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Ali Hanks


Dominated by collinear region. z or (1-z) 1 log(Q2/ 2) Leading log approximation ... jet qq1 jetremainder where the pair and the remainder jet are collinear ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ali Hanks

Jet Fragmentation
  • Ali Hanks
  • JClub
  • June 21, 2006

Ali Hanks - JClub
  • Jets provide a connection between pQCD and
  • Jet fragmentation/structure is driven by soft QCD
  • Fragmentation functions are important for many
    theory calculations
  • Indentified particle multiplicities
  • Particle correlations
  • Jet fragmentation models are a key part of Monte
    Carlo event generators
  • Modification of fragmentation functions is a
    signature of medium effects in heavy ion
  • Jet energy loss
  • Baryon/Meson suppression

Hard Scattering in pp collisions
  • Intial parton distributuions PDFs
  • Long range non-perturbitive
  • Hard scattering of two partons
  • Short range perturbative
  • Hadronization of scattered partons
  • Long range non-perturbative

  • Each step can be treated as independent of the
  • ?ab for any two partons, a and b, calculated from
  • PDFs as functions of parton momentum fraction, x
  • FFs for a parton to fragment to a hadron with
    momentum fraction z
  • PDFs and FFs are independent of the process used
    to determine them (universality)

Jet Production
  • Two partons collide (perturbative)
  • Scattered parton emits a shower of quarks and
  • Parton Cascade (perturbative)
  • Hadronization
  • Partons pick up color matching partner from see
    of virtual quarks and gluons
  • We can then observe these hadrons or there decays

Scale Dependence - FF evolution
  • FFs are independent of the process used to
    determine them ? Scale independence ?
  • No! Evolution is governed by the
    (DGLAP) equation
  • Pji splitting function (more later)
  • This leads to a shift in the x distribution to
    lower values as the scale increases
  • scaling violation

Parton Splitting
  • This is the parton showering that occurs prior to
  • Calculated perturbatively
  • Dominated by collinear region
  • z or (1-z) ? 1 ? log(Q2/?2)
  • Leading log approximation
  • Requires the introduction of a cutoff scale
    Qcutoff (kT gt Qcutoff)
  • This usually means kT gt 1 GeV
  • Jets are a soft process ? most interesting at kT
    lt 1 GeV!

Infrared Divergences and Coherence
  • Gluon emission is coherent
  • Strong interference
  • Angular ordering of successive radiation
  • Large cutoff is due to infrared divergences in
    the theory
  • Add angular resolution to soft gluon emission
    (Msbar subtraction scheme)
  • Analogous to energy resolution due to soft photon
    emission in QED
  • Resume and find all IR divergences cancelled!
    Cutoff scale can be set as low as ?QCD 200GeV

Hadronization I
  • For inclusive hadron cross-sections theres a
    sort of alternative to FFs ? LPHD
  • Local Parton Hadron Duality hypothesis
  • Assumes hadronization occurs locally at the end
    of parton shower
  • Hadrons remember parton distributions
  • Nhadrons KLPHD Npartons
  • Naively as partons move away they drage a
    color-matching partner from sea of virtual quarks
    and gluons to become hadrons
  • each parton becomes a hadron
  • e.g. KLPHD(all hadrons) 1 , KLPHD(/-) 1/2 -

Hadronization II - Fragmentation Functions
  • We obtain our fragmentation functions by solving
    the DGLAP evolution equation
  • ?
  • The normalization N, and parameters ?, ?, and ?
    can be expressed as polynomials in a scaling
  • ? the initial energy scale ?0 and ?QCD (or ?MS)
    taken as inputs
  • This is then fit to data to obtain values for
    these parameters

Hadronization II - Fragmentation Functions
Fragmentation in Monte Carlo
Hadronization Models
  • Three main models (with many variants and
  • Lund String Model
  • Independent Fragmentation Models
  • Cluster Fragmentation Models
  • Goal of each is to represent existing data well
    and provide a framework or predicting future
    results while remaining internally consistent
  • Partons from parton shower are transformed to
    colorless hadrons
  • Use the Local parton-hadron duality hypothesis
  • Hadron level momentum flow and quantum numbers
    follows the parton level
  • The flavor of the quark initiating the jet is
    found in a hadron near the jet axis

Cluster Fragmentation Model
  • Preconfinement of color (after parton shower)
  • partons generated in the branching process tend
    to be arranged in confined color-singlet clusters
  • The cluster mass is constrained by the infra-red
    cutoff used in the parton shower
  • After the parton shower these clusters split
    non-perterbatively into quark anti-quark pairs
  • enforced due to the small cutoff scale
  • Does not require a fragmentation function to
    describe the transition or any free parameters
  • Clusters typically decay into two hadrons
    depending on the mass of the cluster

Lund String Model
  • Models are probabilistic and iterative
  • Process is described in terms of a few simple
    underlying branchings
  • Color string stretched between q and q-bar
    moving apart
  • The string is what is fragmenting rather than the
  • Confinement with linearly increasing potential
  • String breaks to form 2 color singlet strings
  • Process continues as long as the invariant mass
    of the string is greater than the on-shell mass
    of a hadron

Lund String Model (contd)
  • When the potential energy in the string gets
    large enough it breaks, producing a new quark
    antiquark pair
  • The system splits into two color-singlet systems
  • This will continue if either system has enough
  • The simplest model is a color-singlet 2-jet event
  • Energy stored in color dipole field increases
  • Related to presence of a triple-gluon vertex
  • Color flux tube formed as partons move apart
  • Uniform along its length ? confinement picture
    with linear potential

Lund String Model (contd)
  • Pairs are generated according to the probability
    of a tunnelling process
  • Leads to a flavor-independent gaussian spectrum
    for the pT of the pairs
  • The string has now transverse excitations so the
    pT of the quark and antiquark pair must cancel in
    the string rest frame
  • This tunnelling picture implies the suppression
    of heavy-quark production
  • s quarks are produced with a suppression relative
    to the lighter quarks but there is still no
    mechanism for the production of charm and heavier

Lund String Model (contd)
  • Meson production choice between the possible
    multiplets for meson production
  • Relative composition not given from first
  • Spin counting suggests a 31 mixture of vector
    and pseudoscalar multiplets
  • The mechanism follows naturally from idea that
    the meson is a short piece of string between two
    quark antiquark endpoints
  • Baryon production harder to generalize - two
    main scenarios are avaiable
  • Diquark picture any flavor q could be
    represented as an antidiquark
  • Popcorn model baryons appear from successive
    production of several qqbar pairs

Lund String Model (contd)
  • The hadron pT was determined from the pT of the
    new qqbar pair created
  • Need to determine the energy and longitudinal
  • Momentum is constrained already
  • In an iteration from the quark end, we then have
  • We can now determine the fragmentation function,
    i.e. the probability that a given z is picked
  • Note result should be same if we start
    itereation with qbar left-right symmetry
  • Two free parameters remain that must be adjusted
    to fit the data

Independent Fragmentation Model
  • Fragmentation of any system of partons is
    described by an incoherent sum of independent
    fragmentation procedures for each parton
  • Carried out in c.m. frame of the jet system
  • Uses an iteretative process jet ?qq1
    jetremainder where the pair and the remainder jet
    are collinear
  • The remainder jet is just a scaled version of the
  • Momentum sharing is given by a pdf f(z) where z
    is the momentum fraction of the hadron
  • f(z) is assumed to be independent of the
    remaining energy
  • Internal inconsistencies arrise within the
    details of this model so it is generally used
    just for special studies
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