Title: Can French Pension Systems still Fulfill their Implicit Commitments
1Can French Pension Systems still Fulfill their
Implicit Commitments?
- Didier Blanchet
- Cicero Foundation May 16th, 2008
- Main characteristics of the system
- What has been done up to now ?
- How far does it reduce future liabilities ?
- What remains to be done, what are the obstacles ?
3Main characteristics of the system
4Structure of the French pension system
5The initial situation some stylized aspects (1)
- Low retirement age a result of the so-called
retraite à 60 ans introduced in 1983. - Still lower age at exit from the LF high
incidence of preretirement schemes. - Relatively high replacement rates
6The initial situation some stylized aspects (2)
- An accumulation of rules generated by history
lack of transparency - For instance, in the general regime, the rules
mix age conditions and conditions on the number
of years of contributions in a rather complicated
way. - And there were strong deviations from actuarial
neutrality around the normal retirement age
strong penalty before this NRA, no bonus after
this NRA
7Low employment rates for senior workers
8How much does it cost ? (1/1/2006)
9Prospects before reforms
- An ageing problem basically due to increasing
longevity and the baby-boom effect, not to
below-replacement fertility. - Without reform, pension expenditures expected to
represent 18 of GDP in 2040. - Adjusting only through benefits
- a decrease by 33 to 50 of pensioners relative
standard of living - Adjusting only through the retirement age
- an increase of this age by 7 to 9 years.
10Predominance of ageing by the top
11What has been done up to now ?
12The 1993 reform
- Limited to the general regime and assimilated
ones, with three aspects - Planned decrease of the replacement rate.
- A less generous indexation of pensions after
liquidation - A first step toward increasing the NRA
condition for a full rate pension before 65
raised to 40 years of contribution (instead of
37,5) - But no attempt to come closer to actuarial
neutrality (AN) - No action on pensions for the public sector (one
unsuccessful attempt in 1995)
13The 2003 reform
- For the general regime
- A further strengthening on the duration condition
up to 41 years in 2012, and then dependant on
gains in LE (planned to be 41,75 in 2020) - Around the NRA implied by this new rule, a
profile of benefits closer to actuarial
neutrality. - For the public sector
- Progressive adjustement on the private sector in
terms of NRA and AN around this NRA
14Expected impacts of the two reforms
- 1993 reform
- essentially expected to reduce the relative
standard of living of pensioners - 2003 reform
- neutral or even beneficial to their standard of
living is they postpone - Negative effect if behavior doesnt change
- In both cases, economies awaited
15Changes in pension levels due to the 1993 reform
16Cumulated impacts of reforms on pension levels
and age at retirement
Avant réformes
17How far does it reduce future liabilities ?
18What do liabilities mean ?
- Some clarifications necessary because the
proliferation of concepts can lead to confusion - Some observers favour a concept of PAYG
liabilities borrowed from business accounting
(IAS19 norm) - accrued to date liabilities (ADL) , i.e.
required reserves in case of sudden closing of
the system. - Very high values about 30 years of annual
contributions, 3 to 4 years of GDP - Reforms have a very small impact on these
indicators and give the impression that nothing
has been done
19The limits of ADLs as an indicator for reform
- Basically indicators of the systems size have
positive and high values even if the PAYG system
is perfectly sustainable - Illustration if the size of the system is
expected to increase from 12 to 18 of GDP,
dividing the sustainability problem by one half
implies reducing its final size by 3 GDP points,
i.e. a long run decline of ADLs of only 16. - Still lower on current ADLs due to the
underweighting of young cohorts in the index
20There are better ways to look at sustainability
- Open system liabilities
- Incorporates paiements/receipts by future
contributors - Equivalent to discounted sums of future deficits
- Tax Gap
- By how much do we have to raise contributions
right now to warrant long term sustainability ? - But looking at simple projections of deficits or
equilibrium contribution rates remains more
self-speaking for PAYG schemes
21Projections by the COR deficits in of GDP
Normative projection with a stable pension/wage
22Intermediate conclusion
- In view of these projections, French pension
systems have gone some way toward solving their
sustainability problem - But questions remains
23What remains to be done, what are the obstacles ?
24Issues or questions
- A sustainability problem still exists, especially
of other social expenditures are taken into
account (about 2 points of GDP for health
expenditures) - New results partly due to more optimistic
demographic projections are they going to be
confirmed ? - These results are also based on optimistic
productivity/employment scenarios - Is the decline in pension levels socially
sustainable, especially for the oldest olds, and
if people do not or cannot use the opportunity to
increase their pension level by postponing
retirement ?
25Global assessment
- Glass half-way full/half-way empty
- New reforms still to come (one rendez-vous every
4th year) - Perhaps accompanied by a simplification of the
system - the complexity of the system has been helpful at
some stages (1993 reform), - but has many perverse effect lack of
transparency leads to lack of confidence