Title: Tilex: $2.1928.8 fl.oz.
1Tilex 2.19/28.8 fl.oz.
2Bleach 1.19/3 Quarts
3Pool Chlorine 2.39.10 Quarts
4Welcome to the World of Marketing!
5Public Relations, Advertising, and Marketing
- Integration is the Name of the Game!
6The Times, They are A-changin . . . .
- In the beforetime, Public Relations, Marketing,
and Advertising were three separate and distinct
- No More.
- SYMBIOSIS HAS OCCURRED! They are now called
- Result Students of any of these three today need
- def. INTEGRAGED MARKETING approaching
communications issues from a consumers
8In Plain English
- Consumers dont separate promotional material or
newspaper advertising or community responsiveness
into separate compartments. They lump everything
together to make judgements about services and
- Marketing The selling of a service or product
through pricing, distribution, and promotion.
- Public Relations The selling of the company that
provides the service or product.
10As We Have Noted Before. . .
- You can make the best widgets in the world --
- You can provide the best service in the world --
- But if your company image or the image of your
product becomes tarnished or suspect, youre out
of business!
11What has brought PR and Marketing together?
- Consumer protests.
- More government scrutiny
- Product recalls.
- Food scares.
- The rapid spread of rumors.
- Media criticism.
- Internet sites.
12In Addition . . .
- Over the last 20 years, the amount of advertising
in the U.S. has increased exponentially!
- News holes shrunk.
- TV ads went from 60 to 15, quadrupling the
number of sponsors.
- Competition for consumer attention became
- In the 2004 presidential election, the monies
spent for advertising are just short of 4
BILLION, a new record high. (So much for
134Ps of Marketing
- Product
- Price
- Place
- Promotion
- And today add
14 Advertising Publicity
- Ads fight for attention amid the noise of
competing ads (Burger Wars, Cola Wars, etc.)
- Ads are expensive.
- Ads are old after they have been seen 2-3 times.
- Can create consumer demand.
- Can explain complicated products.
- Publicity is cheap.
- Can tie product to a unique representative.
(Morris the Cat)
15Also . . . .
- While Advertising is obviously self-serving,
Publicity implies endorsement by a third party.
- Translation If you read it in the news, it must
be important. (Implies third-party endorsement)
16Advertisers are getting Creative!
17And theyre also getting REALLY Creative!
- GMs Pontiac Division hooked up with Oprah
Winfrey to give away 276 Pontiac G-6 cars to
deserving audience members.
- GM agreed to pay sales taxes, title fees, etc.
- PR impact tremendous. Both Oprah and GM get TONS
of positive ink.
- HOWEVER Problems arose when Uncle Sams IRS
showed up and demanded income taxes (up to 7000
in some cases) be paid by the winners.
18Note the Economics!
- The car giveaway cost GM approximately 5
- For that price, they got a full hour on Oprah
(PRIME, PRIME TIME!!), plus all the news stories
that followed up. (They made news!!)
- Cost of all that air time and newspaper space if
they had purchased it would have been in the
billions! (A single Super Bowl 30 spot can go
for over 2mm.) - So GM didnt buy one cent of traditional
advertising time, but they got more favorable
exposure for their product (and for Oprah) than
they even dreamed! - Translation When youre this PR savvy, who needs
19PR Marketing Activities
- 1. Article Reprints
- 2. Trade Show Participation
- 3. Use of Spokespersons
- 4. Cause-Related Marketing
20Article Reprints
- 1. Arrange for reprints before article goes to
- 2. Carefully and specifically ID targets.
- 3. Emphasize reprints significance.
- 4. Include with other relevant information.
21Trade Shows
- 1. Have a specific reason to be there.
- 2.Unify all elements (messages) of your entry in
the show.
- 3. Display whats new, innovative.
- 4. Hit the local scene.
- This is risky business !
- Celebrities can be very expensive.
- They can aslo get you (and your product!!) in big
- Can send the wrong message.
23Causes as Marketing
- Be Careful!
- Good tool if used properly
- Match yourself with logical partner or cause
- Cause Celebre
- Everyone is GREEN nowadays!
24Public Relations Advertising . . . . .
- In the beforetime, this would have been an
- Warner and Swasey American Business Campaign
Sold image, NOT product.
- Various terms
- Image Ads -- Institutional Ads -- PSA
25More Simply Put . . .
- Youre selling the SIZZLE!!
- Not the STEAK!
26Dont Forget Traditional PR (nonproduct)
- Mergers
- Name Changes
- History
- Emergencies (UPS Strike, Pepsi Scare)
- Financial Strength
- New People
- Service Capabilities
- Trademark Protection and Promotion
- New products
27PR Ads today
- 1. Bottom Line Orientation
- 2. Ads must be clear and concise.
- 3. Top Management has to be on board.
- 4. Ads must persuade, not just inform.
- 5. Ads must also ell!(Persuasion, right?)
- 6. Honesty above all else!
- 7. Humor a plus (IF done right!)
- Today some product manufacturers (i.e. Cereal
companies) are hosting websites which are
supposedly just games for children.
- But theyre really ads for cereal, candy, and
29Down the Road . . . . .
- INFOMERTIALS are here to stay.
- 900 Phone numbers arent just for phone sex
anymore . . . !
- And the Movies arent just movies anymore . . . .
30Never Forget Effects . . .
- Once your company, your product -- or even your
industry becomes fodder for the cartoonists,
youve got a SERIOUS problem!
31The Bottom Line
- From here on out, Advertising, Marketing, Sales
Promotions, and Public Relations are all going to
blend together!