Title: Childhood Obesity: What Can Schools Do
1Childhood Obesity What Can Schools Do?
- Nutrition, Physical Activity and Academic Success
2(No Transcript)
- Participants will be able to
- 1. Verbalize the impact of nutrition and physical
activity on academic achievement. - 2. Discuss several ways schools can provide an
environment that is conducive to healthful eating
behaviors and regular physical activity. - 3. Help implement policies in their school
district that address physical activity and
4Utah AFHK Core Team Members
- Utah PTA
- Utah School Nutrition Association
- Utah Office of Education
- Utah Department of Health
- American Heart Association, Western States
Affiliate - Intermountain Pediatric Society
- Utah School Nurse Association
- Dairy Council of Utah/Nevada
- Utah School Boards Association
- Jordan District School Board
- Utah State School Board
- Utah Dietetic Association
- Primary Childrens Medical Center
- BYU Health Sciences-Physical Education
- University of Utah College of Health
- Utahns Against Hunger
5David Satcher, MD, PhD,United States Surgeon
General (1998-2001)
- In schools the focus needs to be on creating an
environment that fosters lifelong habits of good
nutrition and increased physical activity.
6Why a School-Based Initiative?
7Obese and Overweight Kids in Utah
- Fill 124 elementary schools - 2,067 classrooms
8Change The Conversation
- Its not just an obesity epidemic. Its an
epidemic of physical inactivity and poor
nutrition. - Mark Fenton,
- UNC Pedestrian and Bicycle Center
9Potential Health Consequences
- Elevated Lipids and Cholesterol
- Hypertension
- Type II Diabetes
- Apnea
- Liver Abnormalities
- Orthopedic Problems
- Depression
- Poor Peer Interaction
10Economic Consequences of Obesity
- National costs attributed to overweight and
obesity - -9.1 of total US medical expenditures
- -78.5 billion dollars (1998)
- Approximately half of the costs were paid by
Medicaid and Medicare - Utahs portion of this cost was 393 million
dollars - -62 million paid by Medicare
- -71 million paid by Medicaid
- Finkelstein, EA, Fiebelkorn, IC, Wang, G.
National medical spending attributable to
overweight and obesity How much, and whos
paying? Health Affairs 2003W3219226. - Finkelstein, EA, Fiebelkorn, IC, Wang, G.
State-level estimates of annual medical
expenditures attributable to obesity. Obesity
Research 200412(1)1824.
11Link Between Achievement and Good Health
- By reducing
- Absences
- Anxiety
- Apathy
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Infections
- Irritability
- By improving
- Academic success
- Attendance
- Behavior
- Energy levels
- Participation
- Test scores
12Link Between Achievement and Good Health
- Over 200 studies linking physical activity with
cognitive functioning - Studies link increased time in physical education
with improved test scores in math, reading and
writing - Reduces anxiety and stress in teens
- Fitnessgram showed direct correlation with test
scores - Good health and nourishment enhance performance
on cognitive testing - Improved tests scores are a result of school
breakfast program
13Cost of Poor Nutrition and Physical Activity
- Money associated with absenteeism
- Staff time and money
- Health care costs for staff
- ADA accommodations
- Money taken away from school meal programs
14School is Kids work and social world
- Need consistency between educational messages and
real life messages in the school - Growing commercial trends compete with healthy
15Creating Change and Solutions
16Making ChangeCreating Policy
17Whats Happening in Utah?
- Gold Medal School Program
- Nutrition Policies in Wasatch, Tooele and Nebo
Districts - Legislative Resolution (HJR-11)
- Federal Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act-
Wellness Policy - Sample Policies
- Awareness Activities
18 Shaping Utahs Future Utah Department of Health
19An Incentive Approach
- Promoting
- Physical Activity
- Healthy Nutrition
- Tobacco Free Lifestyle
20How Does GMS Work?
- Infrastructure
- Criteria
- School Recruitment
- Mentors
- Training
- Awards
- Cost
21GMS Infrastructure
22Criteria Developed
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
- Platinum
23Policy CriteriaExamples
- Each student gets at least 90 minutes of
structured physical activity per week - Food is not used as reward or punishment for
24Environment CriteriaExamples
- Establish a
- Gold Medal
- Mile
- Provide competitive and non-competitive physical
activity programs accessible to all students
25Reaches the Intended Audience
- Between 2001 and 2005
- 203 schools have participated in GMS and 114 of
these schools have reached Gold level - Over 103,000 students reached
- More than 2,700 teachers involved in a faculty
wellness program - More than 5 million Gold Medal Miles walked by
26Changes Schools
- Between 2001 and 2005
- Almost 1,300 individual school policies or
environmental supports have been implemented or
strengthened to promote healthy choices
27Physical Activity Policy2001 and 2005
Percent of GMS with a Policy for 90 Minutes of
Structured Physical Activity Per Week
GMS with Physical Activity Policy by
28Nutrition Policy/Supports2002-2004
Nutrition Policy and Supports by Year
29Wellness Policy
- Goals for Nutrition Physical Activity
- Nutrition Guidelines
- Involve parents, students, SFS, school board
representative, school administrator, public
302. Food as a reward is discouraged and shall be
used on a limited basis.
4. Seventy (70) percent of the contents of
vending machines accessible to students shall be
water, milk, 100 fruit juices, and items that
meet the nutritional standards established by the
Food Service Department.
31(No Transcript)
32Elementary Schools
- No competitive foods during school meals.
- If schools have vending, they must contain only
water, 100 fruit juice, non-fat or low-fat milk
and fresh, dried or canned fruits and vegetables.
33Competitive Foods- Secondary Schools
- The following beverages may be sold or served
water, 100 fruit juice, non-fat and low-fat milk - The following beverages may not be sold or
served soft drinks, sports drinks, punches, teas
and other beverages containing less than 100
fruit juice. - Fruits and vegetables should be offered for sale
at any location on the school site where foods
are sold (including fresh, cooked, dried, juice,
or canned).
34Competitive Foods, cont.
- All snacks, sweets, or side dishes sold or served
on school sites outside of the federal school
meal programs shall meet all of the following
standards have 30 or less of its total calories
from fat, Have 10 or less of its total calories
from saturated plus trans fat, have 35 or less
of its weight from sugars, excluding sugars
occurring naturally in fruits, vegetables, and
dairy ingredients.
35Physical Education Policy Recommendations
- Elementary
- Implement the Physical Education Core Curriculum
(Utah State Office of Education) in each
elementary school. - Aim for daily physical education instruction and
activity for each elementary school child, with a
goal of 150 minutes per week. - Include at least two recess periods with active
play each day. - Restrict the use of recess as a reward or
withholding recess as a punishment. - Establish and promote safe routes for walking to
and from school. - Establish recess as an important time of day for
children and teachers and not a time for
remediation. - Alter school schedules to allow for recess before
36Physical Education Policy Recommendations
- Secondary
- Implement the Physical Education Core Curriculum
(Utah State Office of Education) in each
secondary school. - Prioritize instruction that emphasizes
activities, knowledge and skills for life-long
physical fitness. - Include and promote intramural sports and fitness
activities that emphasize involvement of all
students in addition to formal athletic programs. - Establish and promote safe routes for walking and
biking to school. -
37Nutrition Policy Recommendations
- Implement the Nutrition Core Curriculum (Utah
State Office of Education) at each school. - Limit food used for celebrations and rewards to
less than once per month in each classroom. - Achieve or exceed the federal standards for the
school breakfast and lunch programs. - Allow at least 10 minutes for breakfast and 20
minutes for lunch (once a student is seated). - Assure adequate facilities for each student to
eat sitting down in the cafeteria.
38Nutrition Policy Recommendations
- No competitive foods sold during meal times.
- Establish guidelines for competitive food sales
(vending, school stores, etc.) that promote
healthy eating. See accompanying document
Recommendations for Competitive Food Standards
in Utah. - Incorporate pricing that encourages the
consumption of healthy foods in a la carte lines,
vending and school stores. - Include fruits, vegetables, salad bars, whole
grain products and low-fat dairy and protein
products while restricting the frequency of
breaded and fried items as a la carte options in
secondary schools.
39Wellness Policy Recommendations
- Establish a wellness committee at the school
district level that includes school
administrators, food service administrators,
school board members, health and physical
education teachers, other teachers, parents and
students. - Wellness committee to write, implement and
evaluate physical activity and nutrition policies
using accompanying materials in order to comply
with the Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act
which requires wellness policies to be in place
in each district that receives school meal
funding by Fall 2006. - Encourage schools to use the Utah Gold Medal
School Program (http//www.hearthighway.org),
which provides guidelines, resources and
incentives to schools that makes changes in
physical activity and nutrition.
40Wellness Policy Recommendations
- Encourage schools to use the Healthier US
program, which helps make healthy changes to
school breakfast and lunch. www.fns.usda.gov/tn/He
althierUS/index.htm) - Restrict fund-raising activities that rely on the
sales of unhealthy foods and encourage those that
incorporate physical activity. -
- Promote wellness recommendations to staff,
teachers, administrators and parents so they can
serve as role models for health. - Include a yearly evaluation of the wellness
policies, identifying implementation rates,
results and plans for additional recommendations.
41What Kids Want
- I want to play like the other kids
- I want to be treated like the other kids
- I dont want to be fat
42What Can You Do?
- There is no limit to what we can achieve when
we combine with the right people. - Together we really can make a difference in the
health of our nation's children.
Call to ActionDavid Satcher, MD, PhD
- AFHK- Utah
- Competitive Food Standards
- Policy Guidelines
- Displays
- Listserv
- Fact Sheets
- Research backgrounders
- Presentations
- Sample Policies
- School Health Index
44More Resources
- Institute of Medicine Report Preventing
Childhood Obesity Health in the Balance, 2005 - American Heart Association Child Obesity Facts
and Figures, 2005 - American School Nutrition Association, sample
policies - Hearthighway.org- UDOH links to school health
information and Gold Medal Schools
45Contact Information
- Julie Metos, Utah-AFHK Chair
- julie.metos_at_hsc.utah.edu
- Sarah Rigby, Gold Medal Schools,
- Utah Department of Health
- srigby_at_utah.gov