Communication and SelfDiscovery - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Communication and SelfDiscovery


Jeannie Zappe, Carrie Regenstein, Barry Walsh (EDUCAUSE Institute) New ... How we'll use our time today ... Feeble efforts to implement change. Higher ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Communication and SelfDiscovery

Communication and Self-Discovery
New Directors WorkshopSeminars on Academic
ComputingAugust 6, 2006
  • Bruce M. Taggart
  • with thanks to Jenny Cobb (AxysPointe)
  • Jeannie Zappe, Carrie Regenstein, Barry Walsh
  • (EDUCAUSE Institute)

How well use our time today
  • Effective communication
  • Group Exercise Your Communication Behavioral
  • Behavioral styles defined
  • Style flex
  • Group Exercise Communicating with other styles
  • Active listening

So, communication is
  • Understanding between and among people
  • An interdependent process
  • Not necessarily agreement
  • Constant. You cannot NOT communicate. We
    constantly communicate, and we constantly receive
    communication from others.

Communication in all its channels
Basic principles of communication
  • A basic principle of communication in general
  • People are not mind readers
  • People judge you by your behavior, not your
  • A Russian proverb says, Once a word goes out of
    your mouth, you can never swallow it again.

How we communicate
  • What people can see
  • What people hear
  • What we actually say
  • Communication is in the mind of the recipient
    Youre just making noise if the other person
    doesnt hear you.

To be an effective communicator
  • Understand how communication occurs
  • Understand your own communication behavior style
  • Learn to diagnose the communication needs of
  • Develop listening skills
  • Communicate with others in a way that is
    sensitive to and aware of their needs

Wouldnt it be great if you could
  • Understand how your preferred style of working
    comes across to other people
  • Read other peoples behavior so youll know the
    best way to work with them
  • Find common ground with people while maintaining
    your individuality and integrity
  • Adjust your behavior in small ways that
    dramatically improve results among different
  • Relate effectivelyno matter how others react to

Source People Styles at Work Making
Bad Relationships Good and Good Relationships
Better Robert Bolton and Dorothy Grover Bolton
What communication style are you?
  • Exercise
  • Communication Behavioral Styles Inventory

Communications Styles Grid
Less Emotional
More Assertive
Less Assertive
More Emotional
  • Tendency towards perfectionism
  • Deal with facts, data, logic, details
  • Sometimes slow to make decisions
  • May appear overly cautious and not good
  • Decisions and information provided are usually
    accurate and thoughtful
  • Feelings and emotions kept inside

  • Warm and fuzzies
  • People and friendship are very important
  • Like to get others involved in activities
  • Good at juggling multiple tasks
  • Concerned about feelings of others
  • Less inclined to speak their mind openly
  • Can get hurt feelings or be offended easily

  • Strong, decisive, and results-oriented
  • Provide strong guidance for others
  • May appear pushy at times
  • Demanding of themselves and others
  • Highly self-critical
  • Resent those who waste time with idle chit-chat

  • Party people
  • Love to have a good time
  • Highly creative and enthusiastic
  • Operate primarily by intuition
  • Little tolerance for those who are not expressive
  • Easily bored
  • Difficult to keep on task
  • Easily distracted

Toxic relationships
  • Natural tensions occur between individuals whose
    orientations are dramatically different from one
  • Analytical Expressive
  • Driver Amiable
  • Driver Expressive

  • The difference between the right word and the
    almost right word is the difference between
    lighting and the lightning bug.
  • Mark Twain

Style flex
  • Versatility is the ability to communicate with
    someone else based upon the other persons
    comfort zone, the way in which the other person
    wants to communicate.
  • Style flex involves tailoring your behavior so
    the way you work fits better with the other
    persons stylelike a baseball player swinging at
    different pitches
  • Style flex is a temporary adjustment of a few
    behaviors at key times.

Source People Styles at Work Making
Bad Relationships Good and Good Relationships
Better Robert Bolton and Dorothy Grover Bolton
Style flex
  • Style flex is not about conforming to the other
    persons point of view giving up your goals or
    withholding your opinions changing the other
    person its about changing yourself
  • The primary leverage you have for improving a
    relationship is your own behavior

Source People Styles at Work Making
Bad Relationships Good and Good Relationships
Better Robert Bolton and Dorothy Grover Bolton
Communications Style Grid
Less Emotional
More Assertive
Less Assertive
More Emotional
To communicate with Analyticals
  • DO
  • Prepare in advance
  • Be accurate
  • Be direct
  • List pros and cons
  • Present specifics
  • Be persistent
  • Use timetables for actions
  • Provide tangible, practical evidence
  • DONT
  • Be disorganized or messy
  • Be casual, informal, or loud
  • Rush decision-making
  • Fail to follow through
  • Waste time
  • Leave things to chance
  • Threaten or cajole
  • Use opinions as evidence
  • Be manipulative

To communicate with Amiables
  • DO
  • Start with a personal comment
  • Show sincere interest in them as people
  • Listen and be responsive quickly
  • Be casual and non-threatening
  • Ask how questions
  • Provide assurances
  • DONT
  • Rush into business
  • Decide for them
  • Stick to business constantly
  • Force them to respond
  • Be demanding
  • Debate facts and figures
  • Be abrupt
  • Be patronizing

To communicate with Drivers
  • DO
  • Be specific and brief
  • Stick to business
  • Be prepared
  • Present facts clearly
  • Ask what questions
  • Provide alternative solutions
  • Take issue with facts
  • DONT
  • Ramble or waste time
  • Be disorganized or messy
  • Leave loopholes or be unclear
  • As rhetorical questions
  • Make decisions for them
  • Speculate
  • Be directive

To communicate with Expressives
  • DO
  • Be fast-moving, entertaining
  • Leave time for socializing
  • Talk about their goals
  • Deal with the big picture
  • Ask for their opinions ideas
  • Provide examples from people they believe are
  • Offer incentives or rewards
  • DONT
  • Legislate
  • Be cold, aloof, or tight-lipped
  • Press for solutions
  • Deal with details
  • Be dogmatic
  • Talk down to them

  • Exercise
  • Communicating with the Registrar

Source Personal Styles Effective Performance,
Make your Style Work For You. David W. Merrill
and Roger H. Reid.
Effective communication techniques
  • Use feedback
  • Use multiple (appropriate) channels
  • Email, phone, one-on-one?
  • Amount of information and timing?
  • Be sensitive to the receiver
  • Be aware of symbolic meanings
  • Use simple language
  • Use repetition

Source How To Speak and Listen
Effectively Harvey A. Robbins
Three levels of listening
  • Listening in spurts
  • Hearing words, but not really listening
  • Empathetic listening
  • You cannot truly listen to anyone and do
    anything else at the same time.
  • M. Scott Peck

Active listening
  • Reduce physical barriers
  • Minimize distractions avoid or limit
  • Control your emotions
  • Evaluate the message allow silence
  • Detect the central idea
  • Be aware of your posture and nonverbal behavior
  • Ask probing and occasional questions
  • Acknowledge and respond using paraphrasing,
    perception, checking and summarizing

Philosophy of a good communicator
  • Assume 100 of the responsibility for
    understanding what the other person means.
  • Assume 100 of the responsibility for making sure
    that the person you are communicating with
    understands you.

Organizational Change
  • Marilu Goodyear
  • EDUCAUSE and University of Kansas

Facilitative Change
  • Discussing small and large scale changes not
    short-term crisis

Goals of Change
  • Two Ways to Meet the Challenge of Change
  • Analysis that shifts thinking
  • Essential for higher level support and resources
  • Demonstrating a truth that influences feelings
  • Seeing ? Feeling? Changing
  • Essential for those supporting change and
    implementing change

Achieving Change in Behavior
  • See ?Feel ? Change
  • Help People See
  • Seeing Something New Hits the Emotions
  • Emotionally Charged Ideas Change Behavior or
    Reinforce Changed Behavior
  • Analysis ? Think ? Change
  • Give People Analysis
  • Data and Analysis Influence How We think
  • New Thoughts Change Behavior or reinforce Changed

Do you feel your way into acting? or Do you act
your way into feeling?
Increase Urgency
  • DO Show others the need for change with a
    compelling object that they can see, touch, and
  • DO Validate change with dramatic evidence from
    outside the organization
  • DONT Depend only on the rational case

Building a Guiding Team
  • Relevant knowledge about what is happening
    outside the enterprise or group
  • Essential for creating vision
  • Credibility, connections, and stature within the
  • Essential in communicating the vision
  • Valid information about the internal workings of
    the enterprise
  • Essential for removing the barriers that
    disempower people from acting on the vision
  • Formal authority and the managerial skills
    associated with planning, organizing, and control
  • Needed to create a short-term wins
  • The leadership skills associated with vision,
    communication, and motivation
  • Required for ensuring change sticks.

Get the Vision Right
  • Vision is an end state where all the plans and
    strategies will eventually take you.
  • Vision must speak to all stakeholders
  • Vision should be short told in one minute or on
    one page
  • A good story is always helpful
  • Sell vision to the top management and clients
  • Same See ? Feel ? Change applies

Communicate for Buy-In
  • Announcing changes
  • Urgency
  • Vision
  • Strategy how to achieve vision
  • Plan step by step how to implement vision
  • Most Important Speak to anxieties Prepare
    answers to anticipated questions
  • Communicate, communicate, communicate
  • Everyway and Everyday

Empower Action
  • Removing barriers
  • People
  • Ignore them
  • Change them (new experiences and perspectives)
  • Remove or transfer
  • Systems
  • Align as many as possible
  • Pay versus Attention and Recognition
  • Information feedback
  • Change burnout
  • Focus on 2-3 things at once
  • Maintaining the current system is one

Characteristics of Good Short-Term Wins
  • Visible
  • Unambiguous (so fewer people argue about whether
    it REALLY is a success)
  • Meaningful
  • Speaks to employee issues, concerns, and values
  • Focus on powerful person or group whose help you

Purposes of Short-Term Wins
  • Wins provide feedback to change leaders about the
    validity of their visions and strategies.
  • Wins give those working hard to achieve a vision
    a pat on the back, an emotional uplift.
  • Wins build faith in the effort, attracting those
    who are not yet actively helping.
  • Wins take power away from cynics.

Provide Resources
  • Failure to provide adequate resources leads to
  • Feeble efforts to implement change
  • Higher levels of stress
  • Neglect of core organizational activities and
  • Need to allocate three types of resources
  • Diagnostic
  • Implementation
  • Institutionalization

Overcoming Resistance to Change
  • If urgency is high resistance is less
  • Participation in change process, including
    employee feedback on process (most frequently
    cited approach)
  • Create as much psychological ownership as
  • Allowing employees to openly voice their
  • Offer employees instrumental and emotional
  • Every change needs a funeral
  • Create pride in the organizations history

Two Important Roles for Overcoming Resistance to
  • Toxic Handler
  • Shoulders the sadness, frustrations, bitterness
    and anger
  • Listens to employees while they are in the pit
  • Sages
  • Focus on reducing uncertainty
  • Enhance and transmit knowledge, especially
    meaning behind actions
  • Speaks up and asks the questions that others fear
    to ask

Making It Stick
  • Recognize that day to day takes energy and time
  • Aggressively rid the organization of work that is
    no longer relevant
  • Does this add value?
  • Our biggest mistake we add on but we dont
  • Look for ways to keep urgency up
  • Alignment is important
  • Does this fit with our vision?
  • Does it pull in the right direction?

Ethical Issues During Change
  • Three types of justice
  • Distributive justice (fair allocation of
  • Procedural justice (a voice in the matter)
  • Interactional justice (process and communication)
  • Important values
  • Integrity The manager remains dedicated to
    their responsibilities (whom and why)
  • Honesty To employees and stakeholders
  • Commitment To whats important, what needs to be
    accomplished, values
  • Stewardship Maintaining, promoting and
    improving the vital interests of the organization
    and the larger society.

Eight Step Process
  • Increase urgency
  • Build a guiding team
  • Get the vision right
  • Communicate for buy-in
  • People start telling each other Lets Go
  • A group is formed and works together well
  • The guiding team develops the right vision and
  • People begin to buy into the change their
    behavior begins to change

Eight Step Process
  • People feel able to act, and do act on the vision
  • Momentum builds as people try to fulfill the
    vision, fewer resist change
  • People make wave after wave of changes until
    vision is fulfilled
  • New behavior changes continue despite pulls
  • Empower action
  • Create short-term wins
  • Dont let up
  • Make change stick

The IT Silo and Change
  • Alignment between IT and the institution requires
    individual and organizational boundary spanning
  • Achievement of cross-functional integration
    between the IT organization and the institution
    is a key factor in IT success.
  • Integration can also improve the speed of
    response to change

Integration Maturity Model
  • Effective Partnerships
  • Seamless interaction
  • Sophisticated systems
  • Transparent communication
  • Data and Needs Resolutions
  • Proactive collaboration
  • Shared understanding
  • Basic Understanding
  • Trust
  • Appreciation
  • Priority discussions
  • Medium and frequency of communication important
  • Dis-Integration
  • Open hostility
  • Lack of understanding
  • No interaction

  • The Heart of Change Real-life Stories of How
    People Change Their Organizations. John P. Kotter
    and Dan S. Cohen (Boston, Mass Harvard Business
    School Press, 2002)
  • Managing Transitions Making the Most of Change.
    William Bridges. 2nd edition. (Cambridge, Mass
    Da Capo Press, 2003)
  • Breaking Out of the IT Silo The Integration
    Maturity Model. Mark R. Nelson. (Boulder,
    Colorado EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research,
    March 15, 2005).
  • Cultivating Careers Professional Development for
    Campus IT. Cynthia Golden. (Boulder, Colorado
    EDUCAUSE, 2006).
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