Title: Washington D. C.
1Washinton D.C.
Mr. Bradens 3rd Grade Social Studies
2President Bush at Work
When President Bush stops working for the day, he
has plenty of room to play with his dogs at the
White House.
3The White House
This is the White House. President Bush lives
4This House is Big
There are six floors, 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms,
147 windows, 412 doors, 12 chimneys, 8
staircases, and 3 elevators.
5Lots of Room to Play
Green Room
Blue Room
Red Room
6Lets All Read
The White House is full of books. President Bush
to read after a long day at the office.
7See the Monuments
Washington D.C. is full of history and has plenty
of monuments to see and explore. Here are just a
few of the most popular sites to visit.
8The Capitol Building
Here is the United States Capitol. This is where
laws are created, passed, and revised.
9Lincoln Memorial
This is what you see on the inside. This is a
huge statue of President Lincoln.
This is the outside view of the Lincoln Memorial.
It is a tribute to our 16th President.
10Washington Monument
This structure was named after our first
president, George Washington. It stands 555 feet
high and is one of the tallest monuments in the
11Washington D.C. Offers a Lot
- With all the exciting activities available in
Washington D.C., you are sure to learn something
new and take a piece of history with you where
ever you go.