Title: Richard Hunter Head of Family of Schools Affiliation
1Richard HunterHead of Family of Schools
2Development of Family of Schools Programme
- Networking / partnerships nationally and
internationally - Enables primary schools to share ideas, best and
next practice - Awareness of current / future initiatives
- Closer engagement and collaboration with
secondary and special schools
3National Primary Headteacher Steering Group
- Practitioners defining needs and areas for
support - All regions and types of school included
- Details will be on website
- Steering Group will influence and shape the way
4First SSAT Primary National Conference 1 March
2006 Dare To Be Different
- All areas closely linked to Every Child Matters
5SSAT supports through regions and co-ordinators
- Affiliated schools receive
- newsletters
- publications
- advice and support
- discounted products
- National ICT register and deliverer of Primary
6Affiliation also offers
- Membership of iNet
- International Network for Educational
Transformation - Opportunity for access to T.I.P.D. funding
- Teachers International Professional Development
- iNet toolkit to support international curriculum
7Educational Leadership Development is a vital
part of the work of SSAT
- Primary Developing Leaders in partnership with
NCSL - Supported by international dimension
- Accredited towards MA
- Future programmes
8Personalising Learning Roadshow
- Follows success in secondary schools
- Supported by Professor David Hargreaves
- Operates for primary schools in all regions to
explore and share successful case studies
- Specialist Schools in effective primary
partnerships - London Challenge
- DfES Rural Schools Issues
10SSAT has a proven record of successful, effective
and sustainable support to over 2,800 secondary
- Largest network of schools
- World-class network of innovative,
high-performing schools - Developing partnerships with business and the
wider community - by schools, for schools
11We believe in sharing best and next practice and
in providing mutual support and challenge
- www.schoolsnetwork.org.uk/affiliation/familyofscho
ols/ - (Website currently being developed)
- Richard Hunter Head of Family of Schools
Affiliation - Richard.hunter_at_ssatrust.org.uk 020 7802 0951
- Rina Jain Project Officer, Family of Schools
- Rina.jain_at_ssatrust.org.uk 020 7802 0856