Testing Software Controls and the Adequacy of Security Procedures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Testing Software Controls and the Adequacy of Security Procedures


In the 1990s, five major accounting organizations developed a framework for ... The policy needs to state management's intension regarding security awareness. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Testing Software Controls and the Adequacy of Security Procedures

Testing Software Controlsand the Adequacy
ofSecurity Procedures
  • By Abel Almeida

COSO 9.1
  • In the 1990s, five major accounting organizations
    developed a framework for internal control.
  • The five members of the group known as the
    Committee of Sponsoring Organizations, frequently
    referred to as COSO, include Financial
    Executives International, American Institute of
    Certified Public Accountants, American Accounting
    Association, The Institute of Internal Auditors,
    and the Institute of Management Accountants.

Principles and Concepts of Internal Control 9.1
  • COSO defines internal control as
  • A process, effected by an organizations Board
    of Directors, management and other personnel,
    designed to provide reasonable assurance
    regarding the achievement of objectives in the
    following categories
  • Effectiveness and efficiency of operations
  • Reliability of financial reporting
  • Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Key terms related to internal control and
security 9.1
  • Risk The probability that an undesirable event
    will occur.
  • Exposure The amount of loss that might occur
    if an undesirable event occurs.
  • Threat A specific event that might cause an
    undesirable event to occur.
  • Control Anything that will reduce the impact of

Internal Control Responsibilities 9.1.1
  • While everyone in an organization, particularly
    Management, has some responsibility for internal
    control, it is the chief executive officer that
    holds ultimately responsibility for the
    organizations internal control system.

Software Testers Internal Control
Responsibilities 9.1.2
  • Since the software system incorporates controls,
    software testers should test that those controls
    exist and perform as specified.

Internal Auditors Internal Control
Responsibilities 9.1.3
  • The Institute of Internal Auditors defines
    internal auditing as
  • an independent, objective assurance and
    consulting activity designed to add value and
    improve an organizations operations. It helps an
    organization accomplish its objectives by
    bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to
    evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk
    management, control, and governance processes.

Risk versus Control 9.1.4
  • Formula for risk Risk Frequency x Probable
  • To calculate the loss due to risk, one must first
  • The frequency with which an unfavorable event
    will occur
  • The probable loss associated with that
    unfavorable occurrence

Environmental versus Transaction Processing
Controls 9.1.5
  • Two components of controls
  • 1. environmental (sometimes called general
  • 2. transaction processing controls within an
    individual business application.

Environmental or General Controls
  • Organizational policies
  • Organizational structure in place to perform
  • Method of hiring, training, supervising and
    evaluating personnel
  • Processes provided to personnel to perform
    their day-to-day work activities, such as a
    system development methodology for building and
    testing software systems.

Transaction Processing Controls 9.1.6
  • The object of a system of internal control in a
    business application is to minimize business
    risks. There are two systems in every business
  • The system that processes business transactions.
  • The system that controls the processing of
    business transactions.
  • From the perspective of the system designer,
    these two are designed and implemented as one

The Two Systems in Every Business Application Fig
Preventive, Detective and Corrective Controls
  • Preventive Controls - act as a guide to help
    things happen as they should. This type of
    control is most desirable because it stops
    problems from occurring.
  • Detective Controls - Detective controls alert
    individuals involved in a process so that they
    are aware of a problem. Detective controls should
    bring potential problems to the attention of
    individuals so that action can be taken.
  • Corrective Controls - Corrective controls assist
    individuals in the investigation and correction
    of causes of risk exposures that have been
    detected. These controls primarily collect
    evidence that can be utilized in determining why
    a particular problem has occurred.

Internal Control Models 9.2
  • The ERM Process - The framework defines risk and
    enterprise risk management, and provides a
    foundational definition, conceptualizations,
    objectives categories, components, principles and
    other elements of a comprehensive risk management

Components of ERM Fig 9-2
ERM consists of eight interrelated components.
These are derived from the way management runs a
business, and are integrated with the management
COSO Internal Control Framework Model 9.2.2
  • In the COSO internal control framework, those
    developing the framework chose to use control
    objectives as opposed to defining risk.
  • COSOs internal control framework consists of
    five interrelated components
  • 1. Control Environment
  • 2. Risk Assessment
  • 3. Control Activities
  • 4. Information and Communication
  • 5. Monitoring

COSO Internal Control Framework Components Fig 9-3
  • The model depicts the dynamics of internal
    control systems. Internal control is not a serial
    process, where one component affects only the
    next. It is a multidirectional interactive
    process in which almost any component can and
    will influence another.

Cause and Effect Diagram Fig 9-4
  • In viewing this cause/effect diagram from an
    internal control perspective the effect is the
    achievement of a control objective.

CobiT Model 9.2.3
  • The components of the four parts of the CobiT
    cycle can be shown by listing the tasks within
    each component
  • Part 1 Plan and Organize
  • Includes Define strategic IT plan.
  • Part 2 Acquire and Implement
  • Includes Identify automated solutions.
  • Part 3 Deliver and Support
  • Includes Defining and managing service
    levels, performance, problems and incidences.
  • Part 4 Monitor
  • Includes Managing the processes and
    internal control practices.

Testing Internal Controls 9.3
  • Internal control models emphasize the importance
    of environmental controls. However, these
    controls are specified by management and assessed
    by auditors. Software testers need to focus on
    testing to determine whether or not the control
    requirements are effectively implemented.
  • Testing the controls in a software system
    involves accomplishing these objectives
  • The requirements for the controls have
    been defined. These are normally the risks that
    need to be minimized or eliminated.
  • The defined controls are in place and
    working, which is traditional testing.
  • Test that the enterprise controls are
    included in the software system and are working.
    Enterprise controls are those controls specified
    by the enterprise for all software systems.
    Examples of enterprise controls include security
    controls and control documentation.

Perform Risk Assessment 9.3.1
  • Building controls starts with risk assessment
    because reduction in risk is the requirement for
    a control. Risk assessment allows an organization
    to consider the extent to which potential events
    might have an impact on achievement of
  • The risk assessment component of Enterprise Risk
    Management or ERM is comprised of these
  • Inherent and Residual Risk
  • Estimating Likelihood and Impact
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Methodology and
  • Correlation of Events

Test Transaction Processing Controls 9.3.2
  • System controls for computer applications involve
    automated and manual procedures. Automated
    procedures may include data entry performed in
    user areas, as well as the control of the data
    flow within a computer system. Manual procedures
    in user areas are developed to ensure that the
    transactions processed by IT are correctly
    prepared, authorized, and submitted to IT.

Model for Testing Transaction Processing Controls
Fig 9-5
Here are six steps of a transaction flow through
a computer application system. Transaction flow
is used as a basis for classifying transaction
processing controls, because it provides a
framework for testing the controls for
transaction processing.
Testing Security Controls 9.4
  • Testers are not security experts. However,
    security is too important to organizations for
    testers to ignore. These test tasks can add value
    to the testers activities
  • 1. Understand the points where security is most
    frequently penetrated and understand the
    difference between accidental and intentional
  • 2. Build a penetration point matrix to identify
    software system vulnerabilities and then
    investigate the adequacy of the security controls
    at the point of greatest potential penetration.
  • 3. Assess the security awareness training program
    to assure the stakeholders in security are aware
    of their security responsibilities.
  • 4. Understand the attributes of an effective
    security control.
  • 5. Understand the process for selecting
    techniques to test security.

Task 1 - Where Security is Vulnerable to
Penetration 9.4.1
  • Data and report preparation areas and computer
    operations facilities with the highest
    concentration of manual functions are areas most
    vulnerable to having security penetrated.
  • Vulnerable Areas Ranking
  • Data and report preparation facilities 1
  • Computer operations 2
  • Non-IT areas 3
  • Online storage 4
  • Programming offices 5
  • Online data and report preparation 6
  • Digital media storage facilities 7
  • Online operations 8
  • Central processors 9

Task 2 - Building a Penetration Point Matrix 9.4.2
  • Controlling People by Controlling Activities
  • Selecting Computer Security Activities
  • Interface Activities
  • Development Activities
  • Operations Activities
  • Controlling Business Transactions
  • Transaction origination
  • Transaction authorization
  • Data entry
  • Transaction communication
  • Transaction storage
  • Transaction processing
  • Transaction retrieval
  • Transaction preparation (output)
  • Transaction usage
  • Transaction destruction

Task 3 Assess Security Awareness Training 9.4.3
  • Step 1 Create a Security Awareness Policy -The
    CIO and/or the IT Director need to establish a
    security awareness policy. The policy needs to
    state managements intension regarding security
  • Step 2 Develop a Security Awareness Strategy
  • 1. developing an IT security policy that reflects
    business needs tempered by known risks
  • 2. informing users of their IT security
    responsibilities, as documented in the security
    policy and procedures
  • 3. establishing processes for monitoring and
    reviewing the program.
  • Step 3 Assign the Roles for Security Awareness
  • While it is important to have a policy that
    requires the development and implementation of
    security and training, it is crucial that IT
    organizations understand who has responsibility
    for IT security awareness and training.

The IT Security Learning Continuum Fig 9-7
Task 4 Understand the Attributes of an
Effective Security Control 9.4.4
  • Security control attributes of an effective
    security control are designed to help testers
    determine whether or not a security control is
  • Simplicity
  • Fail Safe
  • Complete Mediation
  • Open Design
  • Separation of Privilege
  • Psychological Acceptability
  • Layered Defense
  • Compromise Recording

Task 5 Selecting Techniques to Test Security
  • Recommended testing techniques for testing
  • Network scanning
  • Vulnerability scanning
  • Password cracking
  • Log review
  • Integrity checkers
  • Virus detection
  • War dialing
  • War driving (wireless LAN testing)
  • Penetration testing

Selecting Techniques to Test Security 9.4.5
  • Step 1 Understand Security Testing Techniques
  • The individual selecting the security testing
    techniques should be knowledgeable in both
    security and the available testing techniques for
  • Step 2 Select Security Testing Techniques Based
    on the Strengths and Weaknesses of Those
  • Security testers should have identified a testing
    objective prior to selecting the security testing

Selecting Techniques to Test Security (Cont) 9.4.5
  • Step 3 Determine the Frequency of Use of
    Security Testing Techniques Based on the System
  • Category 1 systems are those sensitive systems
    that provide security for the organization that
    provide other critical functions.
  • These systems often include
  • Firewalls, routers, and perimeter defense
    systems such as for intrusion detection,
  • Public access systems such as web and e-mail
  • DNS and directory servers and other internal
    systems that would likely be intruder targets.
  • Category 2 systems are generally all other
    systems, such as those systems that are protected
    by firewalls, etc., but still must be tested
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