Look at currency quotes in FT. III. Forward rate quotes (cont.) Dealer quotes EUR '1.3000 to 10, 48 to 52, 144 to 150, 205 to 337' for spot, 1 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
Dealer quotes EUR 1.3000 to 10, 48 to 52, 144 to 150, 205 to 337 for spot, 1-month, 3-months and 1-year. Suppose you buy USD 50m 1-year.
Spot 1.30000 to 1.30100 (substitute into bid)
Forward 205 to 337 (add to spot) 1.30205 1.30437 (235 pip spread)
Add or subtract? Rule versus experiment
Spread widens with maturitythinness, liquidity
Spread goes from 10(0) to 235
USD 50m / (USD 1.30205 / EUR)
EUR (50m / 1.30205) EUR 38.401mdimensions cancel
4 Spread for spot rates
What is spread in percentage terms?
Look at spot 1.3000, 1.3010.
(1.3010 / 1.3000) - 1 x 100
(1.0007692 - 1) x 100 0.0007692 x 100
0.0769231 1/13th of 1
FT for Friday, Jan. 26, 2007
1.2903 to 1.2906 ? 0.0232504 or
1/43rd of 1
Spread often very small for major currencies!
5 Spread for forward rates
One-year forward. Examine two possibilities
Possibility (i), from class.
1.30205 versus 1.30437 ?
(1.30437 / 1.30205) - 1 x 100
(1.0017818 - 1) x 100 0.0017818 x 100
0.17818 ? 1/5th of 1
6 Spread for forward rates
Possibility (ii). 1.3205 versus 1.3437 ?
(1.3437 / 1.3205) - 1 x 100
(1.0175691 - 1) x 100 0.017818 x 100
1.7818 ? 2
Which percentage spread makes sense?
It is a bit like bid points of 20 and 33, but we add a little bit to make them bid of 20 ½ (205) and ask of 33 7/10th (337). Pretty clumsy forget about it.
7 Better Euro example
Dealer quotes EUR 1.2903 to 906 or 6, or 06, 19 to 20, 52 to 54, 168 to 175 for spot, 1-month, 3-months and 1-year. Suppose you buy USD 50m 1-year.
Spot 1.2903 to 1.2906 (substitute into bid)
Forward 168 to 175 (add to spot) 1.3071 1.3081 (10 pip spread)
Add or subtract? Rule versus experiment
Spread widens with maturitythinness, liquidity
Spread goes from 3 to 10
USD 50m / (USD 1.3071 / EUR)
EUR (50m / 1.3071) EUR 38.25262mdimensions cancel
Spread is 0.076505 of 1, or is about 1/13th of 1
8 Premia and discounts (FT)
Spot, 1-month bid prices
1.2903 versus 1.2922 ? (1.0014725 - 1) x 1200 1.767/annum
F / S - 1 ? Euro is at premium
Do inverse S/ F 0.9985296. (0.9985296 - 1) x 1200 -1.764/annum