Web e-Filer Authoring Experience
- Specifications, Drawings, and Forms May be
Created With a Variety of Commercially Purchased
Products, as Well as With Freeware / Shareware
Available on the Internet
9EFS-Web e-Filer PDF Creation Experience
- Preliminary USPTO Standard
- Licensed Embedded Fonts
- PDF Version X.X and Higher Compatible
- No Password Encryption
- No Virus or Embedded Code
- No Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)
- Sound, Movies, Executables
10EFS-Web e-Filer Browser Experience
- E-Filer Connects to Internet Using Their Existing
Browser - Simple
- Safe
- Secure
11EFS-Web e-Filer Security Experience
- Low Level Security Simple SSL Connection
- High Level Security USPTO Issued PKI Certificate
12EFS-Web e-Filer Web Filing Experience
- EFS-Web Will Provide an Intuitive and User
Friendly Interface to Facilitate the e-Filing
Experience - Simple Steps Lead to Successful e-Filing
13New Submission with Low Level Sign-In
14Enter Application Information
15Attach and Review Documents
16Pay Fees Associate with New Filing
17Confirm and Submit
18Acknowledgement Receipt (New Application Filing)
19Follow-On Submission Using Digital Certificate
20Review Application Information and Attach
21Pay Fees Associated with New Filing
22Confirm and Submit
23Save Submission
24Acknowledgement Receipt (Follow-On Submission)