Title: The OSU national newspaper study
1The OSUnational newspaper study
- OSU News Communication Services
2What is the national newspaper study?
- Mid-December, 1999, through April, 2000
- Examined 2,472 articles related to higher
education in - Los Angeles Times
- New York Times
- USA Today
- The Oregonian
- Studied articles to determine how national
newspapers cover higher education.
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3How do national newspapers cover higher education?
- Of all stories, percentage related to
- 45 published research studies
- 22 from articles published in national
journals - 24 medical/health news
- 16 expert sources
- 2 generated from new university programs
- 2 gifts/grants/funding
- 1 related to educational administration
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4Where do the stories on research studies come
- 48 articles published in national journals
- 27 generated by reporters
- 10 lectures at major national academic
conferences - 8 university announcements
- 5 book releases
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5Which journals do the media use?
- 126 journals cited in the newspaper articles
- 14 journals cited more than five times
- 27 journals cited more than twice
- 4 journals made up 47 of all journal citations
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6The top 5 national journals
- 91 Nature
- 70 New England Journal of Medicine
- 63 Journal of the American Medical Association
- 59 Science
- 16 Proceedings of the National Academy of
(537 references total)
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7How do universities make front page national news?
- Only 22 articles (of 2,472) on the front page of
more than one of the newspapers on the same day. - 15 (68) of these stories generated from
research studies. - 8 (36) generated from articles published in
national journals. - More front-page stories generated from national
journals than all other sources combined.
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8How difficult is it to make national news?
- Only 36 stories appeared in at least three of
the four newspapers surveyed. - Of these stories
- 25 (69) were generated from research studies
19 (52) came directly from national journals
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9Stories in USA Today
- Research studies 55
- National journals 25
- Expert sources 13
- Opinions/editorials 5
- Police reports 4
- Educational trends 3
- 8 -
10Stories in the New York Times
- Research studies 49
- National journals 26
- Expert sources 19
- Opinions/editorials 6
- Government actions/reports 3
- Student protests 3
- 9 -
11Stories in the Los Angeles Times
- Research studies 39
- National journals 18
- Expert sources 19
- Opinions/editorials 10
- Government action/reports 7
- 10 -
12Stories in The Oregonian
- Research studies 38
- National journals 18
- Expert sources 11
- Events/lectures 7
- Government action/reports 5
- Opinions/editorials 5
- Higher education funding 5
- Education programs 5
- Student protests 5
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13Schools mentioned most often?
- UCLA 119
- Harvard 118
- U.C.-Berkeley 111
- USC 104
- Stanford 84
- Oregon State University 83
- Columbia 67
- University of Oregon 64
- University of Pennsylvania 57
- University of Michigan 57
Note 56 of all the stories related to Harvard
were generated from research studies. 55 of all
the stories related to U.C.-Berkeley were related
to research studies.
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14OSU and comparable institutions
- We looked at how OSU stacked up against
comparable institutions. For this part of the
study, only the New York Times, Los Angeles Times
and USA Today were analyzed.
- U.C.-Davis 20
- University of Oregon 11
- North Carolina State 8
- Oregon State 7
- Colorado State 6
- Iowa State 4
- Michigan State 3
- Kansas State 2
- Utah State 2
- Washington State 2
- Oklahoma State 0
Five of the seven OSU stories (71) came directly
from research studies. Two of the seven (28)
came from national journals. The other 2 stories
used OSU experts. In all cases, OSU generated
national media coverage only when it was
associated with research studies.
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15What did OSU news coverage focus on during this
time period?
- Events (lectures, conferences, entertainment)
100 stories (49) - Administration/honors (appointments, awards,
grants) 38 stories (18) - Research (studies, book releases, etc.) 36
stories (17) - Programs (program information) 17 stories (8)
- Students (scholarships, honor roll, enrollment)
12 stories (5)
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