Title: Lists in Java
1Lists in Java
- Part of the Collections Framework
2Kinds of Collections
- Collectiona group of objects, called elements
- SetAn unordered collection with no duplicates
- SortedSetAn ordered collection with no
duplicates - Listan ordered collection, duplicates are
allowed - Mapa collection that maps keys to values
- SortedMapa collection ordered by the keys
- Note that there are two distinct hierarchies
3Using Collections
- import java.util.or import java.util.Collection
- There is a sister class, java.util.Collections
that provides a number of algorithms for use with
collections sort, binarySearch, copy, shuffle,
reverse, max, min, etc.
4Collections Example
import java.util. // importing Arrays, List,
and Collections public class TestCollections
public static void main(String args)
String array "Phil", "Mary", "Betty",
"bob" ListltStringgt myList
Arrays.asList(array) Collections.sort(myL
ist) System.out.println("Sorted "
myList) int where Collections.binarySea
rch(myList, "bob") System.out.println("bo
b is at " where) Collections.shuffle(my
List) System.out.println("Shuffled "
Sorted Betty, Mary, Phil, bobbob is at
3Shuffled Betty, bob, Phil, Mary
5Collections are interfaces
- Collection is actually an interface
- Each kind of Collection has one or more
implementations - You can create new kinds of Collections
- When you implement an interface, you promise to
supply the required methods - Some Collection methods are optional
- How can an interface declare an optional method?
6Creating a Collection
- All Collection implementations should have two
constructors - A no-argument constructor to create an empty
collection - A constructor with another Collection as argument
- All the Sun-supplied implementations obey this
rule, but - if you implement your own Collection type, this
rule cannot be enforced, because an Interface
cannot specify constructors
7CollectionltEgt Basic operations
- int size( )
- boolean isEmpty( )
- boolean contains(Object element)
- boolean add(E element) // Optional
- boolean remove(Object element) // Optional
- IteratorltEgt iterator( )
8Collection Iterator
public interface IteratorltEgt
boolean hasNext( ) // true if there is another
E next( ) // returns the next element (advances
the iterator)
void remove( ) // Optional //
removes the element returned by next
9Using an Iterator
- static void printAll (Collection coll)
Iterator iter coll.iterator( ) while
(iter.hasNext( )) System.out.println(iter
.next( ) ) - hasNext() just checks if there are any more
elements - next() returns the next element and advances in
the collection - Note that this code is polymorphicit will work
for any collection
10Object toArray()
- Defined in java.util.Collection interface, so it
applies to all classes that implement Collection - Object toArray( )
- Creates a new array of Objects
- Defined in java.util.Collection interface, so it
applies to all classes that implement Collection - Example
- Object newArray myCollection.toArray( )
- Problem Returns an array of Objects, so we have
to cast every time we want to use something from
the array
11ltTgt T toArray(T a)
- Also defined in java.util.Collection interface,
so it applies to all classes that implement
Collection - More complex, but definitely worth knowing
- This version of toArray
- Is a message to some collection of type T objects
- Takes as parameter an array of some type T
- Puts the objects from the collection into the
array - If the array is longer than needed, a null is put
in after the data - If the array is too short, a new array (of the
correct type) is created and returned - Examples
- ArrayListltStringgt list new ArrayListltStringgt()
// Put some Strings into list hereString a
new String20list.toArray(a)String b
list.toArray(new String0)
12Set operations
13Collection Bulk operations
- boolean containsAll(Collectionlt?gt c)
- boolean addAll(Collectionlt? extends Egt
c)boolean removeAll(Collectionlt?gt c)boolean
retainAll(Collectionlt?gt c) - void clear( )
- The last four operations are optional, in order
to allow for immutable collections - That is, they might throw an UnsupportedOperationE
xception - addAll, removeAll, retainAll return true if the
object receiving the message was modified
14Set operations
setC setA.addAll(setB)
setC setA.retainAll(setB)
setC setA.removeAll(setB)
15Mixing Collection types
- Note that most methods, such as boolean
containsAll(Collectionlt?gt c)are defined for any
type of Collection, and take any type of
Collection as an argument - This makes it very easy to work with different
types of Collections
- static ltTgt SetltTgtCollections.singleton(T e)
returns an immutable set containing only the
element e - This is handy when you have a single element but
you would like to use a Set operation - c.removeAll(Collections.singleton(e)) will
remove all occurrences of e from the Collection c
17The List interface
- The order of elements in a List is important, and
there may be duplicate elements - Operations are exactly those for Collection
int size( ) boolean isEmpty( ) boolean
contains(Object e) boolean add(E e)
boolean remove(Object e) Iterator iterator( )
Object toArray( ) ltTgt T toArray(T a )
boolean containsAll(Collectionlt?gt c) boolean
addAll(Collectionlt? extends Egt c)boolean
removeAll(Collectionlt?gt c)boolean
retainAll(Collectionlt?gt c) void clear( )
18List implementations
- List is an interface you cant say new List ( )
- There are two implementations
- LinkedList gives faster insertions and deletions
- ArrayList gives faster random access
- Its poor style to expose the implementation
unnecessarily, so - Good List list new LinkedList ( )Not as
good LinkedList list new LinkedList ( )
19Inherited List methods
- list.remove(e) removes the first e
- add and addAll add to the end of the list
- To append one list to another
- list1.addAll(list2)
- To append two lists into a new list
- List list3 new ArrayList(list1)list3.addAll(li
st2) - Again, it's good style to hide the implementation
20List Positional access
- E get(int index) // Required -- the rest are
optional - E set(int index, E element)
- void add(int index, E element)
- E remove(int index)
- boolean addAll(int index, Collectionlt? extends Egt
c) - These operations are more efficient with the
ArrayList implementation
21List Searching
- int indexOf(Object o)
- int lastIndexOf(Object o)
- equals and hashCode work even if implementations
are different
22Interface ListIterator
- Iterators specific to Lists
- ListIterator listIterator( )
- ListIterator listIterator(int index)
- starts at the position indicated (0 is first
element) - Methods that ListIterator inherits from Iterator
- boolean hasNext( )
- E next( )
- void remove( )
- Additional methods
- boolean hasPrevious()
- E previous()
23List Iterating backwards
- boolean hasPrevious( )
- E previous( )
- int nextIndex( )
- int previousIndex( )
- Think of the iterator as between elements
- Hence, next followed by previous gives you the
same element each time
24ListIterator More operations
- void add(E o)
- Inserts an object at the cursor position
- void set(E o) // Optional
- Replaces the current element
- void remove(int index) // Optional
- Removes the last element that was returned by
next() or previous()
25List Range-view
- ListltEgt subList(int from, int to) allows you to
manipulate part of a list - Notice the unusual capitalization
- A subList is a view into the actual list
manipulating it is manipulating the original
list. - A subList may be used just like any other list
- However, it is dangerous to modify the original
list and expect the subList to remain consistent
26The End
References http//java.sun.com/docs/books/tutoria