The Cell Cycle Chapter 8 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Cell Cycle Chapter 8


This is true of both prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells, animals, plants, simple and ... levels of specific cyclins change, activating or deactivating certain kinases. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Cell Cycle Chapter 8

The Cell Cycle Chapter 8
  • Individual cells reproduce. This is true of both
    prokaryotic eukaryotic cells, animals,
    plants, simple and complex.
  • To reproduce, a cell divides into 2 daughter
    cells, both equal in all respects.
  • In order to divide, the cell must first make
    enough materials (replicate things) so
  • each daughter cell will have them.
  • In multicellular organisms, each individual
  • cell is in one stage or another of the cell
  • division process, and if a picture is made,
  • various stages will be seen (such as in
  • the onion tip sample below)
  • Cell cycle (This term is
  • only applied to eukaryotic
  • cells) The series of stages
  • that result in 2 daughter
  • cells, starting with just one.
  • - Within the cell cycle, there
  • are stages, or times, at
  • which the cell is either
  • resting, or making various
  • types of changes to the whole

Bacteria E. coli
Human cell
The cell cycle in Eukaryotes
  • Unicellular Eukaryotes -
  • - Cells divide to produce 2 identical organisms.
  • Multi-cellular Eukaryotes (animals and plants)
    The cell cycle is very similar in all types of
    eukaryotes (processes, proteins, etc.)
  • - Usually develop from a single original cell,
    called a fertilized egg. This cell will later
    divide, and the resulting cells will also divide
    many times, ending in the entire animal or plant.
  • - Thus, in cell divisions occur in 2 different
    life processes
  • 1) reproduction when reproductive cells are
    made (eggs, sperm)
  • 2) growth cells divide so that a small
    organism becomes larger (this has nothing to
    do with production or more individuals.
  • - Plants Specialized root cells divide into
    cells that will become other parts of the plant
    (branches, leaves, etc.)
  • - Animals Like in plants, different types of
    cells will be produced from division of the
    original ones, and will become different parts of
    the animal.
  • - (Both). The timing, and the amount of cell
    divisions are coordinated
  • - Different types of tissues divide at
    different speeds
  • - Some tissues divide more (continue to growth)
    more than others.
  • - Communication among cells allows regulation
    of growth (division)

Phases of the Eukaryotic cell cycle
  • Every cell completes the cell cycle, ending in
    cell division (2 daughter cells). At each cell,
    by the end of the cycle 2 things will have
  • 1- Mitosis- individual chromosomes are sorted
    and distributed to each daughter cell. Begins
    with breaking of nucleus membrane
  • 2- Cytokinesis the original cell
  • becomes 2 cells.
  • The period between divisions is called
    Interphase. Individual chromosomes are not
    visible in the nucleus (they have not
    condensed). So, interphase is the longest of
    the 5 phases of the cell cycle, including
  • G1, (GO), S, and G2
  • The cell cycle includes 5 phases, and each
  • cell is always in one of them
  • 1- G1 (Gap 1 or prereplication)
  • 2- go to GO (non-dividing cells) or go to
  • 3- S (DNA synthesis)
  • 4- G2 (Gap 2 or premitosis)
  • 5- M (Mitosis)

The Gap phases G1 (G0), G2
  • The Gap phases G1 and G2.
  • - Cells grow and synthesize RNA, proteins and
    other macromolecules
  • - Cells either do the function they are supposed
    to do in their tissue/organ, or, they go on to
    the next S or M phases of the cell cycle.
  • - Different cells spend very different amounts
    of time in each phase, depending on the type of
    tissue they belong to.
  • G1 phase Begins when a cell is first formed, as
    soon as is a separate cell. The cell can either
    continue on to the next phase of the cell cycle,
    or stop in G0. G0 is a stopping point within G1.
  • - Most cells in adult multicellular organisms
    are in G0.
  • - Cells in G0 are metabolically active, doing
    their function within a tissue/organ.

Cells in G1 phase may receive a signal to
continue on to the next phases (S, M), or to stop
at G0. The Restriction Point (R) is a point of
no return If the cell passes R, it cant go
back or stop, it will just go on to S and M and a
new cell cycle begins.
Leaving G0 and going or not !
  • Cells from different tissues/organs vary greatly
    in whether they remain in G0 or continue past R
    (Restriction Point), to S and M phases.
  • - Cells that have a short life-span need to be
    replaced quickly, so they spend little time in G0
    (stem cells in bone marrow tissue need to replace
    erythrocytes with only 120 days of life)
  • - Cells with long life-spans (liver cells) are
    in G0 most or all the time. The organ itself
    (liver) doesnt grow more once the organism is an
    adult. The cells will only go on to division
    cycles (the rest of the cell cycle) if they need
    to be replaced due to surgery, wounds, etc.
  • - Brain and other neural cells are always in G0
    and normally dont go thru cell division.
    Therefore, mature nerve cells cant be

G0 to S phase.and then G2 and M
  • S phase If a cell passes G0, it goes into S
    phase, and continues thru the rest of the cell
  • - S stands for synthesis (additional DNA is
    synthesized, so there will be enough for 2 cells,
    each receiving a complete copy of the genetic
  • - S includes DNA replication (mechanism for
    making more DNA Each chromosome makes an
    identical copy of itself, resulting in 2
    identical sets of chromosomes). Thus, the number
    of genes in the nucleus is exactly doubled.
  • - DNA replication involves DNA polymerase (and
  • G2 phase From S, cells go to G2, where the cell
    prepares for mitosis.
  • - G2 stands for growth and metabolism
  • - Specific types of RNA and proteins and
    synthesized, that will have a role during Mitosis
  • M phase (Mitosis) The chromosomes are visible
    through light microscopes (During interphase the
    preceeding steps, G1, G0, S the chromosomes
    filled the nucleus and are spread out and not
    clearly visible.
  • - Sometimes called Nuclear Division (begins with
    1 nucleus, and ends with 2)
  • - Divisions take place to ensure each cell will
    receive a copy of each chromosome (there are 4
    stages of divisionsee later)
  • - After mitosis, the whole cell (including
    external plasma membrane) divides in 2 cells ?
    Cytokinesis. After that, each daughter cell
    enters G1 again.

DNA structure
  • After mitosis, each daughter cell ends with a
    complete set of chromosomes that are of the same
    type and number as the parent cell.
  • Remember the specific pairs
  • Adenine pairs only with Thymine
  • ( they form 2 hydrogen bonds)
  • Cytosine pairs only with Guanine
  • (they form 3 hydrogen bonds)
  • The 2 strands of DNA (sugar-phosphate backbones)
    run in opposite directions (see ring sugars
    upside down on left strand). This arrangement is
    called Antiparallel structure of DNA.

DNA synthesis
  • DNA replication has 3 main steps
  • 1- Binding of enzymes to existing DNA
  • - Occurs at sites called replication origins
    (several in eukaryotes, only one in prokaryotes)
  • - A replisome is formed (combination of DNA
    polymerase, and RNA-synthetizing enzyme, and
    other enzymes).
  • 2- Un-winding of the double helix
  • - Replisomes move away from the replication
    origin, and into the old double strand,
    splitting it (this is the unwinding process)
  • 3- Synthesis of a new matching strand for each
    existing strand.
  • - An enzyme makes short sections of RNA that
    will serve as primer, made according to the
    nitrogen bases present in the old strands.
  • - DNA polymerase adds nucleotides at the end of
    the strand only.
  • - On the leading strand, DNA polymerase adds
    nucleotides at the end of the RNA primer.
  • - Another enzyme replaces the small RNA primer
    with DNA.

Replisomes Moving and splitting
DNA synthesis (cont.)
  • Synthesis is continuous in the leading strand,
    and discontinuous in the lagging strand. In the
    lagging strand, it occurs in short, unconnected
    segments, because the replisome is moving in the
    opposite direction.
  • 2 identical strands of DNA result from the old
    one, so there are 2 chromosomes in place of each
    original one.
  • DNA replication is semi-conservative
    (half-conservative), because each new DNA has one
    side from the old strand.
  • The structure of DNA is only seen at mitosis. At
    interphase, DNA and proteins are loose masses in
    the nucleus.
  • Nucleosomes are the basic packing unit of
    eukaryotic chromosomes. They are like protein
    spools or cores, attached to one another.
  • Histone proteins have a controlling role in DNA
    synthesis. They bind to DNA and turn-off
    synthesis by excluding the enzymes involved in
    gene expression. Histones must be modified for
    synthesis to occur..

Chromosome structure
  • DNA is bound in nucleosomes as Chromatin
    (uncondensed conformation, where individual
    chromosomes can not be clearly seen). This is the
    form DNA occurs most of the time in eukaryotic
    cells (G1, G0).
  • Chromosomes are seen clearly as thread-like
    bodies only during preparation for cell division.
  • Histones attach to nucleosomes making the DNA
  • Enzymes can modify the histones attached to
    genes, loosening the chromatin structure and
    activating the DNA. This activation occurs during
    the S-phase of the cell cycle.
  • This mechanism allows organisms to have different
    cell types with some active groups of genes and
    some silent genes at the same time.

DNA repair
  • Mutation Any change in the sequence of a cells
    DNA. They are mistakes. Those that persist to
    the next cell division will be inherited. Three
  • - Non-harmful (silent) - Harmful -Lethal to the
  • Cells have methods for correcting errors in DNA
    replication, and to repair damage to DNA
    resulting from mutagenic chemicals or radiation.
    2 examples
  • 1- DNA polymerase proof-reads its work by
    checking each base pair after adding a new
    nucleotide to a new chain. If incorrect, it
    removes it and replaces it with the right one.
  • 2- Excision repairs (cut-out and replace damaged
    sections) A mismatch of bases is recognized by
    an enzyme which binds to the site, breaks the
    sugar-phosphate strand and removes the damaged
    portion. DNA polymerase synthesizes a short
    patch. A third enzyme repairs the sugar-phosphate
  • The frequency of mutations by DNA polymerase
    errors is low 1/10 million base pairs.

Stages of cell division
  • During the S phase of the cell cycle, each
    chromosome is replicated, resulting in 2 copies
    called sister chromatids. They remain attached by
    a centromere.
  • During the M phase (mitosis), sister chromatids
    will separate (chromosome segregation). The
    nucleus of each of the 2 daughter cells receives
    one of each chromosomes.
  • If due to an error, a nucleus does not receive a
    copy of a chromosome (the other nucleus receives
    both), the resulting cells are called aneuploid
    cells (incorrect numbers of chromosomes).

Human chromosomes arranged as homologous pairs
(most eukaryotes are diploidhave 2 copies of
each chromosome). Thus, during replication, 4
copies of each chromosome will be seen. Human
somatic cells have 23 pairs, including one pair
of sex chromosomes, which In males (above) is
XY, and in females is XX.
Mitosis A continuous process with 4 stages
Profase Nuclear membrane breaks, chromosomes
become visible. Microtubules begin to form,
joining into a Mitotic Spindle
Interphase In animal cells, centrioles are
Inter-Pro- Meta- Ana- Telo-
Anaphase Sister chromatids separate, and are
moved by motor proteins towards opposite spindle
Metaphasechromosomes arranged in the metaphase
plate between the 2 poles of the cell,
perpendicular to the spindle. Sister chromatids
remain attached.
Anaphase (cont.) Separated sister chromatids are
now chromosomes.
Telophase nuclear membranes are formed around
each group of chromosomes, making 2 nuclei.
Plasma membrane begins to constrict by
Mitosis (some names we must know)
  • Structure description
    formed during plants animals
  • Mitotic spindle System of microtubules
    Prophase yes yes
  • Duplicated centrioles Unclear role
    Interphase no
  • Spindle poles Each end of the cell, join
    Prophase no yes
  • microtubules to centrioles
  • Kinetochores Protein complex in each
    Prophase no yes
  • centriole
  • Tubulin protein that makes up the
  • microtubules in the spindle Pro-
    to anaphase yes yes
  • GTP (Guanosine E-rich molecule like ATP
    Pro- to anaphase yes yes
  • triphosphate) for making
  • Motor proteins Proteins in kinetochores,
    pull Meta to anaphase yes yes
  • chromosomes into position
  • Cell plate (made of Beginning of a cell
    wall late telophase yes
  • vacuoles between daughter cells
  • Aneuploid cells daughter cells
  • incorrect s of chromosomes all
    Mitosis yes yes

Mitosis in easier diagrams (animal)
Prophase (early)
Prophase (mid)
Prophase (late)
Anaphase (early)
Anaphase (late)
  • Interphase- nuclear membrane well defined.
    Nucleolus visible in nucleus. Chromosomes not
  • Prophase- (early) centrioles begin to move
    apart. Chromosomes appear as long threads.
  • (middle) centrioles farther apart, sister
    chromatids visible. (late) centrioles at
    opposite ends Spindle connects centromeres to
    opposite poles of spindle nuclear membrane
  • Metaphase- Nuclear membrane gone kinetochore
    microtubules move sister chromatids to the
    metaphase plate (middle)
  • Anaphase- (early) centromeres have split and
    chromosomes have began moving apart. (late) sets
    of chromosomes nearing theirn respective poles.
    Cytokinesis begins.
  • Telophase- new nuclear membranes are formed.
    Nucleolus reappears. Chromosomes become longer,
    thinner, less distinct. Cytokinesis nearly

  • Sometimes described as an step within telophase.
    It actually can be seen as beginning earlier, in
    late anaphase. Regardless, telophase ends with
    the formation of 2 nuclei. Then cytokinesis will
    be completed.
  • In algal cells, a pinching of the cell membrane
    occurs from the outside towards the interior, and
    then the cell wall breaks.
  • In Plants, vacuoles are formed from the inside,
    forming a cell plate. Then complete separation
    will occur.

Evolution of Mitosis
  • In Prokaryotes there is no nucleus the nucleoid
    is attached to the plasma membrane. Division will
    occur in about the same manner as in eukaryotes.
  • In primitive Eukaryotes, the chromosomes attach
    to the nuclear membrane, and the nuclear membrane
    never breaks down, but together with
    microtubules, serves to give physical support.
  • In some dinoflagellates (types of algae),
    microtubules go thru either parallel of multiple
    holes in the nuclear membrane.
  • In more advanced Eukaryotic cells (including
    plants and animals), the nuclear membrane breaks
    down, microtubules in the spindle hold and
    separate chromosomes during stages of mitosis,
    and then the new nuclear membranes are formed.

Primitive Eukaryotes nuclear membrane
never breaks down during mitosis
Advanced Eukaryotes including plants and animals
Practice !! (make sure you know why)
Practice !! (make sure you know why)
Early Telophase, Begin cytokinesis
Early prophase
Early Anaphase
Late Prophase
Late telophase, Advanced cytokinesis
Mid- Prophase
Late Anaphase
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Control of the cell cycle
  • Cyclin proteins regulate the timing and
    progression of the cell cycle. The mechanisms are
    very similar in all types of eukaryotic cells,
    from simple yeasts, to humans.
  • - G1 cyclins begin to accumulate in late G1
    phase and peak during S phase.
  • - Mitotic cyclins accumulate in late S phase
    (when DNA synthesis is completed), and peak at
    metaphase. Then they begin to dissapear.
  • Kinases Enzymes that transfer a phosphate group
    from ATP to other enzymes, to make them active.
  • Cyclins bind to kinases. Kinases are present thru
    the cell cycle but are only active when cyclins
    are bound to the appropriate cyclin.
  • Through the cell cycle, the levels of specific
    cyclins change, activating or deactivating
    certain kinases. The activated kinases in turn
    activate enzymes needed during the various steps
    of the cell cycle.

Some cyclinkinase dependent processes
  • - In prophase the nuclear membrane breaks
    down.During G2, when mitotic kinases begin to
    accumulate, phosphate groups are added by
    kinases to enzymes involved in breaking the
  • - More kinases are activated to mediate the
    condensation of chromosomes, and yet others are
    activated for the spindle to be made.
  • - The breaking down of each specific type of
    cyclins is mediated by the same type of
    mechanisms at the end of each phase of the cell
    cycle. Thus, mitotic cyclins end their own
    activity at the end of mitosis, to ensure the
    cell goes on to the next phase of the cell cycle

  • Many things can go wrong during the cell cycle
  • - Various types of aneuploidy
  • - Damage to DNA
  • - Improper formation of mitotic spindle
  • Ckeckpoint controls monitor the condition of
    key factors/processes, protecting the organisms
    from uncontrolled/incorrect growth of damaged
  • Cell-cycle arrest When the cell stops at a
    particular place of the cell cycle, so repairs
    can be made to damages of various types. The
    arrest is caused by proteins that detect problems
    (mistakes, damage), and halt to cycle.
  • - P53 (human protein that detects mismatched
    base pairs). P53 activates inhibitors that
    prevent the G1 cyclin-kinases to make the cell
    proceed from G1 into S. The repair is made (thru
    excision repairs), and P53 becomes inactive
  • - Checkpoints ensure that problems are corrected
    before the cycle progresses further.
  • - Mutations in genes that encode for proteins
    involved in regulation of the cell cycle may
    cause cells to divide at the wrong time or
    uncontrollably. Some cancers appear to be
    related to this type of problems.

- Tumor Mass of cells that divides
uncontrollably due to problems with checkpoint
control mechanisms. - Metastasis of tumor cells
break off and travel to other parts of the body.
  • - Proto-oncogenes- genes involved in promoting
    cell division
  • - Tumor suppressors- genes involved in
    inhibiting cell division
  • Mutations in proto-oncogenes can convert them to
    oncogenes (cancer genes) that stimulate cells to
    leave G0 and divide, whether or not there is an
    external signal to do so. Thus oncogenes override
    checkpoint control mechanisms.
  • Mutations in tumor suppressors can make them
    inactive and thus unable to control formation of
  • In many cancer cells, mutations have occurred in
    both proto-oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes.

More practice!
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