Title: Highlights from the recent Esnet International Meeting in Paris
1Highlights from the recent Esnet International
Meeting in Paris
- Manuel DelfinoApril 9, 1999
2Topics that were touched but which I will not
cover to avoid repetition or because of scope
- Status of TEN-155
- Developments in Multicasting
- Medical, weather, fusion, etc. applications
- On the topic of Asia All I mention is concerns
about Europe-Asia interconnect
3ESnet International Meeting
- James Leighton
- Department Head
- Networking Telecommunications Dept.
- Computing Sciences Directorate
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Paris, 17 Feb, 1999
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
Dec, 1998 32.4 Giga-packets accepted 12.9
Tera-bytes accepted 398 bytes/packet (average
packet size) Dec, 1997 15.6 Giga-packets
accepted 6.98 Tera-bytes accepted 447
bytes/packet (average packet-size)
7OTHER TOPICSProcurement Activities
- Sprint Contract Extension
- Have signed a two-year contract extension with
Sprint - Will extend current contract to Aug. 01
- Contract includes ATM port charge reductions for
FY99 and additional reductions for FY00 and FY01 - Follow-on Procurement underway (ESnet3)
- Will overlap Sprint contract, roughly from
FY00-04 - Will ask for both production and advance
capabilities - one goal is SSI/P support up to 1Tbps by 03
- Completed 1st vendor briefings during Jan 99
- Plan to launch formal RFP April 99
- Plan for contract signature by fall 99
8CURRENT ISSUESUniversity Access
- Shifting from reliance on vBNS
- vBNS contract with NSF expires Mar 00
- no intent to renew/rebid (?)
- but something else may be going on
- Focus now on peerings with Abilene GigaPoPs
- First GPoP up with (CalREN2-North) _at_ OC12
- Will do interim peering with Abilene
- Peering with CalREN2-South underway _at_ T3
- First peering with Abilene up via Chicago Pop _at_
OC3 - Planning on peering with Atlanta GPoP at T3
- Will peer with Abilene across ATM GPoP
- ANL LBNL Upgraded to OC12c ATM
- OC12c successfully completed numerous tests
- Currently able to test LBLltgtANL up to 570Mbps
- Cut over to production 3 Feb, 99
10RESEARCH ADV. TECH.Current Activities (1/3)
- Differentiated Services
- testing evaluating backbone technologies
- e.g. traffic shaping, queue management, policing,
classifiers, marking, etc. - looking at overall initial architecture for ESnet
DS approach - considering a low-end (Petite) and high-end
(Gonzo) approach - try to minimize startup complexity and cost
- deploying clipper testbed facilities
- Now have routers interconnected at ANL, LBNL,
SLAC - developing white paper on QoS ancillary issues -
what makes QoS so complex to deploy - Participating member in I2/Qbone projects
- The Next Generation Internet (NGI) is a
multi-year, multi-agency federal research and
development program to develop, test, and
demonstrate advanced networking technologies and
applications. - DOE has 15M for FY99
- Several Calls for Proposal have been issued
- Basic Technologies, Applications, Testbeds
- ESnet is participating in several proposal
- One of the Clinton Administration's major science
and technology initiatives in the FY 2000 budget
request to be sent to Congress will be a 366
million, or 28, increase, in information
technology research. The program is called
"Information Technology for the Twenty-First
Century," or IT2. - DOEs program is known as the SSI/SSP (Science
Simulation I/P) - Proposed Agency Budget Increases
- National Science Foundation - 146 million
- Department of Defense - 100 million
- Department of Energy - 70 million
- NASA - 38 million
- NIH - 6 million
- NOAA - 6 million
- DOEs program contains a networking component
- DOEs program calls for Tbps networking
capability by 03 - ESnet has launched an RFP to meet such
13STAR TAP Status
- February, 1999
- by
- Steven N. Goldstein
14STAR TAPPersistent Interconnect for NGI,
Internet2, International High-Performance Networks
CAnet 2
Source http//www.startap.net/topology.html
15The Many Faces of STAR TAP
Courtesy Paul Zawada
Already Connected
- CANet 2 (Canada) 155 Mbps (http//www.canarie.ca
) - vBNS (NSF/MCI) 155 Mbps (http//www.vbns.net )
- DoE (ESnet) and NASA (NREN and NISN) share 155
Mbps connection TAP (http//www.es.net ) - Abilene (UCAID/Internet2) (http//www.ucaid.org)
- SINGAREN (Singapore) 14 Mbps (http//www.singaren.
net.sg ) - TransPAC (35 Mbps from Tokyo--Japan, Korea,
Singapore, Australia...) potential for doubling
capacity in 99 (http//www.transpac.org ) - TAnet II (Taiwan, 15 Mbps of a 45 Mbps link)
- NORDUnet (backbone connects IS, NO, SE, FI, DK)
expected Nov 98 45 Mbps will be split off from
155 Mbps to New York (http//www.nordu.net ) - MirNET (6 Mbps link from Moscow) expected
February 99 (http//www.mirnet.org ) - SURFnet (Netherlands) 155 Mbps to New York, and
45 Mbps split off to STAR TAP - Israel (45 Mbps Inter-University Computation
Center) delivery expected mid- '99 - Renater (45 Mbps, France) is tendering for 45
Mbps, or greater, link to the U.S., portion to
STAR TAP - CERN (20 Mbps) direct to STAR TAP expected
April 99
17Internet2 update
- Doug Van Houweling
- dvh_at_internet2.edu
- ESnet International Meeting
- 17 February 1999
18Internet2 Project Goals
- Enable new generation of applications
- Re-create leading edge RE network capability
- Transfer capability to the global production
- 2.5 years agoInternet2 Project formedOctober
1996 - 1.5 year ago UCAID IncorporatedOctober 1997
- 10 months agoAbilene LaunchedApril 1998
- 141 universities
- 47 corporations
- 7 gigapops connected to vBNS
- Abilene in service w/ 20 institutions connected
- Abilene peering with vBNS, ESnet
- QoS -- QBone initiative launched
- Middleware initiative launched
21UCAID Member Universities141 Members as of
January 1999
University of Puerto Rico not shown
22Internet2 Corporate Partners
- Lucent Technologies
- MCI Worldcom
- Newbridge Networks
- Nortel Networks
- Qwest Communications
- StarBurst Communications
- 3Com
- Advanced Network Services
- Cabletron Systems
- Cisco Systems
- ITCDeltaCom
23Internet2 Corporate Sponsors
- Bell South
- Packet Engines
- SBC Technology Resources
- StorageTek
- Torrent Technologies
24Internet2 Corporate Members
- Alcatel Telecom
- Ameritech
- Apple Computer
- AppliedTheory
- Bell Atlantic
- Bellcore
- British Telecom
- Compaq/DEC
- Deutsche Telekom
- Fujitsu
- GTE Internetworking
- Hitachi
- IXC Communications
- Nexabit Networks
- Nokia Research Center
- Novell
- NTT Multimedia
- Pacific Bell
- RR Donnelley
- Siemens
- Sprint
- Sun Microsystems
- Sylvan Learning
- Telebeam
- Teleglobe
- Williams Communications
- Fall 1998 Demonstrated network at member meeting
- January 1999 Abilene in full service
- peering with vBNS, ESnet
- By December 1999 around 65 institutions
26Abilene NetworkFebruary 1999
New York
Kansas City
Los Angeles
27Network Engineering Challenge
- Combination of
- high bandwidth
- wide area
- intrinsically bursty applications
- Need for multicast
- Need for quality of service
- Need for measurements
28Network Architecture
GigaPoP One
GigaPoP Two
GigaPoP Four
GigaPoP Three
Gigabit capacity point of presence
an aggregation point for regional connectivity
29GigaPoPs, cont.
University A
E.g. vBNS, Abilene
GigaPoP One
Commodity Internet Connections
Regional Network
University B
University C
30Internet2 GigaPoPs
31Working Group Progress
- IPv6
- Measurement
- Multicast
- Network Management
- Network Storage
- Quality of Service
- Routing
- Security
- Topology
32Technical Innovation Quality of Service
- Chair Ben Teitelbaum, Internet2 staff
- Focus Multi-network IP-based QoS
- Relevant to advanced applications
- Interoperability carriers and kit
- Architecture
- QBone distributed testbed
33Big Problem 1 Understanding Application
- Range of poorly-understood needs
- Both intolerant and tolerant apps important
- Many apps need absolute, per-flow QoS assurances
- Adaptive apps may require a minimum level of QoS,
but can exploit additional network resources if
34Big Problem 2 Scalability
- flows through core gtgt flows through edge
- Goal keep per-flow state out of the core
- Design principles
- Put smarts in edge routers
- Allow core routers to be fast and dumb
35Big Problem 3 Interoperability
... between separately administered and designed
clouds ...
Backbone Networks(vBNS, Abilene, )
and between multiple implementations of network
elements ...
is crucial if we are to provide end-to-end QoS.
36Premium Service
- Emulates a leased line
- Contract peak rate profile
- PHB forward me first (e.g. priority queuing,
WFQ) - Policing rule drop out-of-profile packets
- On egress, clouds need to shape Premium
aggregates to mask induced burstiness - GigaPoPs
- scalable access to wide-area resources
- Backbones
- vBNS
- Abilene
37Avoiding Balkanization
Physics Applications
Digital Library Applications
Instructional Applications
Data Mining Applications
Physics QoS
Digital Library QoS
Instructional QoS
Data Mining QoS
Physics Security
Digital Library Security
Instructional Security
Data Mining Security
Physics Directories
Digital Library Directories
Instructional Directories
Data Mining Directories
Physics Storage
Digital Library Storage
Instructional Storage
Data Mining Storage
TCP/IP Network
38Internet2 International Collaborations
- Building peer to peer relationships
- Looking for similar goals/objectives and similar
constituencies - Mechanism Memoranda of Understanding
- Signed CANARIE, Stichting SURF, NORDUnet,
39International collaborations contd
- Network interconnection
- Interconnection at STAR TAP (CAnetII, SURFnet,
NORDUnet, SingAREN underway) - Second interconnection directly with Abilene (NY
- NORDUnet, SURFnet) - Specific project collaboration
- QBone (e.g. SURFnet an initial participant)
- middleware
- research/learning applications
40Next Steps
- Continue to interconnect member desktops and
servers at high speed - Continue to support advanced applications
development - focus on multi-campus implementations
- Adopt, develop and implement
- QoS end-to-end
- middleware end-to-end
- new business models
41Internet2 and NGI collaboration
- Internet2 participation (Guy Almes, Paul Love)
- JET I2 Topology WG joint meetings NGIX
- Internet2 participation (Ted Hanss)
- Internet2 Working Groups
- NGI network or agency participation in Internet2
WGs IPv6, QoS, Measurement, Routing, Topology
42I2-NGI contd
- Abilene
- NSF HPNSP network serving HPC awardees
- Network interconnection
- Abilene and vBNS peering
- Abilene and ESnet peering
- Abilene and vBNS at Chicago NGIX
- Demonstrations
- cross-participation in Oct97, Mar98, Apr98
demonstrations at Highway 1
43Status of the Federal Program
Next Generation Internet
with a focus on the DOE Program Contribution
George Seweryniak Office of Science U.S.
Department of Energy 18 February 1999
44(No Transcript)
45What is NGI?
- The goal of the NGI is to conduct RD in
advanced networking technologies, to demonstrate
those technologies in testbeds that are 100 to
1,000 times faster than todays Internet 1
megabit/sec, and to develop and demonstrate on
those testbeds revolutionary applications that
meet important national needs and that cannot be
achieved with todays Internet. - In essence to let our researchers live in the
46Wide Area, Data Intensive andCollaborative
This is an End-to-End Problem Many different
types of objects need to be connected to and
coordinated by the networks
Nationwide Networks
Scientists Desktops
Terascale Simulations
Scientific Instruments
Petabyte/year Experimental Facilities
Shared Virtual Environments
47Science Simulation Program Structure
48Program Elements
- Algorithms, models, methods and libraries
- meshing, scalable algorithms, predictability, and
scientific data exploration - Problem solving environments and tools
- scalable tools, software components, programming
models, PSE abstractions - Distributed computing and collaboration
technology and - remote data access, multi resource scheduler,
distributed software development - Visualization and data management systems.
- Multi resolution methods, feature driven query,
quantitative methods, new metaphors for complex
49SSP Builds on Strong SC Base Program
Disciplinary Science and Engineering
Advanced Computing Research
External to SC
FundamentalResearch Applied Mathematics
Computer Science Networking
Underlying Technologies Hardware
Software Networking
RD forApplications Advanced Computing
Software Tools Collaboratory Tools
Scientific Application Pilots
Collaboratory Pilots
ScientificComputing Applications Global
Climate Systems Combustion Modeling
Materials Design Subsurface Transport
Data Management for High-Energy Physics,
Nuclear Physics, Structural Biology, ...
National Energy Research Scientific Computing
Center (NERSC)
Advanced Computing Research Facilities
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Advanced Networks
Activities supported by MICS shown in blue.
Part of NGI activities.
MICS Activities Version 3.0
50Primary Technical Challenges for the SSP
Usable and Affordable O(1014) FLOPS/s Computer
- Multiple paths to 40TF vendor integrated,
laboratory integrated, and new technologies - improve peak performance
- improve fraction of peak performance sustained
- improve price/performance
- Commercially Vs. PC Clusters
- 20/Mflop Vs 4/Mflop in 2000
- 5/Mflop Vs 1/Mflop in 2005
- New technologies (PIM, HTMT)
- Augmented Nodes (in discussion phase with IBM)
DOE labs currently investigating all options
51Presentations from European participants in Esnet
- All European participants presented status of
their national networks and their international
connectivity - I have picked two presentations (Italy and
Germany) to illustrate some points. - Common themes are Gigabit testbeds and plans,
QoS/Differentiated services - Idea of justified use vs. general Internet
52GARR-B Status Plans
- Esnet International Meeting
- Paris 17-18 February 1999
- Federico Ruggieri
- CNAF - Bologna
53GARR-B Backbone
US / ESnet
54GARR Backbone Evolution
55Esnet Link (2/2)
Weekly Usage (30 min Average)
October 98
56Connectivity with ESnet
10 - 45 Mbps
EuroPoP New York
10 - 45 Mbps
1.5 Mbps
10 - 45 Mbps
45 - 155 Mbps
ATM circ. IP circuit
10 Mbps ?
TEN-155 Milan
10 Mbps ?
57Update on NetworkingInfrastructure in Germany
- Esnet International Meeting
- Paris, 3 February 1999
58B-WiN traffic volume (1/94-9/98)
59Gigabit Testbed Objectives
- Know-how in network technology
- Know-how in modern applications
- Demonstrate the advantage of G-nets
- Develop interest of potential providers
- encourage the funding
60GTB Bavaria/Berlin (South/Berlin)
- Munich lt--gt Nuremberg/Erlangen lt--gt Berlin
- Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) Technology
- OC-48 Ascend GX-550, Fore ASX-4000
- provided by Deutsche Telekom (DeTeSystem)
- 2 Lambdas ATM, 1 Lamda for additional tests
(HiPPI, maybe IP over glass) - 1st phase Munich-Erlangen, July 1998
- 2nd phase Erlangen-Berlin December 98 (under
test) - projects are planned to run until Summer 2000
61BRAIN - Berlin Research Area Information Network
62German Internet2 Gigabit-Wissenschaftsnetz
- Replacement of the current broadband research
network (B-Win) by the G-WiN - Technical specification is under work
- call for tender next Spring
- start up planned Spring 2000
63Discussion (1)
- US University connections
- Continuation of vBNS?
- I2 schedule? 1 yr
- Lack of US research network
- Renew KEK/NACSIS -gt vBNS request to SG (Karita,
Price) - Europe Telehouse (Davies) (or East Coast) to
STAR-TAP shared connection? - Help from Abilene? (van Houweling)
- Non-I2 universities? (Kasemann)
- Esnet CERN connection with change at Caltech
64Discussion (2)
- STAR TAP (requirements for peering?)
- DESY/Canada
- FNAL/Italy
- ESnet use of planned connections to Europe
- Esnet -gt TEN-155 dedicated link (JFL, Davies)
- Japan -gt TEN-155? (Exists, but saturated) Work
to upgradewith some European funds? Matsukata,
Tirler - Japan to Universities (STAR-TAP?)
65Discussion (3)
- TestbedsQOS, H.323, Ipv6, MONARC
- Explore Qos testbed on intl links (Leighton,
Ghiselli, Jeffreys, Ernst, Martin ) - Technical development cooperation?
- Multicast, QoS, Monitoring, etc.
- Contact Matt Zekakis (I2) explore cooperation
in monitoring (Matthews) also NIST - Data mining
- Connect MONARC, I2 data mining DW send MONARC
info - Ipv6
66Discussion (4)
- Russia
- Japan -gt Novosibirsk DESY -gt republics DANTE.
Need people to coordinate. Funding from Russia
(small), EC - Ernst take issue to SCIC April meeting, report
to ESI by email - China
- Other Asia?
- GIK Inst, Pakistan, member of cms, hafeez
hoorani - European Backbone?
67Discussion (5)
- Monitoring what next?
- Trouble with ping
- DW generate set of questions for mon. Group
- Follow up on action items
- Set up mailing list server (LEP)
- Progress web page (Galvez)
- conf befor summer (JFL)
- Date 1 June 16 CET, 10EST, 7PST, 23 JST, 2 hrs
- Next mtg Japan, May 2000
68Some personal comments (1)
- General Internet (old news by now, buy it)
- Mission specific (ESnet, I2, NGI?)
- Europe
- National networks European network
- No mission specific anymore ?
- Who drives initiatives ? On Gbit, on peering
- Europe-ESnet / Europe-I2 ???????
- Europe ?? TEN-155 or Europe ?? Natl netwks
- DANTE very quiet during the meeting
69Some personal comments (2)
- Focus on applications needs people to make
proposals in which forum are they dicussed ? - Network to network peering
- Agreements (e.g. with NSF, etc.)
- Membership (e.g. membership in UCAID)
- Interesting coffee conversation item
- Coming to Paris to meet with the Americans turns
out to provide a good (the only??) forum for
Europeans to exchange views