2Trees  Pretty and leafy Green and brown, growing
quickly Have many green leaves   Â
3Bert  There was a young boy named Bert And he
only had one shirt He loved it dearly and he
washed it clearly And he liked his skirt
4The mean man  There was an old beep from
Afghanistan Who liked to attack on a
plane-astan He wanted to drop a big bomb To blow
up George Bush and his mom But America has a good
5The Moon Is A Mans Face  The moon is a mans
face with a long and curvy nose.
His face is like a circle, so round and round
it goes.
His face is
pale and rocky, just like the moon alone,
so when it shines its light
on you, there is a special glow!
6Sick  I hate being sick My head feels swollen
and hot No one knows my pain It feels like my bed
is mov- Ing like a roller coaster
7The very end of my poems
9 My Blinky  The purring, sniffing, pink little
Blinkey uses shampoo so it doesnt smell
stinky Tiny, little and short legged has long
wings so its not naked It wraps itself up in its
wings, Its very shy so it never sings It speaks
English like you and me Its potty-trained so it
knows where to pee Its head to tail only
measures four quarters of an inch It never claws
you, scratches, bites it wont even pinch!
10Old man  There was an old man named Gary Whos
beard was awfully hairy He used some shampoo till
he turned 92 And he loved his pretty wife Carry
11Butterfly I like how they look They flitter and
flutter now They are so pretty And float so
lightly and high Please dont go away butterfly
12Day Bright, light Shining, burning, hot Sizzle
awake, asleep, whoo Freezing, glowing,
chilling Dark, cold Night Â
Stinging animals
Near flowers
Buzzing, flying, stinging Bees Â
14Olivia  Olivia once was a girl Whose cat went
pur pur pur pur pur Stays awake listening to her
cat And that is that
15Cold  Cold Chilly Never hot So so so cold