Title: Building Regulations and Competent Persons
1Building Regulations and Competent Persons
Conservation of fuel and power Building
Regulations Competent Persons Schemes Self
Certification Business Opportunities
Overview Presentation
2Building Regulations and Competent Persons
International Concern about global warming
Security of supply
Increasing world demand for energy
Limited reserves
Rio and Kyoto
Energy Performance Building Directive (EC)
Changes to the Building Regulations
Overview Presentation
3Building Regulations and Competent Persons
We have one Planet Earth
We are using at present three times the earths
Climate Change
Overview Presentation
4Building Regulations and Competent Persons
Overview Presentation
5Building Regulations and Competent Persons
Overview Presentation
6Building Regulations and Competent Persons
Main causes of CO2 increase
- keeping more of us warm/cool
- making and using more things that more of us want
- getting more people and goods from A to B
- more often and more quickly
Overview Presentation
7Building Regulations and Competent Persons
Saving Energy Its common sense
- wasting energy wastes money. Every 1 saved on
the fuel bill goes straight to the bottom line
profit - managing energy cuts out waste, and ensures
better value for all - its the best financial investment of all
Overview Presentation
8Building Regulations and Competent Persons
Saving Energy Its common sense!
Source EnergyWatch
Overview Presentation
9Building Regulations and Competent Persons
Key parts of the Building Regulations
Part F Ventilation Part J Combustion
appliances and fuel storage Part L Conservation
of Fuel and Power Part P Electrical
Safety details are in Approved Documents
Overview Presentation
10Building Regulations and Competent Persons
Application of Regulations (1)
From April 2005 Part P Electrical Safety From
April 2006 Part F Ventilation Part G
Hygiene specifically Part G3 hot water storage
systems (domestic, unvented) Part J Combustion
appliance and fuel storage limited to domestic
oil and solid fuel installations.
Overview Presentation
11Building Regulations and Competent Persons
Application of Regulations (2)
Part L Conservation of fuel and power From
April 2006 L1A New dwellings L1B Extensions
to existing dwellings and/or material
alterations. L2A New buildings other than
dwellings L2B Extensions to buildings other
than dwellings and/or material alterations
Overview Presentation
12Building Regulations and Competent Persons
Need to notify Building Control Body Competent
Persons Self and third party notification
Overview Presentation
13Building Regulations and Competent Persons
Building Engineering Services Competence
Accreditation (BESCA) Training for Competent
Persons and Certifiers by HVCA Training
Overview Presentation
14Building Regulations and Competent Persons
Challenges or Opportunities?
Overview Presentation
15Building Regulations and Competent Persons
For the future ? Home Information packs ?
Inspection of boilers ? Inspection of A/C
systems ? Energy performance rating of
buildings ? Further regulation planned
Overview Presentation
16Building Regulations and Competent Persons
Further advice and information from HVCA Tel 020
7313 4900 Email contact_at_hvca.org.uk BESCA Tel
01708 860 406 www.besca.org.uk
Background photograph by courtesy of Haden Young
Overview Presentation