Title: IIWIAB Presentation
1IIW-IAB Presentation
- International Institute of Welding
- Founded 1948
- 13 countries
- 22 member societies
- Evolution of Organizations
- German Welding Society
- European Welding Federation
- International Institute of Welding
- IIW International Authorisation Board
4What is the IAB?
- The International Authorisation Board was set up
to administer the business operations to
authorize training and education in compliance
with published IIW guidelines. - It does this through the actions of two
5What is the IAB?
- IAB Group A Education, Training, and
Qualification - Defines what the training and education
guidelines are for each personnel category - IAB Group B Implementation and Authorisation
- Writes the rules for how to participate in the
IAB process
6What is the ANB?
- The Authorised National Body is established in
each country to approve training schools, conduct
final examinations, and to issue IIW diplomas to
7How does a school get approved as an official
training body?
- Application
- Conformance to IIW curriculum
- Audit
8What are the IIW diplomas that are offered?
- International Welding Engineer
- International Welding Technologist
- International Welding Practitioner
- International Welding Specialist
- International Welding Inspector
- International Welder
9Diplomas issued up to 2004
- IWE 7,050 (Germany 2,943)
- IWT 2,099 (Italy 385)
- IWS 8,042 (Germany 6,065)
- IWP 493 (China 144)
- IWI 724 (UK 507)
10International Welding Engineer
Subjects and Hours
11International Welding Engineer
12International Welding Technologist
Subjects and Hours
13International Welding Technologist
Modules and Entry Points
14International Welding Specialist
Subjects and Hours
15International Welding Specialist
Modules and Entry Points
16International Welding Practitioner
Subjects and Hours
17International Welding Practitioner
Modules and Entry Points
18International Welding Inspector
Three Levels
- Comprehensive (IWI-C)
- Standard (IWI-S)
- Basic (IWI-B)
19International Welding Inspector
(IWI-C) Comprehensive
20International Welding Inspector
(IWI-S) Standard
21International Welding Inspector
(IWI-B) Basic
22International Welder Three Levels
23For further information
- On the IIW Guidelines seen in this presentation,
downloads are available at http//www.iiw-iis.org
- (Click on IAB in the left column)
- If your school is interested in becoming an
Approved Training Body, please contact - Jeff Hufsey at AWS 1(800) 443-9353 x.264
24Thank you for your time.
- Access Conditions The prerequisite academic
and/or age and experience requirements that a
student must possess to enter the courses. This
may include the successful completion of IIW
modules for a lesser diploma. Access conditions
must be defined and approved for each country.
- Routes to Qualification Each IIW Guideline
specifies Standard Routes (taking all the modules
or exempting a module) or an Alternate Route
which establishes that the candidate has already
taken the required coursework but requires the
completion of a project. Successful completion
of both the Standard or Alternate Routes still
require the candidate to take and pass the final
examinations in order to be awarded the IIW