Title: CS1315: Introduction to Media Computation
1CS1315Introduction to Media Computation
- Introduction to Course
- Administrivia
- This is not an easier course than CS1321
- Its a different course
- In particular, you WILL still be asked to learn
to program! - You will not have fulfilled the pre-requisite for
CS1322 by taking this class - But CS1316 (Representations of Structure and
Behavior) will be offered next Spring, and that
fulfills the pre-req for CS1322
3History and Purpose of Course
- Created in response to attitudes about CS1321,
and CS1, nationally - Goal is to teach computation in terms relevant to
non-CS and non-ECE majors - Inspired in part by ECEs DSP First
- Developed with an advisory board from across
campus LCC, Applied Physiology, Math, ECE, CETL
4Course Objectives
- Students will be able to read, understand,
modify, and assemble from pieces programs that
achieve useful communication tasks Image
manipulation, sound synthesis and editing, text
(e.g., HTML) creation and manipulation, and
digital video effects. - We will always give you examples to use when we
ask you to program - Students will learn what computer science is
about, especially data representations,
algorithms, encodings, forms of programming. - Students will learn useful computing skills,
including graphing and database concepts
5def clearRed(picture) for pixel in
getPixels(picture) setRed(pixel,0)
def greyscale(picture) for p in
getPixels(picture) rednessgetRed(p)
greennessgetGreen(p) bluenessgetBlue(p)
setColor(p, makeColor(luminance,luminance,
def negative(picture) for px in
getPixels(picture) redgetRed(px)
greengetGreen(px) bluegetBlue(px)
6def chromakey2(source,bg) for p in
getPixels(source) if (getRed(p)getGreen(p) lt
getBlue(p)) setColor(p,getColor(getPixel(bg,getX(
p),getY(p)))) return source
7How grades will be determined
- Pre-quizzes and quizzes - four (50)
- Pre-quizzes are worth 20 points, quizzes 80
- Homework - four (20)
- One final (30)
- OVERALL Grades are straight scale 90-100 A,
80-89 B, 70-79 C, 60-69 D, 59 or below F
8Lablets (We won't do these!)
- How to use your computer to do useful things
- Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML
- On your own computer (not in a lab)
- Collaborative
9Pre-quizzes and quizzes
- Pre-quizzes are collaborative Work on them with
your friends to learn the material - Quizzes will be very similar in content, but on
- Programming assignments
- Designed to take no more than a couple hours each
- Collaborative
- No Late Assignments Accepted AT ALL
- Assignments due Friday
11Class website
- http//coweb.cc.gatech.edu/cs1315
- This is where youll find everything associated
with the classDo not edit the pages! - Syllabus
- Homeworks/Projects/Labs
- TA Information
- Soapbox and Personals
- Announcements (You are responsible for these!
Check daily!!)
- Book from PearsonIntroduction to Media
ComputationA Multimedia Cookbook in Python - CD with software and media attached to book
- JES (our programming environment) also on CoWeb
13No Cell Phones or Pagers Permitted
- Emergencies happen
- Let me know before class if you are expecting a
phone or page and need to leave it on - But in any event, if you get a call or page, you
are expected to LEAVE THE LECTURE.
- Approach of the class is apprenticeship
- Ill demonstrate a lot of what you need to do
- You will see me make mistakes.
- You will also see how to fix them
- If youre not here, you will not see the
demonstrations - Class absences will count against you. Three
strikes and you're out!
15Organization of the class
- Mandatory lectures Monday, Wednesday and Friday
in large lecture hall format - Mandatory recitation Tuesday
- With TA
- Emphasis on demonstrations, QA, etc.
- You are welcome to bring your laptop for hands-on
help - Mandatory quizzes Thursday
16TALK TO Us! (Please!)
- We really want to know if the class is working
and how it doesnt work - Comment areas on CoWeb
- Anonymous areas on CoWeb
- Office hours, recitations, etc.