The Wilderness Journey by Joe Viel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Wilderness Journey by Joe Viel


The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he ... 6 The woman fled into the desert to a place prepared for her by God, where she ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Wilderness Journey by Joe Viel

The Wilderness Journeyby Joe Viel
  • Teshvo (You shall live / dwell / sit) in a
    sukkah for 7 days (Lev 237)
  • that you may know that I made the children of
    Israel dwell in sukkahs (Lev 2343)
  • For Israel, this was LIFE / HOME for 40 years.

Nicer than a Sukkah...
Purpose 1 To make you JOYFULLY thankful for
what you have.
  • People are JOYFULLY thankful for what they
    receive in excess of what they expect.

Purpose 1 To make you JOYFULLY thankful for
what you have.
  • People are JOYFULLY thankful for what they
    receive in excess of what they expect.
  • Secret to being happy with what you have expect
  • Dont covet.
  • Remember the wilderness

  • Sukkot Tradition - Eat a fall harvest food you
    have not eaten all year.
  • The Wilderness - Same food (mannah) every day.

  • Sukkot Tradition - Eat a fall harvest food you
    have not eaten all year.
  • The Wilderness - Same food (mannah) every day.
  • God killed those who complained about what was on
    the menu (Numbers/BMidbar 11)

Purpose 2 Learn whats really important in life!
  • Get away from it all, and theres nothing to
    distract you.

Purpose 3 Be Inspired to sacrifice.
  • Leave this...
  • For this...

Purpose 3 Be Inspired to sacrifice.
  • Leave this...
  • For this...
  • Yeshua left heaven..for earth.

(No Transcript)
The Wilderness Journey Represents our Spiritual
  • We all leave a spiritual Egypt.
  • We all go to a spiritual Sukkot, Etham, Pi
    HaChiroth, Marah, etc.

The Wilderness Journey Represents the Future
  • Future Events are foretold with the 42 Stage
  • The Pattern Has Several fulfillments
  • Israel in the Wilderness
  • Fulfilled in the life of Yeshua
  • Fulfilled in the life of every believer
  • Fulfilled in the history of the world.
  • The Pattern gets re-used several times.

Example of Prophecy
  • A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven a
    woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under
    her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.
    2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she
    was about to give birth. 3 Then another sign
    appeared in heaven an enormous red dragon with
    seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his
    heads. 4 His tail swept a third of the stars out
    of the sky and flung them to the earth. The
    dragon stood in front of the woman who was about
    to give birth, so that he might devour her child
    the moment it was born. 5 She gave birth to a
    son, a male child, who will rule all the nations
    with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched
    up to God and to his throne. 6 The woman fled
    into the desert to a place prepared for her by
    God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260
    days" 42 months (Rev 121-6, drawing from the
    symbolism of the first few encampments in the
    wilderness of Sukkot and Etham)

  • woman was given the two wings of a great eagle
    (Rev 1214)
  • I bore you on eagles' wings, and brought you
    unto myself. (Exodus/Shemot 194)

Pi HaChiroth
  • Pi mouth
  • HaChiroth kindle wrath
  • from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a
    river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away
    with the torrent... the dragon was enraged at the
    woman (Rev 121517)

Pi HaChiroth
  • Pi mouth
  • HaChiroth kindle wrath
  • the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth
    and swallowing the river ... (Rev 1216)
  • In Exodus, the waters opened up into a mouth that
    did not exist before.

Stage 4 Marah Rebellion or Bitterness
  • The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words
    and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for
    forty-two months. He opened his mouth to
    blaspheme G-d, and to slander his Name and his
    dwelling place and those who live in heaven.
    (Rev 135-6)

Encampment 5 Eilim Their Leader
  • He was given power to make war against the
    saints and to conquer them. And he was given
    authority over every tribe, people, language and
    nation (Rev 137)

Encampment 6 Yam Suf
  • This is NOT The Red Sea
  • It can mean Reed Sea or Sea of the End
  • 1 Cor 10 tells us what the Yam Suf Represents

Yam Suf Play on words with Suf Chayyim
Yam Suf Play on words with Suf Chayyim
Yam Suf is the reversal of the process of the
life ending
Yam Suf in Revelation...
  • All inhabitants of the earth will worship the
    beastall whose names have not been written in
    the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was
    slain from the creation of the world. He who has
    an ear, let him hear. If anyone is to go
    into captivity, into captivity he will go.
    If anyone is to be killed with the sword,
    with the sword he will be killed. (Rev 138-10)

Yam Suf in Revelation...
  • All inhabitants of the earth will worship the
    beastall whose names have not been written in
    the book of life (SEFER CHAYYIM) belonging to the
    Lamb that was slain from the creation of the
    world. He who has an ear, let him hear. If
    anyone is to go into captivity, into
    captivity he will go. If anyone is to be
    killed with the sword, with the sword he
    will be killed. (An end of life) (Rev
  • But their death will be reversed!

The parallels continue.
  • Every event in Revelation chapters 12 through 16,
    and into 17, parallel the next encampment of the
  • The symbolism of the Wilderness pattern explains
    the symbolism of Revelation. This pattern helps
    you understand the symbols of Revelation like
    never before!
  • Symbolism in other parts. (Fig Tree)

  • Can mean, spread them
  • Can also be a contraction of Raphot Yadim
    Weakening of the hands
  • The message of Rephidim is..

  • Can mean, spread them
  • Can also be a contraction of Raphot Yadim
    Weakening of the hands
  • The message of Rephidim is..When your hands are
    weak, spread them.

Rephidim - When your hands are weak, spread them
  • 3 Stories at Rephidim (Exod/Shem 17-18)
  • Each involved a problem in dealing with weak
  • Each involved a solution of spreading the hands.

Rephidim - When your hands are weak, spread them
  • Battle of the Amalekites
  • Hands of Moshe (Moses) were physically weak.
  • Aharon (Aaron) and Hur helped SPREAD his hands so
    they could win the war.

Rephidim - When your hands are weak, spread them
  • Weakening of the Hands Hebrew idiom for
  • English equivalent
  • Weak in the knees
  • Shaking in your boots

Rephidim - When your hands are weak, spread them
  • At Horeb
  • Israel was AFRAID for their life
  • Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to die?
    (Exod 173)
  • Moshe (Moses) spread out his hand and struck the
    rock. Water flowed.

Rephidim - When your hands are weak, spread them
  • Hand symbolizes power, strength.
  • Weak hands can refer to the inability to do
  • Exod/Shem 18
  • Moshe unable to judge all of Israel. Not enough
    time in the day.
  • Moshe spread the work out to other people.
  • Al Yaday in Hebrew
  • Smikah

Rephidim in Revelation...
  • He also forced everyone, small and great, rich
    and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on
    his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one
    could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which
    is the name of the beast or the number of his
    name (Rev 1316-17)

Another Prophetic Pattern The History of the
  • The Fall of Man - Leaving Paradise (Encampments
  • The Flood (Between 3rd and 4th Encampments)
  • The Tower of Babylon (Encampments 4-6)
  • Abraham, the Father of Many Nations (Encampments
  • Sodom and Gomorrah (Encampments 11-17)
  • Israel Goes Down to Egypt (Encampments 17-25)
  • Israel is oppressed and leaves Egypt to become
    its own Nation (Encampments 26-31)
  • The Messiah Comes, Dies, and Rises Again
    (Encampments 32-33)
  • The Fall of Israel (Encampments 33-34)

Pattern found in Psalms
  • Psalms 22, 23 and 24 contain this pattern
  • Ps 221 Parallels from Ramses to Sukkot
  • Ps 222-3 parallels Etham
  • Ps 224 parallels Pi HaChiroth
  • continues on for each encampment throughout Ps

Psalm/Tehilim 22 The Suffering of the Messiah
  • Ps 2215 Chatzeroth surroundings
  • Ps 2216 Rithmah hitched, fastened or
  • Ps 2217-18 Rimmon Peretz separating the

Psalm/Tehilim 22 The Suffering of the Messiah
  • Ps 2216 Chatzeroth surroundings
  • dogs have encompassed me. (Ps 2215, echoing
    the theme of Chatzeroth)

Psalm/Tehilim 22 The Suffering of the Messiah
  • Ps 2215 Rithmah hitched, fastened or
  • they have pierced my hands and my feat (Ps
    2216 in most Christian translations.)This FITS
  • like a lion, they are at my hands and my
    feet(Ps 2216 in the JPS)This does NOT fit

Ps 2216 - Which is it?
Gospel in the 42 Journeys
  • He Yeshua said to them, "This is what I told
    you while I was still with you Everything must
    be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law
    of Moshe (Moses), the Prophets and the Psalms."
    45 Then he opened their minds so they could
    understand the Scriptures. 46 He told them, "This
    is what is written The Messiah will suffer and
    rise from the dead on the third day, 47 and
    repentance and forgiveness of sins will be
    preached (Luke 2444-47)
  • "the Word became flesh, and did tabernacle
    (Sukkot) among us (Etham)." (Yochanan/John 114,

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Outline of Journey in Torah
  • Exod 1-19
  • Exodus/Shemot 20, Leviticus, Numbers 1-10
  • Numbers 10-end of book
  • Journey from Egypt to Rephidim
  • The Law
  • Rest of the Journey

Outline of Journey in Torah
  • Exod 1-19
  • Exodus/Shemot 20, Leviticus, Numbers 1-10
  • Numbers 10-end of book
  • Rev 121-1317
  • Rev 1318
  • Rev 141-17

Outline of Journey in Torah
  • Exod 1-19
  • Exodus/Shemot 20, Leviticus, Numbers 1-10
  • Numbers 10-end of book
  • Rev 121-1317
  • Rev 1318 This calls for wisdom... the number
    of the the number of a man. Its
    number is 666.
  • Rev 141-17

Outline of Journey in Torah
  • Exod 1-19
  • Exodus/Shemot 20, Leviticus, Numbers 1-10
  • Numbers 10-end of book
  • Rev 121-1317
  • Rev 1318 This calls for wisdom... the number
    of the the number of a man. Its
    number is 666.
  • Rev 141-17
  • A Discussion of 666 replaces the Law

  • A discussion of 666 replaces the Law

  • A discussion of 666 replaces the Law
  • 2 Thess 28 The False Messiah is called The
    Lawless One

Journey vs Encampment
  • 1 Journey involves 2 or more encampments. (One
    journey involved 7 stages)
  • 42 Journeys listed in Numbers/BMidbar 33.

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Yam Suf Play on words with Suf Chayyim
  • Myyx Pws End of Life
  • My Pws End of Life with Life removed
  • Pws My words reversed

Ps 2216 - Which is it?
  • wr)k in Dead Sea Scrolls
  • yr)k in Masoret
  • JPS yr) klike a lion
  • Others y r)k piercers of
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