Title: Modeling the chemosensing system of E' coli
1Modeling the chemosensing system of E. coli
- Ned Wingreen Princeton
- Juan Keymer Princeton
- Robert Endres Princeton/NEC
- Yigal Meir Ben Gurion University
- Introduction to chemotaxis in E. coli
- Runs and tumbles
- Signaling properties
- The chemotaxis network
- New probe of receptor activity
- Two regimes of activity
- Receptors function collectively
- Modeling
- How does adaptation work?
3Signaling properties of the chemotaxis network
- Precise and robust adaptation range of 3-4
orders of magnitude of attractant - Signal integration multiple attractants
- Sensitivity amplification
Segall, Block, and Berg (1986)
CCW vs CW bias for tethered cells in response to
step in attractant
4The chemotaxis network
but signal integration and sensitivity are still
not well understood.
Tar - aspartate, glutamate (900 copies) Tsr -
serine (1600) Trg - ribose, galactose (150) Tap
- dipeptides (150) (Aer - oxygen via FAD (150?))
Transmembrane helices
Linker region
- Attractant binding inhibits phosphorylation of
CheA - Adaptation
- More attractant ? increased methylation by CheR ?
increased rate of phosphorylation of CheA - Less attractant ? increased demethylation by CheB
? decreased rate of phosphorylation of CheA
380 A
Methyl binding sites CheB, CheR
Cytoplasmic domain
CheA / CheW binding region
Stock (2000)
6Chemoreceptor clustering
Receptors are clustered globally into a large
array, and locally into trimers of dimers.
Gestwicki et al. (2000)
Kim et al. (1999) Studdert and Parkinson (2004)
7In vivo FRET studies of receptor activity
Real-time measurement of rate of phosphorylation
of CheY. FRET also allows subcellular imaging,
Vaknin And Berg (2004).
Sourjik and Berg (2002)
8 FRET data two regimes of activity
Sourjik and Berg (2002)
- Regime I
- Activity moderate to low at zero ambient MeAsp
(0.06,1) - KD small and almost constant
- Regime II
- Activity high (saturated?) at zero ambient MeAsp
(1.3-1.9) - KD1 large and increasing with methylation
- Plateau in activity
- KD2 approximately constant
Two regimes of receptor activity consistent with
2-state receptor model.
92-state receptor model
- Originally proposed by Asakura and Honda (1984).
- Modified by Barkai and Leibler (1998) to explain
precise and robust adaptation - Receptor complex has 2 states on, i.e. active
as kinase, and off, i.e. inactive as kinase. - Demethylation only occurs in on state, i.e.
when receptor is active, so that - Therefore, at steady state,
- Which implies precise and robust adaptation of
each receptor complex to a fixed activity.
10 Two regimes of a 2-state receptor
But first, a 1-state receptor
Regime I
Regime II
- Regime I
- Activity low to very low at zero ligand
concentration - KD KDoff
- Regime II
- Activity high (saturated) at zero ligand
concentration - KD increasing as eon ?
Free Energy
However, single receptor does not account for low
apparent KD in Regime I.
11 Receptor-receptor coupling
Duke and Bray (1999)
Duke and Bray (1999) proposed that
receptor-receptor coupling could enhance
sensitivity to ligands.
Toy model if N receptors are all on or all
off together,
- Regime I (?e gt 0)
- Low activity e-N?e at zero ligand
concentration - KD KDoff / N
- Hill coefficient 1
- Regime II (?e lt 0)
- KD KDoff e-?e
- Hill coefficient N
Receptor-receptor coupling gives enhanced
sensitivity (low KD) in Regime I, and enhanced
cooperativity (high Hill coefficient ) in Regime
12 Review of FRET data
- Regime I
- Low, constant KD
- Activity low at zero ligand concentration
- Hill coefficient 1
- Regime II
- KD1 increasing with methylation
- Activity high at zero ligand concentration
- Hill coefficient 1 ?
- Plateau in activity ?
KDoff /N, value of N ?
Hill coefficient increases with receptor
homogeneity. Must consider mixture of different
receptor types.
Sourjik and Berg (2004)
13 Model 1d mixed lattice of receptors
- Regime I
- KD set by coupling energy EJ
- Regime II
- Plateaus Tars off, Tsrs on
- Hill coefficient 1, no cooperativity because
Tar receptors separated by Tsr receptors
Normalized Activity
14 Receptor homogeneity and cooperativity
- Receptors are in Regime II
- Hill coefficient increases with homogeneity
because clusters of identical receptors grow. - KD (or KD1) increases as lattice becomes more
mixed because of coupling EJ to on receptors.
Normalized Activity
15 Adaptation
Adaptation uses methylation to return all
receptors to ?e 0, and thereby enhances
?e gt 0
?e 0
?e 0
?e gt 0
?e gt 0
?e 0
?e 0
16 Precise adaptation
17 Scaling of wild-type response data
Sourjik and Berg ?MeAsp ? ?FRETTar(QEQE)
Free energy scaling ?MeAsp ? ?(Fon Foff)
Sourjik and Berg (2002)
Includes zero-ambient data!
Doesnt collapse zero-ambient data.
18 Predictions
- For homogeneous lattice
- Transition from Regime I to Regime II with
methylation - Adaptation range set by KDon
Sourjik (unpublished)
19 Open questions
- Lattice structure?
- Mechanism of receptor-receptor coupling?
- Do other receptors work this way?
Stock (2000)
- Signaling properties of the chemotaxis network
- Precise and robust adaptation
- Signal integration
- Sensitivity
- FRET studies reveal two regimes of activity
- Regime I low activity and constant KD
- Regime II high activity and increasing KD
- Model of coupled 2-state receptors account for
signaling properties, and for two regimes - Regime I (?e gt 0) coupling ? enhanced
sensitivity - Regime II (?e lt 0) coupling ? enhanced
cooperativity (but only for homogeneous clusters) - Adaptation homogenizes receptors (?e 0) for
enhanced sensitivity