Title: As the Stomach Churns
1As the Stomach Churns
Are enzymes specialized for the digestive system?
1. Obtain three sets of test tubes (labeled A, B,
C, D, E) in a test tube rack. 2. Listen
carefully to your instructor to find out what
food to add to the test tubes. Add similar size
pieces of food to each test tube. 3. Observe the
foods to determine whether an immediate reaction
has taken place. Record the size and overall
appearance of the food in each test tube. If no
changes occur, write no immediate reaction. 4.
Later, examine the contents of each test tube.
Note any changes in the size and overall
appearance of the food. Record the time and your
1. What did this experiment reveal about the
conditions needed for pepsin digestion? In other
words, is pepsin specialized for digestion in a
specific organ? _______________________
______________________________________________ 2.
What does pepsin digest? _______________________
_______________________________ 3. What did this
experiment reveal about where in your body starch
digestion begins. __________ _____________________
2Fight the Burn
What is best antacid?
- Help the sick kid with heartburn!!! Determine
which of the medicines available is the best
antacid. (In other words, which of the medicines
will neutralize the stomach acid the most.) - Use the table below to record your groups data
based on your observations. - You may choose to use all of the table or just
part of the table. - Materials you may use
- 6 pH indicator strips
- 6 16 oz cups
- 500 mL white vinegar pH 2
- ½ adult dose of each medicine
- Measuring utensils
- Mortar and pestle (for grinding up tablets)
1. Which is the best antacid? Why?
______________________________________________ 2.
Graph the data in the table above in your lab