Title: Team Ninja
1Team Ninja
- Implementation of Subsystems
- MCU board
- Chassis/Motor/Motor Driver
- Sensor
- Parts List
- Schedule
- Division of Labor
3MCU Board
4(No Transcript)
5MCU Board Block Diagram
6MCU Pinout
7MC68711K4 Microprocessor
- Features
- 8-bit opcodes and data
- 16-bit addressing
- 8 A/D Converters
- 4 PWM signal generators
- Non-multiplexed address and data lines
8Timing Diagram
9XC95108 CPLD
- Implementation
- Chip select device
- All other on board logic
- Simpler
10ECS-2200B Clock
- Clock for the microprocessor
- 8 MHz speed
11Reset Button
- Input that resets our microprocessor
- Inverters de-bounce signal
12AT29C256 EPROM
- Features
- Fast read access time 70ns
- Fast program time
- 64 byte program time 10 ms
- Chip erase time 10 ms
- Typical Endurance 10,000 cycles
13EPROM Timing Diagrams
14Samsung 428 SRAM
- Features
- Organization 32K x 8
- Low Data Retention Voltage
15Power System
- MC7805 Voltage Regulator
- Outputs Steady 5V
- Large Input Voltage Range (7.5V 18V)
- Power Busses
- Bypass Capacitors (0.1uF)
16Infrared Sensors
- Using Sharp GP2D120 IR sensors
- Max of 8 sensors (high cost)
- Above, below, and forward sensors
- Analog Output
- Consistent voltage curve vs distance
- Low power consumption
- 150 mW / sensor max
17IR Sensor limitations
- High Cost per unit (15)
- Unfeasible to be covered on all sides
- Need to ensure unit always looks forward before
driving - Up to 8 sensors on front side
- Positioned to see
- Directly forward
- 45 deg angle upward of directly forward
- 45 deg angle below directly forward
18Infrared Sensors
19Infrared SensorsOutput Characteristic
0-15 cm to right 0-50cm below
20A/D Conversion
- HC711K4 provides 8 multiplexed inputs to an A/D
converter - Continuously sample inputs
- IR sensor directly connected to multiplexed MCU
21A/D Conversion
- Provides 8 bits of resolution
- Output of A/D converter is 00-FF stored in
register - VRH controls maximum voltage seen
- Will use VRH 3.0 V
- Sampled Voltage VRH
- Data stored FF
- VRL controls minimum voltage seen
- Will use VRL 0.8 V
- Sampled Voltage
- Data stored 00
- Linearly scaled in between 00 - FF
- 8.5 mV resolution using above VRH and VRL
22A/D Reconstruction
- Convert Voltage-Distance table to 00-FF format
for easy lookup - 00 15 cm01 15 cmFE 3cmFF 3cm
- Constraint Need to know how close to wall start
position is - Fix always start more than 5cm away from wall
23A/D Reconstruction7-Segment LED
- 7-segment LED displays current position
- 1 display per sensor
- Hex display
- 3-9 cm displayed as 3-9
- 10-15 cm displayed as A F
- Assistance in debugging movement
- Why did it turn when it wasnt even near a wall?
24A/D Reconstruction7-Segment LED Implementation
- Encode distance measurement into signal
displayable by 7-segment LED - Write result to 2000-2FFF
- Reserved for LED latches by CS CPLD
- Latch this data using 8-bit latch
- Connect to display with pull-up resistors
- 3-F displayed on 7-segment LED
25Battery PowerConstraints
- MCU board requirements
- 8V - 30V
- Voltage regulator limits to 5V, 1A
- Max of 1000mAh
- Motor requirements
- 2000mAh / motor
- Step-up voltage to 10V
- Monitor battery charge to prevent going below 10
26Battery PowerSolution Tether
- 5000mAh batteries expensive, heavy, and/or
difficult to recharge - Tethered approach 1 or 2 cables attached to
exterior power supply - Too complicated to complete on time
- Focus of project intelligent movement of device
No objects detected
Move Forward
IR Check
Object detected
Check for obstacle
Turn, Change Direction
28ProgrammingMoving Forward
No Object Detected
Set internal Latch
Move Forward
Moving N/S
Turn On PWM
Both Motor Driver
Count Steps N/S
Moving E/W
PWM 200Hz
Step the Motor
Count Steps E/W
29Programming IR Check
IR sensors A/D conversion Result register
Initialize A/D
Compare to Voltage- Distance table
Distance Estimation Calculation
7-seg LED latch
Threshold i.e. 4 cm
7-seg LED
Objected Detected?
Object Detected
No Object Detected
30ProgrammingTurning(Always Turn Left)
Object detected (straight ahead)
Set R wheel latch
R wheel forward
R Wheel Motor Driver
Check for obstacle
PWM 200 Hz
Done Turning
L Wheel Motor Driver
Clear L wheel latch
L wheel backward
Rotate Direction 45deg
31STP-MTR-17048 Bipolar Motor
- Stepper Motor
- 1.8 degrees/step
- Lightweight
- 6.0 lbs Maximum Load
- 2.0A Rated Current
- 0.59Nm Maximum Holding Torque
- Motor/Driver Works Best Above 200Hz
- Motor Needs at Least 16W of Power
32Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver
- One Driver for Each Stepper Motor
- Powered at 8-30V
- Direction
- Step
- Optoisolation
- Dual H-Bridge
33Chassis Assembly
- 1.65ft Diameter
- Round
- Plexiglas
- Swivel Wheels
- 14.4 V
- 30 Watts
- 7.2V Rechargeable Battery
35Parts List
- STP-MTR-17048 Bipolar Motors (2)
- Quasar 3158 Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver (2)
- 3x13/16 Wheels (2)
- Swivel Wheels (2)
- Sensors (8)
- Plexiglas Chassis
- HC711K4 Microprocessor
- XC95108 CPLD
- ECS-2200B Clock
- AT29C256 ROM
- Samsung K6x0808C1D-DF70 RAM
- MC7805 Voltage Regulator
- 7-Segment LEDs (8)
- Vacuum (Black and Decker Cyclone)
- Connects Motor With U-Bolts
- Done With Chassis Assembly
- Done With Sensors
- MCU Board connected and running
- CPLD Programmed
- Processor Resetting Correctly
- ROM connected
38Plan of Attack
- Milestone 1
- MCU board completely done
- Sensor input to MCU
- MCU output to motor drivers
- Basic vehicle movement
- Milestone 2
- Intelligent movement based on sensor input
- Integration of vacuum
- User interface
39Division of Labor
- Kevin
- Microcontroller Programming
- MCU board
- Communication Between Devices
- Tim
- Peripheral Sensors
- MCU board
- Sensor Logic
- Simone
- Mobility Functions
- Chassis
- Mobility Logic
- Track Distance/Make Internal Map
- Vacuum Integration
- Implementation of Subsystems
- MCU board
- Chassis/Motor/Motor Driver
- Sensor
- Parts List
- Schedule
- Division of Labor
- Simone.Shen_at_gmail.com
- Timothy.Palagi_at_gmail.com
- Kevin.Riegner_at_gmail.com