Title: China Nuclear Power Situation and Development
1China Nuclear Power Situation and Development
- ZHANG Aling,WANG Yanjia,GU Alun
- Tsinghua University
2The Police and Planning of Nuclear Energy
- Nuclear power, with clean, safe, high efficiency
and economic characteristics, is one of the
world's supporting energy as well as coal and
oil. Other developed countries have already
greatly exceeded China on nuclear power
construction. It is an inevitable trend to
develop clean and environmental nuclear power in
China. - Establishing national nuclear power industry.
General Secretary HU has made such 3 orientations
as national, high-tech and strategy for
Chinas nuclear power industry. - Since 2004, China government has changed the
police of nuclear development from moderate to
3The Police and Planning of Nuclear Energy
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8 The Police and Planning of Nuclear Energy
- 11 NPP in operation, total 8.6 GW installed
capacity - 52.3 billion kWh - 2.1 of total power generation
- Accept 2 units of CANDU PHWR type, others PWR
9Planning of Nuclear Power Development
- The government plans to increase nuclear
generating capacity to 40 GWe by 2020 with a
further 28 GWe nuclear being under construction
then - Requiring an average of 2 GWe per year being
10Existing Nuclear Power Plants in China
Name Type Commenced Capacity Vendor Owner Operation
Name Type Commenced MWe Vendor Owner Operation
Qinshan- I PWR 1985 300 CNNC CNNC 1994
Daya Bay PWR 1987 2x944 Framatome CNNC, 1993, 94
Daya Bay PWR 1987 2x944 Framatome GUANDONG 1993, 94
Qinshan- II PWR 1996 2x600 CNNC CNNC 2002, 04
Lingao PWR 1997 2x990 Framatome CNNC, 2002, 03
Lingao PWR 1997 2x990 Framatome GUANDONG 2002, 03
Qinshan- III CANDU 1998 2x728 AECL CNNC 2002, 03
Tianwan PWR 1999 2x1000 Russia CNNC 2007
Total (11) 8824
11 Nuclear Power Plants Under Construction in China
Reactor Type Net capacity Vendor/Owert Start up
Lingao-II PWR 2935 MWe 2010
Qinshan-IV PWR 610 MWe CNNC 2010
Total  3090 MWe
12 Nuclear Power Plants Under Construction in China
The economics of NPP Investment cost Tariff to grid
Imported NPP 2030 US/kW 55.8 fens/kWh
Indigenous NPP 1334 US/kW 38.8 fens/kWh
Indigenous coal fired power plants 4000Yan/kW 31.4 fens/kWh
270??? 28.8???
17Open Bidding for Third-generation Designs
- In September 2004 the State Council approved the
two units at Sanmen, followed by six units at
Yangjiang (two to start with), these to be 1000
or 1500 MWe reactors - The Sanmen and Yanjiang plants were subject to an
open bidding process for third-generation
designs, with contracts being awarded in mid 2006 - Westinghouse bid its AP 1000 (which now has US
NRC final design approval), Areva NP (Framatome
ANP) bid its EPR of 1600 MWe
18NPP Technologies
- PWRs will be the mainstream but not sole reactor
type - Nuclear fuel assemblies are fabricated and
supplied indigenously - Domestic manufacturing of plant and equipment
will be maximized, with self-reliance in design
and project management - International cooperation is nevertheless
19New Nuclear Power Reactor Technology Development
- In February 2006 the State Council announced that
the large advanced PWR and the small high
temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTR) are two high
priority projects for the next 15 years - In order to master international advanced
technology on nuclear power and develop a Chinese
third-generation large PWR - CNNC has confirmed this, while pointing
longer-term to fast neutron reactors
20National Laws
- The Atomic Energy Act is a supreme legal document
in nuclear field to adjust and promote the atomic
energy development in China - The Atomic Energy Act being worked out
- The Environment Protection Act of the Peoples
Republic of China was approved by the National
Peoples Congress (NPC) - The Radioactive Pollution Prevention Act is a
basic law for the radioactive waste management
21Nuclear Safety and Wastes Management
- To meet the needs of nuclear energy development,
independent regulatory authorities and
implementation bodies came into being in Chinas
radioactive waste management system in virtue of
years of practices. - The State Environment Protection Agency (SEPA),
independent of the nuclear industry, carries out
supervision and management on nuclear safety and
radiation environment of civilian nuclear
facilitieslicensing management and routine
22Rules and Regulations by Governmental Departments
- Detailed Implementation Rules have been
promulgated in succession - National Regulations on Supervision and
Management of Safety of Civilian Nuclear
Facilities - Provisions on Safety of Civilian Nuclear Fuel
Cycle Facilities - Provisions on Safety of NPP Radioactive Waste
Management - Environmental Policy on Intermediate and
Low-level Radioactive Wastes Disposal - Provisions on Radioactive Waste Management
23Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- China has primarily established a nuclear fuel
cycle system covering uranium exploration, mining
and milling, conversion, isotope separation,
nuclear fuel element manufacture and spent fuel
24Establishment of Nuclear Fuel Cycle System
25Uranium Resources
- At present the uranium resources supply available
domestically - With the prospective need to import much more
uranium - CNNC is also keen to participate in exploration
and mining abroad, and in 2006 bought into a
small Australian uranium prospect
26Cardinal Principles of Waste Management
- Aiming at safety and taking disposal as core
- Ensuring exposure received by workers and the
public within the dose limits set by the state,
and keeping at the ALARA level when taking into
account the economic and social factors - Protecting later generations, i.e. no extra
burdens and responsibilities to be added to later
generations, and the protection level of
individuals of later generations will not lower
than the current level
27Cardinal Principles of Waste Management
- Relevant radioactive waste treatment facilities
should be designed, constructed and operated
simultaneously with facilities or practices
producing radioactive wastes
28Cardinal Principles of Waste Management
- Taking into full consideration the
inter-relations between various phases of waste
management - reduction in output
- categorized collection
- purification and concentration, volume reduction
and solidification - careful encapsulation, safe transportation
- in-situ interim storage
- concentrated disposal, controlled discharge
29Cardinal Principles of Waste Management
- The environmental impact assessment should be
conducted prior to any waste management facility
or practice. - The discharge amount should be applied for to
environment protection agencies. - The amount and concentration of radioactive
materials discharged to environment must lower
than the discharge limits set by regulatory
30Treatment of L/ILW
- L/ILW arising from NPPs will be cement-solidified
in 200 L steel barrel or large concrete container - Development of a series of cement formulas,
methods to examine the solidification
performance, and some cementation apparatuses
31Near-surface Disposal of I/LLSW
- Near-surface disposal of I/LLSW including cement
formula piles and hydraulic fracture disposal - Following the policy of regional disposal of
I/LLSW, China has set up several state regional
I/LLSW disposal sites where nuclear installations
are comparatively concentrated
32Near-surface Disposal of I/LLSW
- The northwest I/LLSW repository put into
operation with planed capacity of the first phase
is 5,200,000 m3 - The design disposal capacity of Guangdong Beilong
repository, closing to the Daya Bay and Ling Ao
NPPs in Shenzhen, is 80,000 m3 - Repository in Zhejiang in planning
33Treatment and Disposal of HLW
- Spent fuel storage
- Reprocessing
- Vitrification of HLLW
- Deep geological disposal of HLW
34Spent Reprocessing
- Initiate target recovery of uranium and
plutonium for resource conservation - Long target
- Reprocessing partitioning ? transmutation
remove trans-uranium and separate strontium and
cesium - Improvement of resource utilization
- Minimizing the radioactive toxic
- Reducing the waste repository volume
35Spent Reprocessing
- Scientific research and test verification carried
out for a 50 tU spent fuel project - A commercial facility put into operation after
36Deep Geological Disposal of HLW
- Plan for deep geological disposal of HLW consists
of four stages technical preparedness
geological research on-site test and
construction - Great progress on sitting for repository and
underground laboratory, and the feasibility study - Northwest region of China primarily determined
as one of the most likely candidate sites - Two wells as deep as 700 m and 500 m
respectively drilled for carrying out
multi-disciplinary research
37Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities
- Drafting National standard Safety Requirements
for Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities - Carrying out relevant development work
- Assessment of radioactivity inventory
- Decontamination
- Cutting technology
- Remote operation
- Smelting
- Radioactive waste management
- Health protection and safety