Title: Joe Parlier - Thinking Maps, Inc.
1Joe Parlier
Sales and Marketing Representative, Thinking
Maps, Inc.
2Joe Parlier is a leader who has managed to emerge
as a successful professional. He has more than 30
years of experience.
3He started his career in 1995 and served as a
Fourth Grade Teacher at. Hubbard Elementary,
Forsyth, GA. Following this, he also served as
the Principal, K. B. Sutton Elementary School,
Monroe County Board of Education (January 2009
June 2011), Associate Superintendent for School
Improvement, Georgia Department of Education
(June 2007 January 2009).
4Joe Parlier is currently serving as the Sales and
Marketing Representative at Thinking Maps, since
June 2011.
5He has increased the sale of the company by
implementing effective strategies.
6Joe Parlier received multiple accolades over the
course of his career.
7He is recognized for highest sales and highest
increase in sales and for Improving Low
Performing Schools, Center on Educational Policy
publication entitled Improving Low Performing
Schools Lessons from Five Years of Studying
School Restructuring under No Child Left Behind
(NCLB), 2009 (Georgia Department of education)
8Joe Parlier holds an Ed.D. in Educational
Administration and Policy (May 2014) The
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL and an
M.Ed. in Middle Grades Education (June 1997).