Title: Week 3
1Week 3
- Get some information in,
- Do something with it,
- Display the result.
2Learning Points
- Structure of a simple C Program
- TYPES of information
- Simple and Complex
- Variables, Constants and Literals
- Identifiers to Name memory
- Declarations
- Getting information into your program basics
- Operator basics
3Shortest C Program.A Skeleton program
type of returned value
name of function
int main ( ) return 0 //Write and
run this Chris
4What happens?
- The operating system (XP) Loads the program
- Think of it as XP calling the main function.
- Instructions in main are carried out one at a
time. - Notice the int in front of main this line is
like a contract to the operating system - I will send you a piece of information in the
form of an integer. - Hence the NEED for a return instruction. return 0
sends a zero to windows XP
5Discussion of structure
- Your program must have a function called main
- Note that Main, MAIN, mAiN will cause an error
- The round brackets ( and )after main tells
the computer that main is a function rather than
a variable - The curly brackets and mark the beginning
and end of instructions that form the body of
main. - The semi-colon after return 0 is an
instruction terminator or separator.
6The Hello World Program
accesses standard toolbox, i.e. we are using
the display (cout) tool
include ltiostreamgt using namespace std int
main ( ) cout ltlt Hello World ltlt endl
return 0 //Write and run this Chris
Instructions that tell computer that I want to
use iostream toolbox and access the standard
(std) tools for input and output
7Discussion of Hello World Program
- There are now two instructions in main
- we added a display information instruction using
a tool cout - cout represents the display screen. It hides all
the complicated business of displaying things
from you. All you need to know is how to use
cout. - cout receives information using the ltlt send to
operator (insertion operator). - So we literally send the string Hello world to
the display! - endl (last letter is lowercase L not number 1!)
is also sent to the display, this is interpreted
by cout as a new-line command.
8Discussion of Hello World
- cout is an OBJECT that represents our screen.
- Screens are hardware.
- Sending information to screens varies greatly
from machine to machine. - So cout became standard. Customised couts were
created for all the major types of computer in
the world. - So that you can write one piece of code that
should compile on all the main types of computer
in the world.
9Discussion of Hello World
- Because cout NOT BUILT IN we need to tell the
computer that we want to make use of the
standard facilities for input and output - HENCE the lines
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace standard
This is one of the original reasons for C
popularity its relative ease of porting from one
type of computer to another
10Some Definitions
- Statements
- A statement is what programmers often call an
instruction. - Your code consists of many instructions/statements
- Statements end with a semi-colon
- blocks
- Any section of code which is surrounded by curly
brackets is a block
11Example A Block of 4 statements
- cout ltlt"A fraction "ltlt5.0/8.0 ltltendl
- cout ltlt"Big "ltlt 7000.07000.0ltltendl
- cout ltlt8 5 ltlt" is the sum of 8 5\n"
- cout ltlt Hello world
Block denoted by Curly braces
12TYPES of information computers use
- Simple (needs little or no effort to use)
- To hold whole numbers (integers)
- To hold numbers with fractions (float and double)
- To hold individual characters (char)
- Complex (needs a little more work to use)
- Strings
- cin and cout
13Simple Information
- Integer (Whole numbers)
- For counting things
- To represent values which only have whole numbers
- Pounds, Pence?
- Grades, Scores (Chelsea 0 Penge United 10)
- Categories (days of week codes as numbers 1-7)
14Simple Information
- Floating points numbers
- For representing numbers that may contain
fractions - Averages, measurements, money, pi
15Simple information
- Single characters
- Can represents your initials
- Can represent single key responses to questions
- y for yes and n for no
- Not much else
16What about Strings
include ltstringgt
- Some languages this is a simple piece of
information - In C it is not. A string is complex in that it
is made up of lots of chars. - In C we use the standard string tools
- Your programs will usually entail
- Reserving space to store information
- Getting information into the space you reserved
- This information will either be whole numbers,
floating point numbers, single characters or
strings. - More complex information we will cover at a later
date. - Doing something (operate on) with the information
(int, float, double, char or string) - Displaying results
18Constants, Variables and Literals
Fundamental building blocks of programs
- Remember at school
- Area of a circle is pr2
- Circumference of a circle is 2 pr
- p is a constant representing the number 3.142
- r is a variable representing the radius of a
circle - 2 literally represents itself, it is a literal
19Key programming concept
- Programs use, variables, constants and literals
to store information needed to solve problems
20Fundamental task isGetting information in to the
- Key ideas
- We enter values of literals directly into code.
- We instruct the computer to reserve space for a
constant and we enter the value of the constant
directly into code - We instruct the computer to reserve space for a
variable. We have a choice on how we enter values
of variables. - We can enter values directly in code
(assignments) - Values can be set interactively with a user.
- Values can be set interactively with a file on
21Using literals
- char, string, integer, and double values are
referred to by value not by a name. - We type these directly in to code
include ltiostreamgt using namespace std int
main() cout ltltThe sum of one plus three is
ltlt 1 3 ltlt endl return 0
string literal
2 integer literals
22Char literals
include ltiostreamgt using namespace std int
main() cout ltltFirst letter of the alphabet is
ltlt A ltlt endl return 0
char literals in SINGLE QUOTES
23floating point literals
- floating point number can contain fractions.
- floating point literals are double
include ltiostreamgt using namespace std int
main() cout ltltone point one plus three point
two is ltlt 1.1 3.2 ltlt endl return 0
2 double literals
- You can enter information directly into code
using literals - This is obviously very limiting if a program
wanted to reuse a value we need to keep typing in
its value every time. - Also if a program makes use of a value many times
it is hard work to change all the CORRECT
references in a long program, especially is the
number, say 10 refers to a count in one part of
the program and the number 10 means a grade in
another. How can we differentiate between them? - It can also be very confusing for another person
to understand what the numbers mean.
25SolutionVariables and Constants
- These are NAMED areas of memory.
- The programmer instructs the computer to reserve
space for the kind of information he/she wants
and at the same time tell the computer the name
that will be used to refer to that bit of
information. - This kind of instruction is called a DECLARATION
- We can declare
- Integers
- floating point numbers
- chars
- strings
27Constants and Variable Declarations
- When a variable is declared the computer marks
the bit of memory reserves so that it allows its
contents to change (vary) at any time. - When a constant is declared the computer
effectively locks the memory reserved and
prevents the contents being updated.
28Creating Constants and Variables
include ltiostreamgt using namespace std int
main() const double Pi 3.142 double
radius double Area, Circumference Area
Piradiusradius Circumference
2Piradius return 0
Declarations are instructions to reserve
memory space big enough to store our
information. It also creates an identifier (a
name) for us to refer to this memory space
29Rules for Creating Constants
const lttypegt ltidentifiergt ltvaluegt
lttypegt choose one of int char float double string
ltvaluegt You provide the constant value e.g. for
Pi value was 3.142
ltidentifiergt You create a name. It must obey the
rules for identifiers (see rules in a minute)
const int maxnumber 10 const double Pi
3.142 const char AGrade A const string
MyName Chris
31Rules for Creating Variables
lttypegt ltidentifiergt or lttypegt ltidentifiergt
ltvaluegt or lttypegt ltidentifiergt, ltidentifiergt,
int number double Result char response string
int n1, n2, n3, n4
Declare a double variable and set its initial
double x 5.6
33Rules for Creating Identifiers
- An identifier must start with a letter or
underscore, and be followed by zero or more
letters - (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9), or underscores
- age_of_dog taxRateY2K
- PrintHeading ageOfHorse
- NOT VALID (Why?)
- age 2000TaxRate Age-Of-Cat
- Age of Cat
34Meaningful Identifiers
Age-Of-Cat Age of Cat
Use underscore to link words or run words
together and capitalise the start of each word
Age_Of_Cat AgeOfCat
35More About Identifiers
- C is case sensitive so
- NUMBER Number number
- are all legitimate but DIFFERENT identifiers
- BE CONSISTENT in your code!
- It is NOT good practice to have long identifiers
- Why?
36Long Identifier Names
- Some C compilers recognize only the first 32
characters of an identifier as significant - then these identifiers are considered the same
- age_Of_This_Old_Rhinoceros_At_My_Zoo
- age_Of_This_Old_Rhinoceros_At_My_Safari
- Also it is very annoying to keep typing in!
37Meaningful Identifiers
- It is common sense to try to create identifiers
that are - Meaningful- they describe the information they
refer to - E.g. Height, Count, BloodPressure, CarSpeed
- Terse- They are only as long as necessary to
convey meaning.
38Reserved Words
- Identifiers CANNOT be a reserved word.
- Reserved words are built in words that have
special meanings in the language. They must be
used only for their specified purpose. Using them
for any other purpose will result in a error. - e.g. do if switch while else return
39Reserved Words
- C is case sensitive. ALL reserved words are
lower case
WHILE While while Are all different identifiers
only the last is a reserved word
- All the data types we have seen (int, float,
double, char and string) have a set of operators
that can be applied to them - E.g. Numerical data uses the familiar - / for
add subtract and divide. - The asterisk is used for multiplication
- These work in the usual manner
41string operators
- arithmetic is not meaningful when applied to
strings - You do not multiply first names!
- strings operators do other things
- E.g. The operator applied to strings joins them
(concatenates) together - We will see other operations we want to do with
strings like searching a string for a substring
or comparing strings.
- A VALID arrangement of variables, constants,
literals and operators
Expressions are evaluated and compute to a VALUE
of a given type E.g. Expression 9 4 computes
to 13
43A special OPERATOR
The assignment operator
Causes much confusion! IT DOES NOT WORK LIKE
44variable expression
Interpretation of Takes the value of
- number 4
- result 10 number
- number number 1
expression simply consists of the literal int 4.
number takes the value of 4
expression evaluates to 40. result takes the
value of 40
expression evaluates to 5 number takes the value
of 5
KEY POINT expression is evaluated BEFORE it is
45Using assignments to get information into the
- int myage
- string myname
- double mysalary
- myage 21
- myname Chris
- mysalary 1000.00
46Interactive input formally covered later
- using cin and cout
- using data files
47Bye Bye