Title: Eight Steps in Good Teaching
1Eight Steps in Good Teaching
2Consistent with the Best Educational Practices
PSet - tell the students what they will learn/do
today PIntroductory Acitvity (1-8) PFitness
Activity (1-8) PLesson Focus (1-8) (1-8) PClosure - review the lesson with the
3Consistent with the Best Educational Practices
- The Six Point Lesson Plan
corresponding element in the 8 steps difference is in the details
4The Eight Steps in Good Teaching
51. Set
PAnticipatory Set PFocus and Review PASet the
Stage_at_ - tell the students what they are going to
do now PQuick and to the point
6Steps 2 - 4 SHOW, Tell, and Label
POf the three, Show is the most important
72. SHOW
PDont just tell PBeginning teachers talk too
much PA picture is worth a thousand words PUse a
demonstration PWalk students through the drill or
83. Tell
PTell the students how/what to do while you show
them PKeep it short will allow 2 minutes maximum for very detailed
explanations longer sit them down for a lecture BWarning,
dont lose their warmup
94. Label
PGive the parts of a skill a name PLabel the
teaching cues PLimit the number of
cues/labels PHelps correct errors PSpeeds up
communication PEnhances memory
105. Let Them Try
- Learners need a lot of practice attempts
PGive the student an opportunity to get the idea
of the movement POnce they get the idea, give
them lots of practice PMaximize practice
116. Observe Performance
PAActive Supervision_at_ not APassive
Supervision_at_ PMove around and give feedback PMove
with a purpose
127. Give Feedback
PPraise - When you catch them doing something
right PRedirect - When a child cant do the
skill PReprimand - When a child wont try confuse a Acant_at_ with a Awont_at_
138. Closure
- Not to be confused with Closing Activity
PBrings the lesson into perspective PFocus their
attention and review important material PQuick
and to the point PThere are lots of ways to
close questions