Title: Making it Work
1Making it Work
- Embedding a supported employment approach in
vocational education and training for people with
learning difficulties - yola.jacobsen_at_niace.org.uk
2Making it Work
- This project will produce and pilot a training
pack - for staff working with people with learning
- disabilities in the post-16 education sector
- Why? - wide range of levels of understanding
about - supported employment exist
- Is it all about sheltered employment?
- We need to be shown how to do this, not just
have - information.
3Policy Drivers
- LSC strategy Learning for Living and Work
- (2006), by 2010 no funding for vocational courses
- that dont have a focus on supported employment
- or learning in the workplace.
- Supported employment model not defined in the
- LSC strategy.
- Jan April 2008, nine regional LSC Learning for
- Work conferences, people keen to make things
- change but need guidance.
4Policy Drivers
- Progression through Partnership(2007)
- DWP, DIUS and DOH joint strategy for
- education and training for disabled learners.
- Development programme to be published as
- part of the Machinery of Government changes,
- supported employment a key part of
- this.
5Foundation Learning Tier
- The FLT is policy in the making. As such
- thinking may change.
- Foundation Learning Tier refers to qualifications
- at Entry Level and Level 1within the newly
- formed Qualifications and Credit Framework
- (QCF).
6FLT Progression Pathways
- Four Progression Pathways intended to provide
- progression
- to a first full Level 2
- to Skilled Work (Apprenticeships)
- to independent living or supported employment
- to a Foundation (Level 1) Diploma or GCSEs.
7Getting a Life project
- ODI and Valuing People Support Team ..to find
- new ways of doing things that will help people
- get better lives
- - 7 sites nationally
- - focusing mainly on young people going through
transition - - collaborative working across agencies
- - transition into employment a key focus
- - site to pilot Making it Work pack
8Making it Work Progress to date
- Started April 2008, runs until March 2010.
- Project Advisory Group includes
- Chair, Steve Beyer, University of Cardiff
- Lead from ODI Getting a Life project
- Colleges
- SEAs
- Remploy
9Progress to Date
- Fieldwork visits included Colchester
- Institute ROSE project Havering College
- and Chichester College
- Call for information, nearly 100 responses
10Next Steps
- Expert seminar in October to consult on Framework
- for Pack that will be written
- Three regional pilots of draft pack in Spring
Term - 2009, involvement of people with learning
- disabilities and parents and carers will be key
- Re draft pack in light of feedback
- Launch March 2010
11Supported Employment
- BASE 2007 conference - How can we
- develop a supported employment approach
- in vocational courses and training?
- Suggested models included
12Open employment S.E. Social enterprise workshop
DEA benefits advise
Work Placements
Parent/ Carer Involvement
Joint working
Supported Employment
College / School
-- DoH
14Outreach communication
Community based
Short courses which are related to employer
needs Local market
College FE
Work placement officer
Mentoring Event
Customer / client
School / Parents
Expectations Aspirations
15 TRAVEL you get to work
Share employment database How supported at
work Curriculum Parent / Carers expectations
Individualised learning / flexibility
FUNDING Conflict of Interest re.
qualifications Level Train to gain
--Short Courses -- Individualised to local
labour market Individualised budget plans
16Questions for you
- Further suggestions for fieldwork visits?
- (Examples of interesting practice of joint work
between - education/training providers and SEAs)
- Case studies of interesting practice?
- particularly of
- - Parent/carer involvement
- - Supported employment and people with
- profound and complex learning disabilities
17Making it Work pack
- What do you want to be in the pack to help your
- work with education providers? Please be
- specific
- What elements should be in a course curriculum
- that is taking a supported employment approach?
- Any ideas for useful resources you would
- recommend are signposted in the pack? please
- give details
18Making it Work pack
- Good practice checklist What are your top three
practical tips for colleagues in education and
work based training starting out with developing
a course or training using supported employment
19What is your experience?
- Work with post-16 education and training
- Providers - what what worked well and why?
- Any strong case studies that could be used
- in the pack?