Title: A New Era in Eastern Europe
1A New Era in Eastern Europe
- Soviet domination of Eastern Europe came to an in
1989 and 1990
Fall of Berlin wall-1989
2Standards or bust
3Soviet Ruling
- In 1945, most of Eastern Europe was tied to the
Soviet Union. Communists controlled government
and industry. They censored the press and jailed
critics. - In 1955, the Warsaw pact linked the Soviet Union
and its satellites in a military alliance. - In 1956, Hungary tried to cut the ties. Soviet
troops crushed the movement. In 1968, tanks
rolled in to enforce communist control in
4Polish Resistance
- Communists worked hard to keep a hold on Poland.
In 1980, Polish workers set up a union called
Solidarity. The Communists outlawed the union and
jailed its leader. - However, in 1989, Gorbachev pledged to stay out
of Eastern Europe. - Poland held elections. Solidarity leaders won
office. Soon, a freedom movement swept Eastern
Europe. One by one, communist governments fell
5Bosnia Problems
- Under Communism, ethnic, or racial, tensions were
put down. - With the fall of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia
split into several nations. - In the nation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, there were
Muslims, Serbs (Orthodox Christians), and Croats
(Roman Catholics). - The Bosnian Serbs wanted to drive out all other
ethnic groups. In 1992, they began fierce attacks
on civilians, or non-military people. - UN forces tried to keep peace. In 1995, NATO
bombed Serb bases. - A cease-fire, or an agreement to stop fighting,
was signed, But Bosnia was still a troubled land.
NATO raiding Serb positions
6Hard-to-draw-in-PowerPoint Chart
Romania Freedom protests answered with violence,
dictator arrested and executed 1989
Poland Free elections 1989
Hungary Breakup of Communist party 1989
Freedom Sweeps Eastern Europe
East Germany Berlin Wall opened 1989 Free
elections 1990
Czechoslovakia Free elections 1989
Yugoslavia End of Communist party control,
promise of free elections 1990
Bulgaria Communist leader steps down 1989
7Review Review Review!
1. Why did war break out in Bosnia-Herzegovina?
Insert answer here
2. In what year did Communism fall in most parts
of Easten Europe?
Insert answer here