Title: The Workforce Housing Coalition
Southwest Florida Regional Housing Needs
Assessment and Strategic Document
2Presentation Outline
- What is the Community Housing Subcommittee?
- Goals of the Community Housing Subcommittee
- How did we get here?
- Solutions at the community level
3What Is The Community Housing Subcommittee?
- A collaboration of Regional and Local government
along with interested resource parties created In
February of 2005 - Serves the community and region by helping people
access affordable housing resources - A catalyst for the development of affordable
housing programs and opportunities for very low,
low, and moderate income families of Southwest
4Goals of the Community Housing Subcommittee
- Draft legislation that requires affordable
housing be classified as infrastructure in the
Growth Management Plans and meets measurable
outcomes - Provide resource persons for outreach to local
government - Host regional meetings to assess and discuss
affordable housing in the region - Catalogue success stories and share ideas on how
to address the affordable housing need
5Goals of the Community Housing Subcommittee
- Promote new methodologies that measure the
regional supply and demand for affordable
housing, particularly related to DRI - Serve as a repository of information on
affordable housing and - Collaborate with local housing staff, elected
officials and the Legislature to formulate new
housing polices and recommendations.
6What is Affordable Housing?
- A variety of housing options for very low, low,
and moderate income families - Typically a housing unit is considered affordable
if it costs no more than 30 of the familys
monthly income - Examples include.
7Rental Apartments
9Single Family Homes
10How Did We Get Here?
- The Evolution of the Housing Shortage
11Affordability Gap Developed
- Housing cost increase dramatically
- Wages remain fairly constant
12The Cost of Housing
- Sharp increases during 2004 in home prices and
lack of growth in household incomes, making
houses less affordable - Despite the continuous increase of permit
activity in the past several years, affordably
priced housing continues to decline
13The Cost of Housing
- High construction and land costs
- Increasingly complicated and expensive regulatory
environment - Impact Fees
- Rising cost of services and infrastructure
14What Does Affordable Mean
- Sarasota (MSA) Median Family Income-55,900
- Affordable Home Price-198,999
- Median Home Price-347,400
- Collier (MSA) Median Family Income
- Affordable-225,343
- Median Home Price- 500,800
15The Cost of Housing
- Average home prices in the region reach new highs
in 2005 - Naples MSA - 491,400
- Fort Myers Cape Coral - 281,000
- Punta Gorda - 216,500
- Sarasota - 336,800
Between 2004 and 2005, average home prices
increased by approximately 32 percent across the
16Who is affected by the housing shortage?
17Why is Workforce Housing Needed?
18Housings Connection to the Economy
A Strong Diverse Housing Infrastructure
Increases Spending in Community
Attracts/Retains Businesses
Attracts/Retains Workers
19Housings Connection to Quality of Life
- A good jobs-housing balance is an important
strategy for - decreasing commuting time and highway impacts
- reducing pollution
- increasing citizens connection to their
community - Diverse neighborhoods make for healthy
20Achieving an increase in affordable housing
- Increased educational outreach
- Community acceptance
- Partnerships with financial institutions,
non-profits, builders and government - Promotion of best practices
- Smart Growth development practices
- Legislative
- Regulatory
21Laying the groundwork for regulatory strategies
Does the Comprehensive Plan
Specifically refer to affordable, workforce
housing as a priority?
22Zoning and land use regulations influence
- Patterns of development
- Lot Sizes
- Density
- Street right of way and
- Pavement width reductions
- Parking space allotment
- Type and size of housing product
- Setbacks and Footprint restrictions
- Mixture of uses allowed
- Conventional Zoning Districts
- PUDs
- Accessory Apartments
23Zoning and land use regulations influence
- Developer costs
- Permit Fees
- Impact Fees
- Permit by Right
- Administrative Approvals Vs. Public Hearing
- Take the Politics out of it!
24Other ways for municipalities to increase
affordable housing opportunities
- Resale restrictions
- Inclusionary zoning
- Streamline permitting/review process
- Encourage non-profit housing developers
- Donate municipally-owned land
- Create a Housing Trust Fund
25Innovative Solutions in Other States
- Regional Infrastructure Fees
- Linkage Fees
- Inclusionary Housing
- Historic Preservation Tax Credit
- Redevelopment Programs
- Density Bonus
- Urban Growth Boundaries
26Innovative Solutions in Other States
- Market-Based Responses
- Housing Trust Funds
- Employer Housing Partnership
- Property-Based Responses
- Resale Restrictions
- Equity Sharing for longer term tenants
27Whats the Downside?
- Decline in the Quality of Life
- Out Migration
- Residents
- Companies/Employers
- Loss of diversity
- Loss of job growth
- Increase in homelessness and social service needs
- Impacts Road Capacities
and thank you!