Title: XYZ File Conversion
1XYZ File Conversion
2XYZ File Conversion
Input File Properties
Output File Properties
Command to Convert the File
3XYZ File Conversion
Insert where the point file is located.
Specify the Input File Format
4XYZ File Conversion
Hover the mouse above the input file to activate
the tool tip screen.
5XYZ File Conversion
Check if a Header Row exists in the Input File
Specify the Input File Units
6XYZ File Conversion
Insert where to save the converted point file.
Specify the desired Output File Units.
7XYZ File Conversion
Check if a Header Row is desired for the Output
Specify what type of Delimiter to use for the
Output File.
8XYZ File Conversion
Specify the desired Units for the Output File.
Specify the desired Precision for the Output File.
9XYZ File Conversion
Click the Convert File button to activate the
10XYZ File Conversion
A form is displayed that shows the converted file.
Two options are available to either copy this
converted file to Excel or view in NotePad.
11XYZ File Conversion
Excel inserts the lines of text into cells.
12XYZ File Conversion
The converted file can also be opened in a text
13Additional Features
The input file can contain HI flags that the
program uses if foresights are used in the
DNRGarmin Elevation fields.
14Additional Features
The HI Flag can be changed to IH or whatever the
user places in the comment field.
The program divides the value input in the
DNRGarmin Elevation field by the specified value.
15Additional Features
The Apply DNRGarmin Adjustments has to be
checked to activate this feature.
16Additional Features
A b will be displayed or removed by selected
the Apply DNRGarmin Adjustments command.