Title: Sustainability Appraisal Strategic Environmental Assessment
1Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic
Environmental Assessment
- SA Scoping Report for
- Waste Minerals Development Framework
- Stakeholder Workshop
- Eastbourne, 20th March 2007
2What are SEA and SA?
- Aims of SEA
- to provide for a high level of protection of the
environment and contribute to the integration of
environmental considerations into the preparation
and adoption of plans....with a view to promoting
sustainable development - Aims of SA
- to ensure the consideration of economic and
social effects of plans, as well as environmental
3UK Strategy for Sustainable Development
- A better Quality of Life A strategy for
sustainable development for the United Kingdom
(DETR, 1999) - Four national sustainable development aims
- - Effective protection of the environment
- - Prudent use of natural resources
- - Maintenance of high and stable levels of
growth and employment - - Social progress which meets the needs of
4UK Strategy for Sustainable Development
- Securing the future The UK Government
Sustainable Development Strategy (Defra, March
2005) - Built on the 4 aims, setting out a new purpose
to achieve sustainable development in an
integrated way - Proposed 5 shared UK principles to achieve the SD
purpose - Agreed 4 priorities for immediate action
5Stages of plan-making and SEA/SA
6Integrating Plan-making and the SA
- Start SA early
- Integrate information collection
- Consider key sustainability issues when
identifying options for the plan - Combine consultation processes
- Use the SA to inform key plan decisions
- Close working between planners and those
responsible for the SA
7Why do SA?
- Sounder plans
- More sustainable plans
- Better decisions
- More sustainable patterns and forms of
8Stage A Scoping
- Setting context and SEA/SA objectives,
establishing baseline and deciding on scope - - A1 Identifying other relevant policies, plans
and programmes and sustainability objectives. - - A2 Collecting baseline information.
- - A3 Identifying sustainability issues and
problems. - - A4 Developing the SA framework (may involve
stakeholders). - - A5 Consulting on the scope of the SA (Scoping
9(No Transcript)
10Identifying Sustainability Issues
11Baseline data collection
- Link to key sustainability issues and problems
- Link to appraisal objectives
- Link with evidence base collected for the plan
- Ask data holders what it is relevant
- Concentrate on potential significant effects
- Identify key gaps
12Development of Appraisal Objectives
- Use ODPM SA Guidance as a starting point.
- Check against requirements of the SEA Directive.
- Consider SA objectives from higher tier plans
(e.g. South East Plan and Integrated Regional
Frameworks). - Ensure that key issues for East Sussex and
Brighton Hove are addressed.
13Development of SA Framework
14Practical Exercise 1
- In the first column, place sticky dots next to
the 5 sustainability issues you feel are most
important to East Sussex and Brighton Hove - Use post-it notes to write any comments about
your reasons, or to note any sustainability
issues you think have been missed - In the second column, place sticky dots next to
the 5 sustainability issues that the WMDF could
have the most influence over
15Stage B Appraising effects of the plan
- Predicting effects of the plan
- - Identifying changes to sustainability baseline
- - Comparing with business as usual and SA
objectives - - Describing effects
Magnitude Geographical scale Time
period Permanent / temporary Positive/Negative Li
kelihood Cumulative Synergistic
? - - 0 /-
16Stage B Appraising effects
17Practical Exercise 2
- Carry out broad appraisal of the three
hypothetical options for provision of facilities
to deal with recycled and secondary aggregates - Use the SA Framework (i.e. SA objectives) to
assess the sustainability strengths and
weaknesses of each option - Can you determine the most sustainable option?