Title: Kansas State Light Source
1Kansas State Light Source
The dream laser for AMO studies
2The Optical Prospect of Laser-matter Interaction
3High power, or high repetition rate?
- High power laser ( 1015 W )
- Ultrahigh intensity 1021 W/cm2
- Relativistic plasma physics (hot, but not our
expertise) - High cost
- Single shot
- High repetition rate laser (1012 W)
- High intensity 1015-18 W/cm2
- Nonperturbative atomic physics (also hot, our
expertise) - High stability (1 RMS) and high repetition rate
- Fast accumulation of weak signal (TOF, COTRIMS)
- Fast feedback control (coherent control)
4Nominal parameters of KSLS
I 2x1015 W/cm2
- Focal spot size 100 µm
- Pulse duration 20 fs
- Pulse energy 6 mJ
- Repetition rate 1 KHz
5Kansas State Light Source
Development Plan
- The 1st phase 11/30/01, 3 mJ, 20fs
- The 2nd Phase 01/31/01, 6 mJ, 20fs
- The 3rd Phase 03/31/02, 3 mJ, 7fs
6Kansas State Light Source
Pump Laser
Pockels Cell
Pump Laser
Pump Laser
6 mJ, 20 fs, 1 kHz
Beam Expander
7Achievable Intensity with KSLS
I 2x1019 W/cm2
- Focal spot size 1 µm
- Pulse duration 20 fs
- Pulse energy 6 mJ
- Repetition rate 1 KHz
8(No Transcript)
9Experiments using
Kansas State Light Source
- Ionization
- Barrier suppression (above-barrier, Barrier
suppression) - Molecules
- Non-sequential
- High Harmonic Generation
- Attosecond pulse
- keV x-ray
- Phase-matching
- Ionlaser-atom interaction
10High Harmonic Generation
-The experiment done with Ultrafast Photon
Source, the brother of
Kansas State Light Source
11HHG Experimental Set-up
12Extending the Cut-off
- Using long wavelength pulse lasers
13High Harmonic Generation with OPA
MCP Phosphor
TiS Laser 1.2mJ, 25fs
Gas nozzle
OPA 1.1 1.6?m 30 100?J 25 fs
I3x1014 W/cm2
14Tunability of X-ray Wavelength
0.8 ?m
1.51 ?m
order 37
1.37 ?m
order 37
1.22 ?m
order 37
30 40 50
60 70 80
90 Photon Energy
15Extension of Harmonic Cutoff
16Prediction Ultrafast KeV X-ray Generation
Z. Chang PRL, 1997