Title: Real Medicine Foundation Uganda
1Real Medicine Foundation-Uganda-
- In April 2008, Real Medicine Foundations Beth
Cole and Megan Yarberry provided training in the
National Acupuncture Detoxification Associations
(NADA) 5-needle protocol, known to be useful for
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at a
refugee camp in Uganda. - 21 persons received certification, and over 500
treatments were provided to the refugee
population at Mulanda Transit Center.
2Mulanda Transit CenterUganda
3This mango tree yard were the meeting place for
community gatherings
4Life at Mulanda
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15Waiting for Water
16Waiting for Food
17Watching TV
18Watching Soccer
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21Soccer fans
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23The UNHCR team has a farewell party, as refugees
prepare to move to Kiryandongo camp. Most NGOs
pull out by the end of the week.
24The mood at the camp is hopeful and excited.
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26And lots of little people just going with the
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30This man, born with a deformity, had taken on the
role of keeping the kids in line, but was
obviously much loved by all.
31A girl named Bright
32The Kenyan Ambassador came and gave a speech,
urging refugees to return to Kenya.
33Beth Cole (Director of RMFs Whole Health
Team)and Charles Naku (Director of RMF Uganda)
34Introduction to AcupunctureThe block leaders
receive their first treatments
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37We always had an audience
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39Sarah, camp director for Save the Children
40Jacinta, Miss Tororo (District Title)organizes
youth programs volunteers with the Red Cross
41Lunch at Kenneths
42Typical LunchUgali/Rice/MatookeMeat
SauceBeans/Sukuma/Cabbageand for
dessertavocadoorgreen mango with chilli salt
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44How kids spend their time at camp
46 Girls playing jacks with rocks
48Big girls tress their hair
49Little girls tress their hair
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51Playground equipment got lots of use
53The schoolhouse with teachers headmaster (2nd
from right)
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60Morning porridge
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64The kids helped us lug desks from the schoolhouse
to our treatment area
65Selecting the trainees
66Classes and treatments were held in the community
church (still under construction the first few
days of training)
67Trainees receiving their first treatments
68Practice practice practice
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71Needle disposal by burning
72Preparing for first day of community treatments
73David trains a volunteer while the other David
starts needling.
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93Treatment Surveys
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96Jane and her daughters lost track of Janes
husband during the post-election violence.
97Jane and her youngest daughter are HIV
98Her older daughter has malaria
99While there, she missed the food distribution in
camp. When she returned, she found her
mattress, her food, and many other items stolen
from her tent. This rice was her familys only
food until they were transferred to Kiryandongo
camp the following week.
When Janes CD4 count dropped into the 40s, she
spent time at the local hospital.
100Janes younger daughter has not yet shown
symptoms of AIDS
101Jane and her daughters received acupuncture
support during the training.In a population
with serious challenges, Janes situation seemed
more extreme than most.
102RMF also supplied Jane with a new mattress, and
extra food.
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109This girls father brought her in, describing
convulsions since a serious bout of malaria
several years earlier
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111Many parents reported childrens increased
bed-wetting since the violence, so we adjusted
the protocol to address this
1125 minutes after treatment. This particular
patient puts the theory to the test
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118Last day of training exams, electing leaders,
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122Closing Ceremonies
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129The End
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