Title: Publishing an Article
Innhold og struktur
avsnitt setninger ord
Fra T. L. Hoel, 1995 Tanke blir tekst
Skrivehjelp for Studentar. Oslo Det
Norske Samlaget.
staving , . ?
2I M R O D
Introduksjon Hovedel prosess resultat
diskusjon Oppsummering
- motivasjon hvorfor?Er det noe problem?
- (gjerne med referanser)
- formål hva?Hva tilbyr du leseren?
4Create a research space (CARS)
- Etabler forskningsområdet
- bakgrunn
- problem
- Forbered din forskning (etabler din nisje)
- bygg på tidligere forskning
- vis at kunnskap er manglende/fraværende
- still spørsmål ved tidligere forskning
(konflikter) - Presenter din forskning
- hypotese
- formål
John Swales (1990)
5TITTEL Sammendrag Innholdsfortegnelse (liste
over figurer) (liste over tabeller) (liste over
forkortelser) Innledning (introduksjon) Bakgrunns
teori Metode hva fremgangsmåte analyse Diskus
jon Konklusjon, implikasjoner og videre
arbeid Referanseliste Appendix (Vedlegg)
6Oppramsing (idédugnad)
bil motor Mustang vei hjul sertifikat lappen
7 Tankekart
9Terning (6 sider)
Beskriv Sammenlign Assosier Analyser Anvend A
11Avsnitt - typer
- eksempler og illustrasjoner
- narrativ fortelling
- beskrivelse
- prosess
- sammenligning/kontrast
- analogi
- årsak og effekt
- klassifisering
- definisjoner
- The major difference between IEEE and other
styles is that IEEE style encloses citation
numbers within the text of a paper in square
brackets 1 rather than as superscripts1 or in
bracketed form (Jones 98). ? - http//www.ecf.utoronto.ca/writing/handbook-d
13Referanser - navn
- According to one technical writing expert, even
though IEEE is the most difficult style to learn,
it is still the most valuable style for aspiring
engineers to pick up (Jones 98). -
- http//www.ecf.utoronto.
14Referanser - navn
- As Smith (2001), Wesson (2001), and Williams
(2002) demonstrate, the natural course of
microprocessor evolution will likely lead to
computers with . . . . - As several studies have demonstrated (Smith 2001,
Wesson 2001, and Williams 2002), the natural
course of microprocessor evolution will likely
lead to computers with. -
15Referanser - nummer
- ?According to one technical writing expert, even
though IEEE is the most difficult style to learn,
it is still the most valuable style for aspiring
engineers to pick up1. -
- http//www.ecf.utoronto.ca/wr
16Referanser - nummer
- As Smith1, Wesson2, and Williams3 demonstrate,
the natural course of microprocessor evolution
will likely lead to computers with . . . . - As Smith, Wesson, and Williams demonstrate1,2,3,
the natural course of microprocessor evolution
will likely lead to computers with . . . . - As demonstrated in several studies1-3, the
natural course of microprocessor evolution will
likely lead to computers with . . . . -
- http//www.ecf.utoronto.
17Referanser IEEE
- According to one technical writing expert, even
though IEEE is the most difficult style to learn,
it is still the most valuable style for aspiring
engineers to pick up 1. - http//www.ecf.utoronto.ca/writing/handb
18Referanser - IEEE
- As 1, 2, and 3 demonstrate, the natural
course of microprocessor evolution will likely
lead to computers with . . . " - According to 2, current Internet technology is
still years behind industry projections. . . " - http//www.ecf.utoronto.ca/wr
- http//web.mit.edu/wac/writing/weblinks.html
- http//www.computer.org/portal/site/ieeecs/menuite