Title: Localization and Register Sharing for Predicate Abstraction
1Localization and Register Sharing for Predicate
- Himanshu Jain
- Franjo Ivancic
- Aarti Gupta
- Malay Ganai
- Predicate abstraction
- Abstracts data by keeping track of certain
predicates - Each predicate given a boolean variable in
abstract model - Scalability depends on choice and usage of
predicates -
3Counterexample Guided Abstraction and Refinement
Property Monitor
C programs
Discovered bug in software
Static Analysis
Analysis Refinement
Model check (DiVer)
Certified code
- Computing predicate relationships is expensive
- Localization of predicates
- Identify important predicates at each program
location - Identify important predicate relationships
5Some notation
- Spurious trace
- Infeasible sequence of statements
- Predicate relationships
- Example (p1 Æ p2), (p1 p3)
1. x m 2. y m 3. assume (x ! y)
6Related work
- BLAST uses interpolation to find important
predicates at each statement in spurious trace
Jhala et al., 04 - Localization of predicates
- Interpolation produces good predicates?
- Syntactic program transformations for automatic
abstraction Namjoshi et al. - MAGIC tool Chaki et al.
7Our approach
- Given a spurious trace s1.sk
- Use weakest pre-conditions to identify important
predicates at each statement si - Most predicate relationships obtained from
refinement itself
- Introduction
- Localization of predicates
- Register Sharing
- Dedicated State Variables
- Experimental results
1 x ctr 2 y ctr 1 3 if (x i-1) 4
if (y ! i) ERROR
1 skip 2 skip 3 if () 4 if ()
C program
No predicates available currently
10Checking the abstract model
Is ERROR reachable?
1 skip 2 skip 3 if () 4 if ()
Abstract model has a path leading to error state
No predicates available currently
11Concretization of abstract counterexample
1 x ctr 2 y ctr 1 3 assume(x
i-1) 4 assume (y ! i)
1 skip 2 skip 3 if () 4 if ()
Concrete trace
Does this correspond to a real bug?
1 x ctr 2 y ctr 1 3 assume(x
i-1) 4 assume (y ! i)
We use a SAT solver
Spurious trace
Spurious Counterexample
Concrete trace
ctr 1 ! i
ctr i - 1
1 x ctr 2 y ctr 1 3 assume(x
i-1) 4 assume (y ! i)
ctr 1 ! i
x i - 1
y ! i
x i -1
y ! i
Localization information
Spurious Counterexample
14Predicate relationships
ctr 1 ! i
ctr i - 1
1 x ctr 2 y ctr 1 3 assume(x
i-1) 4 assume (y ! i)
ctr 1 ! i
x i - 1
y ! i
x i -1
y ! i
Localization information
Spurious Counterexample
15What happened so far
1 x ctr 2 y ctr 1 3 if (x i-1) 4
if (y ! i) ERROR
16Computing new abstraction
1 x ctr 2 y ctr 1 3 if (x i-1) 4
if (y ! i) ERROR
ctr 1 ! i
ctr i - 1
ctr 1 ! i
ctr i - 1
ctr 1 ! i
x i - 1
y ! i
x i -1
y ! i
y ! i
Localization information
Localization information
1 2 3 if ( ) 4 if ( ) ERROR
Computing new abstraction
17Computing new abstraction
1 x ctr 2 y ctr 1 3 if (x i-1) 4
if (y ! i) ERROR
ctr 1 ! i
ctr i - 1
y ! i
Localization information
1 2 3 if ( ) 4 if (b0) ERROR
Boolean b0 y ! i
Computing new abstraction
18Computing new abstraction
1 x ctr 2 y ctr 1 3 if (x i-1) 4
if (y ! i) ERROR
ctr 1 ! i
ctr i - 1
y ! i
Localization information
1 2 3 if (b1) 4 if (b0) ERROR
Boolean b1 xi-1 Boolean b0 y ! i
Computing new abstraction
19Computing new abstraction
1 x ctr 2 y ctr 1 3 if (x i-1) 4
if (y ! i) ERROR
ctr 1 ! i
ctr i - 1
y ! i
Localization information
1 2 b0 b2 3 if (b1) 4 if (b0)
Boolean b2 ctr1 ! i Boolean b1 x
i-1 Boolean b0 y ! i
Computing new abstraction
20Computing new abstraction
1 x ctr 2 y ctr 1 3 if (x i-1) 4
if (y ! i) ERROR
ctr 1 ! i
ctr i - 1
ctr 1 ! i
x i - 1
y ! i
x i -1
y ! i
Localization information
1 b1 b3 2 b0 b2 3 if (b1) 4 if
(b0) ERROR
Boolean b3 ctr i -1 Boolean b2 ctr1 ! i
Boolean b1 x i - 1 Boolean b0 y ! i
No decision procedure used so far
Computing new abstraction
21Computing new abstraction
1 x ctr 2 y ctr 1 3 if (x i-1) 4
if (y ! i) ERROR
ctr 1 ! i
ctr i - 1
ctr 1 ! i
x i - 1
y ! i
x i -1
y ! i
Localization information
What about initial values of b2 and b3?
1 b1 b3 2 b0 b2 3 if (b1) 4 if
(b0) ERROR
Boolean b3 ctr i -1 Boolean b2 ctr1 ! i
Boolean b1 x i - 1 Boolean b0 y ! i
SAT-based predicate abstraction Kroening et
al. Lahiri et al.
Computing new abstraction
22Computing new abstraction
1 x ctr 2 y ctr 1 3 if (x i-1) 4
if (y ! i) ERROR
Global constraint (b2 b3)
1 b1 b3 2 b0 b2 3 if (b1) 4 if
(b0) ERROR
Boolean b3 ctr i -1 Boolean b2 ctr1 ! i
Boolean b1 x i - 1 Boolean b0 y ! i
Computing new abstraction
23Abstraction without register sharing
Global constraint (b2 b3)
1 b1 b3 2 b0 b2 3 if (b1) 4 if
(b0) ERROR
Boolean b3 ctr i -1 Boolean b2 ctr1 ! i
Boolean b1 x i - 1 Boolean b0 y ! i
Computing new abstraction
24Model check
ERROR is not reachable!
Global constraint (b2 b3)
1 b1 b3 2 b0 b2 3 if (b1) 4 if
(b0) ERROR
Boolean b3 ctr i -1 Boolean b2 ctr1 ! i
Boolean b1 x i - 1 Boolean b0 y ! i
Computing new abstraction
25What have we covered so far
- Localize predicates using weakest pre-conditions
- Utilizing weakest pre-condition relationships
- Bottleneck
- Model checking of abstraction without register
26Register sharing
- Due to localization many predicates are useful
only at a few program locations - Reuse state variables for representing other
predicates - Similar to register allocation
27Abstraction with register sharing
Do we need 4 Boolean variables?
28Abstraction with register sharing
1 b1 b3 2 b0 b2 3 if (b1) 4 if
(b0) ERROR
1 skip 2 skip 3 if (c1) 4 if (c0)
Global constraint (b2 b3)
Local constraint (PC 1) ! (c0 c1)
29Register sharing
- Reduces Boolean variables in the abstract model
by register sharing - Speeds up model checking of abstractions
- Whats next
- Reducing number of refinement iterations
30Problem with register sharing
31Dedicated state variable
32Dedicated state variables
- Initially each predicate is assigned a Boolean
variable, which can be reused - If a predicate is localized at many statements,
- s p 2 local(s) gt TH for some threshold TH
- p is assigned a dedicated state variable (not
reused) - By having a low value of TH, we can discover
globally useful predicates early - Why this works?
33Experimental Results
- TCAS (Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance
System) - Lines of code 1652
- We checked 10 different safety properties
- Non-trivial number of predicates needed for each
property both by F-Soft and BLAST
34F-Soft versus BLAST (craig 2 predH7)
- Localize predicates using weakest pre-conditions
- Most predicate relationships obtained as by
product - Faster and less coarse abstractions
- Comparable to interpolation based techniques
- Model checking abstractions
- Exploit localization information for reducing
Boolean variables - Reducing refinement iterations
- Predict globally useful predicates early in
abstraction refinement process