Title: The Mortar and Pestles Group
1The Mortar and Pestles Group
Project Tell Me The Recipes
Lucy Xie Danny Diaz Robb Samuell John
Frushour September 24, 2002
CS 499
2The Mortar and Pestles Group
Lucy Xie DannyDiaz Robb Samuell John Frushour
Project Tell Me The Recipes
- UK pharmacists use index cards to store
prescription recipes - A recipe consists of ingredients and
instructions for preparation of drug doses - A recipe lookup requires
- Physically looking up the recipe at the pharmacy
- Calling someone at the pharmacy (if it is open)
- A recipe update requires
- Physically creating a new card with the updated
CS 499
3The Mortar and Pestles Group
Lucy Xie DannyDiaz Robb Samuell John Frushour
Project Tell Me The Recipes
Solution Tell Me The Recipes
- Digitize the UK Pharmacists' index card system
- Replace index cards with internet and
over-the-phone access
CS 499
4The Mortar and Pestles Group
Lucy Xie DannyDiaz Robb Samuell John Frushour
Project Tell Me The Recipes
- Create a secure online interface to edit and view
precription recipes - Create an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) to
view prescription recipes - Setup a database to store recipes
- Setup connectivity between the database and
interfaces - Establish communication channel with clients,
i.e., UK Pharmacy
CS 499
5The Mortar and Pestles Group
Lucy Xie DannyDiaz Robb Samuell John Frushour
Project Tell Me The Recipes
- Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
- VoiceXML 2.0 (on Tellme Studio)
- Web Interface
- Java Server Pages (JSP)
- Database Back-end
- Java 1.3.1 (or 1.4)
- Oracle 8i
- Development Environment
- Tellme Studio (http//studio.tellme.com)
- CSLab (Solaris 8)
CS 499