Title: The Importance of Image in National Competitiveness
1The Importance of Image inNational
2The ICI Partnership
3TheCountry Image Specialists
- Worlds top specialized consultancy
- on
- country image
A quarter of a century experience
4Countries are like brands,only bigger and more
5Image can make a countrycommercially viable.
6The best examples
- Germany Engineering
- Japan Quality
- USA Technology
- Italy Design
- France Fashion
- Switzerland Precision
- Thailand Tourism
7Country product image iscultural/personality
in origin,but mostly brand driven.
8Brand personalities
- Mercedes Germany
- Sony Japan
- Chanel France
- Rolex Switzerland
- Microsoft USA
- Giant USA or Taiwan?
9Which came first,Made in Japanor Sony?
10Image, not just reality,kills.
11Colombia is an example
- Drugs
- Violence
- Guerrilla warfare
12But, what about
- Coffee
- Flowers
- Emeralds
- Leather
- Scenery
- Brand name apparel
13Stop being defensive!Go on the image offensive!
14Rule 1Realize the importance ofimage or
15First, what is a brand?
16Product vs. Brand
Photo courtesy of Montgomery County Historical
IBM is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation
17Brand vs. ProductBrand EmotionalProduct Fun
18In the factories,we make cosmetics.In the
stores, we sell hope.
Charles Revson, founder Revlon
19Benz Who cares about cars?
Mercedes-Benz is a registered trademark of
20Rolex Who cares about time?
Rolex is a registered trademark of Montres Rolex
21The Marlboro ManHow much is he really worth?
400 million or 40 billion?
Marlboro is a registered trademark of Philip
Morris Companies Inc.
22How Swatch Changed the Swiss Watch Market
Old Market Need Appeal Basic
Skill Watch Information Accuracy Craftmanship Ne
w Market Swatch Fashion Appearance Design
23To have your own brand should be the ultimate
goal of all manufacturers, but its a long-term
Stan Shih Founder Chairman Acer
24Some Facts about Brands
- Brands are market leaders
- Brands have higher profit margins
- Brands do not have lifecycles like products, they
are bigger than products
25Image Positioning
- The key differentiator
- Need vs. want (transport vs. Toyota)
- Answer the question Why Colombia?
26The Worlds Top Brands
- Ford
- Shell
- Pepsi
- Honda
- Coke
- Marlboro
- Sony
- McDonalds
- Disney
27ConclusionBrand image creates long-term,
sustainable, competitive advantages.
28Part IICountry Image Case Studies
29New Zealand
Problem Too much reliance on European
Market Solution The 7/11 of Asia
Problem No financial confidence Solution The
new Administration means business!
Problem Fragile investor confidence engendered
by Asian financial crisis Solution Admit ills
and commit to painful cures
33The Importance of Image
- A
- Made in Taiwan
- Case Study
34A serious economic problemcaused by image
- The 25 discount
- International jokes
- Consumer prejudice
35A Public Private Sector Initiative
- Vice Minister of Economics P.K. Chiang
- Secretary General of CETRA Agustin Liu
- Stan Shih, Acer
- King Liu, Giant
- Frankie Hong, Proton
- Kunnan Lo, ProKennex
- BIPA (Brand International Promotion Assoc.)
36Three Five-Year Plans
371st Five-Year Plan
Its Very Well Made in Taiwan
Attack weakness- Quality
38Create a Signature
39Communications Strategies
- Connect with top brands
- Connect with high-end products
- Use IMC
- Competitive SOV
40Target Audience
41Priority Markets
USA 50 EUR 30 JAPAN 10 S.E.
Five year, 60 million Each year Advertising
5 million PR 1.5 million Events 2.5
million Program 3 million TOTAL 12 million
43Awards Program
Broad Symbol of Excellence Focused Gold
Silver Awards
44Seminar Program
- Upgrade promotion materials
- How to deal with foreign media
- Product launches/corporate identity
- Advertising media planning
45Taipei News Bureau
- Central information point
- MATs
- Wire service features
- Major media hits
- Creativity driven
46International Advertising
47International Advertising
48International Advertising
49Event Marketing
- Award winner exhibitions
- Product launches
- Annual National Awards Ceremony
50Domestic Communications
- Monthly newsletter
- Media relations
- Events
- Product launches
- Awards Program
512nd Five Year-Plan
Attack with strengths!
52Core Competencies
- Genius for cost-down manufacturing
- Innovation for affordability/commercialization
- Functions up, cost down added value
53Long-term Competitive Advantages
- Flexibility
- Time to market
- Low-cost engineering base
- Components infrastructure
54Gallup Benchmark Survey
Chief Strengths
Value for Money Innovative
55We coined a new term
- Taiwan. Your Source for Innovalue.
- Taiwan. Innovalue Island.
Transformed the Made in Taiwan image from
rubber ducks to Silicon Island.
61Part IIISummary ofEight Essential Steps
- Realize the importance of image!
- Conduct proper analysis/positioning
- Create a signature
- Build unity and consistency
- Make a long-term commitment to goals
- Make a competitive investment/SOV
- Use IMC
- Set world-class standards
62Part IVA Case for Colombia?
- Location
- Location
- Location!
- Current image
- Few international brands
- Commodities-based economy
- Travel advisories
- Location
- Soft imagery
- Creative
- High standards
- Committed to goals
- Juan Valdez icon
- Potential for robust economic growth
- Youthful nation
- New Start
66Colombias Hidden Treasures
- Coffee 3
- Flowers 2
- Lingerie 3
- Bananas 3
- Emeralds 1
- Orchids 1
- Carnations 1
- Roses 3
- Adidas clothes 1
- Biodiversity 1
- Fresh water 4
- Keeping secrets! 1
67The New Colombia
- A makeover for Juan Valdez
- Brand name apparel
- Flowers
- Biodiversity
- Shakira!!!!!!!!!!!!
68Some Recommendations
- Get a head start, dont wait for competition
- Build strategic foundation first
- Make a long-term commitment/vision
- Conduct domestic campaign
- Simultaneous political PR
- Support the new Administration
- Go on the OFFENSIVE!!
69Final Thought
Remember the Germans and Japanese!